Frank Eliason, the best person who works at Comcast, has decided to leave Kabletown, USA in order to return to banking, where he’ll again be working in a social media capacity. We wish him the best, as he has always done his best to help our readers, despite the massive amount of abuse we have lovingly heaped upon him. [More]

How Many Comcast Techs Does It Take To Hook Up A TiVo?
Riddle me this, Batman. How many Comcast cable techs does it take to install a TiVo? We’d love to give you an answer, but we can’t because reader Lynn still hasn’t got a working TiVo after 3 appointments. Whoooops. [More]

Comcast Sends Me To A Payday Loan Where I Am Propositioned By A Hooker
Here’s a new one. We really thought we’d heard every Comcast complaint out there, but no, this one has a hooker. Reader A. wanted internet but Comcast said it could not hook up said internet because the person who lived there before didn’t cancel their account. In order to prove he was really the new tenant, he needed to show his lease to Comcast. Unfortunately, instead of a proper Comcast office, customer service sent A. to a payday loan in a bad part of town where he was propositioned by a hooker. He is not pleased, and would like to know if Consumerist readers would still sign up with Comcast after the whole payday loan/hooker fiasco. [More]

Tell FCC What You Think About Proposed Comcast/NBC Mergepocalypse By May 3
Do you have strong feelings for or against Comcast’s proposed acquisition of 51% of NBC/Universal? The FCC has asked for comments from “interested parties,” so if you have anything compelling to say on the matter, here’s where to go. [More]

Xfinity Is Apparently How Long You Must Wait For Comcast To Fix Your Cable
Reader Aaron directs us to his recent delightful experience with Comcast’s internet service. The tale begins when he finds the cable that is supposed to be supplying Comcast to his thirsty computer… draped across his driveway. This event causes one of those Kafkaesque situations where the tech guy calls to make sure you are home, even though the CSR said you didn’t need to be home, and then the tech doesn’t show up because he says you said you weren’t home, but you clearly were home, even though you didn’t need to be home…
Aaron says: [More]

Comcast Claims Your Cable Modem For The Nation Of Comcastlandia
Jim owns a cable modem. It got old, so he got a new one. Now Comcast has claimed the old one as their property, says it has not been returned, and wants money. Jim does not want to relinquish the money, or the modem, to Comcastlandia and their colonization attempts. [More]
Comcast Employee Found With Throat Slashed — Just A Workplace Accident
Police in Branford, CT say they are no longer investigating an incident where a Comcast employee was found unconscious with his throat slashed inside the fenced-off parking lot of a service center. Apparently, the knife-wound was simply a workplace accident. [More]

There Is No Power On Earth That Can Correct An Error At Comcast
Meet Stacy. Stacy moved into a new apartment. The person who moved out of the apartment had Comcast. Her neighbors all have Comcast. Stacy, however, cannot have Comcast. Why? A clerical error. And another one. And after that, still another. [More]

Why A Comcast/NBC Merger Is Bad News
As the Comcast/NBC mergepocalypse draws near, we wanted to remind readers of the ways that this is going to harm consumers (beyond the obvious things like 30 Rock being promised to come on between 6 and 10 pm and actually airing at 11:30). Join us for a sad look into the future. [More]

NBC & Comcast Had Secret Helicopter Meetings
The New York Times has a thrilling account of the secret helicopter hotel golf parties that resulted in the soon-to-be merger of NBC Universal and Comcast. There were code names! [More]

Even Waiting Outside Your Local Comcast Office Will Not Get Your Bill Corrected
Reader Kevin would like to be billed the correct amount for his internet service from Comcast. This is a dream we all share, so let us give our support to Kevin in this dark hour. In his letter to the CEO of Comcast, Kevin says that he has tried many tactics in order to get Comcast to charge him the correct amount — including — but not limited to —- going to the Comcast office and sitting outside in the hope that the account executive would show up. He didn’t. This mysterious account executive has also failed to answer messages left on his work voicemail and his cellphone. Perhaps he has become hopelessly trapped under a vending machine somewhere. Someone should try to find him before the scorpions show up.

Comcast Threatens To Cut You Off Unless You Pay $0.00
This should be an easy one to resolve. Readers Rich and Alisa doesn’t owe Comcast any money, and Comcast doesn’t want them to pay any money. Still, despite this agreement about what is owed, the cable giant still felt the need to threaten to cut off their cable.

Comcast Credits Your Payment To The Wrong Account, Disconnects Your Cable
Reader Adam wrote in to let us know that he’s switching to FiOS after Comcast credited his payment to the wrong account number, accused him of not paying his bill, disconnected his cable, lied about it, then couldn’t get it back on for several days.

Comcast Interrupts Pope With Girls Gone Wild
Oh, Comcast. Apparently, during a 2 a.m. showing of “Good Friday Mass at the Vatican,” Comcast interrupted this regularly scheduled program with… an ad for Girls Gone Wild.

This Is A Picture Of Comcast's Headquarters In Philadelphia
The above picture of the huge video screen in the lobby of Comcast’s headquarters in Philadelphia pretty much sums up everything you need to know about Comcast as a company.

Comcast Threatens To Cancel Your Service Over "Leaky Signal" That They Can't Understand Or Fix
Comcast keeps sending Andrew’s parents letters insisting that “there is a leak of our electronic signal into the air,” and that if it can’t be immediately fixed, their service will be disconnected. Andrew’s parents always immediately call Comcast to schedule a service visit, because nobody wants a signal leaking into the air, especially not one that “could interfere with aircraft and ship communications,” but each time they call, Comcast has no clue why they sent a letter, or how to plug the leaky plane-gobbling signal.

Comcast Spends 3 Months, 26 Days Trying To Fix Your Cable, Fails
After spending almost 4 months trying to get Comcast to fix the signal problems with his cable, reader William, who lives in an apartment building that only allows Comcast, has decided to just cancel his his account and go without.