Mystery Solved: Why Walmart Thinks A Bottle Of Sprite Is A ‘Meal’

On Monday, we shared a reader-submitted photo of a shelf of two-liter soda bottles with some baffling signs. Coke, Sprite, and their diet varieties were declared “Wholesome, Healthy, and Delicious” and “Easy convenient meals.” Delicious and convenient, maybe, but they certainly aren’t wholesome, healthy, or meals. But reader Mindy snapped this picture at Walmart yesterday that might explain where the “meals” shelf tag came from.
The soda display is supposed to be part of a display advertising a Walmart-made pizza and a two-liter bottle of carbonated corn syrup water as a take-home meal. Which actually makes sense.
Walmart, we almost forgive you.
Soda At Walmart Is Wholesome, Healthy, Delicious, Or One Out Of Three
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