Either Coca-Cola is crazy like a fox or just the kind of crazy that means showing people exactly how long they’ll have to exercise in order to work off the calories in a 16-ounce can of Coke. Speficically, its new campaign points out that it takes the average person 23 minutes of cycling to “pay” for those 140 calories, at which point a Rube Goldeberg-esque device will deliver the goods. [More]

Coke And Mentos Geyser Tests The Limits Of A Condom
It probably isn’t necessary for us consumers to test the structural integrity of our condoms, but this video published last week features a bold Italian experimenter doing just that. [More]

Soda In A Pod? Coke Buys Stake In Green Mountain Coffee To Make Its Dreams Come True
The thing about bandwagons is that anyone can hop on’em. You just need to have the right resources and the wherewithal to hitch yourself up there. Coca-Cola just bought what it needs to join the single-serving pod revolution, snapping up a 10% stake in Green Mountain Coffee so it can start working on its own system for making cold drinks at home. [More]

UK Bans Coca-Cola Ad Showing You How To Burn Off Calories From Soda
Earlier this year, Coca-Cola began running TV ads here and in the UK showing you all the fun activities you could do to burn off the extra calories you consumed while chugging down a Coke. But regulators overseas have since banned one version of the ad saying it misled viewers into thinking they could work off a can of soda with a lot less exertion than is actually required. [More]

Coca-Cola’s New Personalized Bottles Bumming Out People With Uncommon Names
By the time I was perhaps 7, I knew that approaching the rack of personalized license plates at the gift shop with even the tiniest shred of hope was a mistake. There would be no Mary Beth on there, only Mary, Tiffany, Jessica, Heather and other common names. That feeling of hopelessness is spreading now in various corners of the globe with Coca-Cola’s new campaign touting personalized soda bottles. [More]

Is The Real, Super Secret Coca-Cola Recipe For Sale On eBay?
The Legend Of The Super Secret Coca-Cola Recipe is thus: It’s like, super secret — as denoted by the legend’s name — and is kept hidden away in a safe at the World Of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta so no mustachioed villains from PepsiCo or elsewhere can twirl said facial hair diabolically and then steal it. Only a few employees at a time are rumored to know the formula. But one self-described treasure hunter says not only did he find it, he’s putting it up for sale on eBay. [More]

Coca-Cola Says It Will Stop Marketing To Kids
Being the nation’s largest soft-drink company, Coca-Cola has found itself the target of criticism from some lawmakers, regulators, public health advocates, and parents about sugary drinks’ contribution to America’s expanding waistline. Today, the company announced several goals intended to shake that stigma, including a promise to stop marketing directly to children. [More]

Mystery Solved: Why Walmart Thinks A Bottle Of Sprite Is A ‘Meal’
On Monday, we shared a reader-submitted photo of a shelf of two-liter soda bottles with some baffling signs. Coke, Sprite, and their diet varieties were declared “Wholesome, Healthy, and Delicious” and “Easy convenient meals.” Delicious and convenient, maybe, but they certainly aren’t wholesome, healthy, or meals. But reader Mindy snapped this picture at Walmart yesterday that might explain where the “meals” shelf tag came from. [More]

Coroner Concludes Woman’s 2 Gallon A Day Coca-Cola Habit “A Substantial Factor” In Her Death
When a New Zealand woman died in February 2010, her family swiftly pointed fingers at her 2.2 gallon a day Coke habit. Not the white powdery stuff, the drinkable, cola-y stuff. And although it’s taken three years, a coroner has found that the beverage was a major factor in her death. Coca-Cola had pointed out last year that too much water is bad for you as well, so it’s not surprising that the company disagrees with the ruling. [More]

Pepsi To Replace Coke In Costco’s Beloved $1.50 Soda & Hot Dog Deal
For many Costco shoppers, a trip to the warehouse store isn’t complete without stopping by the lunch counter and plunking down $1.50 for a hot dog and a Coca-Cola beverage. It’s the same price and pairing the company has had since 1985. But that’s about to change, with Costco making the decision to switch all its stores over to Pepsi. [More]

Coca-Cola Taking Its Head Out Of The Sand, Addressing Obesity For The First Time In Ads
We thought we might never see the day when Coca-Cola finally decided to join the obesity conversation, but as health advocates rail against high-calorie drinks, the company is stepping into the fray with an ad campaign addressing obesity. The first TV spot will air for two minutes today on a smattering of networks, and will highlight Coca-Cola’s drinks with fewer calories. [More]

How Did A Coke Only Cost A Nickel For 70 Years? Because Coca-Cola Said So
We’ve all heard the stories from our elders about how things have changed since they were wee ones. There were five-mile hikes to school in the snow, mean nuns with rulers and a propensity to slap, and Cokes for only five cents. But hold up — how could I have heard the story of the five-cent Coke from my mother and her father? And if I spoke to my great-grandfather he likely would’ve said the same thing. How in the heck did a Coke cost five cents for 70 years? [More]

The Last Returnable 6.5-Ounce Coca-Cola Bottle Has Made Its Final Roll Off The Line
Clutch your tiny 6.5-ounce returnable glass Coca-Cola bottle close if you’ve got one, because there won’t be any more where that came from. A small Coke bottler up in Minnesota says the last one rolled off the production line, and it isn’t going to make any more of that same kind because it just doesn’t make business sense. Darn you, business sense! [More]

Polarizing Video Asks “What If Those Coca-Cola Bears Actually Drank A Lot Of Soda?”
For years, Coca-Cola has aired ads featuring adorable animated polar bears that just love to drink the brown beverage. But a new video — created by the ad genius behind commercials for Burger King and yes, even Coca-Cola — tries to use those bears to push a message about guzzling too much soda. [More]

Coke & Pepsi Vending Machines Will Get Calorie Counts, Push Low-Calorie Drinks
Even though soda cans and bottles now feature large, clear calorie counts, the makers of the biggest brands of fizzy drinks have decided to go ahead and put calorie information on some of their vending machines starting in 2013. [More]

Coke: No Link Between Sugary Drinks & Obesity
While there is little doubt that the obesity rate in the U.S. has risen in recent decades, there is a lot of finger-pointing and “not me”-ing when it comes to placing blame. And with NYC Mayor Michael “I’ll just have water” Bloomberg trying to put the smackdown on high-calorie sodas, Coca-Cola is letting it be known it won’t fold without a fight. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Breaks Up With Pepsi To Go Steady With Coke
If your world actually does run on Dunkin’, you may notice a bit of a change at your local chain. The company announced Monday that they’re switching from offering PepsiCo products to Coca-Cola in all Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin Robbins in the U.S. [More]