The Jewish holiday of Passover is coming up, which means that Coca-Cola and Pepsi put out special versions of their signature beverages that contain regular old sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. [More]

Coke Clarifies That It Is Not Changing Its Recipe In Wake Of Study
Quit your whining, Coca-Cola aficionados — the company is not changing its recipe for Coke after a consumer group study claimed the caramel color they use causes cancer. While they’re disputing the study, they are also clarifying that they’re just asking caramel suppliers to modify their processes in making the color. [More]
The United Arab Emirates Will Not Stand For The Grocery Shrink Ray
When Coke and Pepsi cans sold in the United Arab Emirates were shrink rayed from 355 milliliters (about 12 ounces) to 300 mL (about 10 ounces) while the price remained the same, it wasn’t just customers who complained. The government noticed, too, and is removing the offending cans from store shelves. Those wacky foreigners! [More]

Coca-Cola Nixes Those White Holiday Cans That Freaked Everyone Out
You have grumbled, railed and complained against stark white soda cans and it seems Coca-Cola is listening, as they’ve announced they’ll return normal red Christmas cans next week. [More]

Teen Freed From Coke Machine He Tried To Steal From
The recession continues to inspire people to do stupid crap to avoid paying money. This week’s case in point, the teen who got stuck in a Coke machine after he tried to get a free can of soda. [More]

Blind Taste Test Shows That You Don't Really Prefer Mexican Coke
“What, Consumerist?! Nooo!” I hear you yelling at the screen after reading the title of this post. “I find Mexican Coca-Cola vastly superior. My sweet tooth is too sensitive! My palate is too refined!” That’s probably what the participants in a blind taste test for Serious Eats said, too. But tasters didn’t prefer the fine, refrescotaste of Mexican Coke. They liked one of two things: American coke poured from a glass bottle (even if they never saw the bottle), or American Coke that they were led to believe was Mexican Coke. [More]

Coca-Cola Plants Living, Breathing Billboard
Advertising, especially of the outdoor variety, is often viewed as being anti-green, a signifier of befouled outdoor spaces. But this Coca-Cola billboard is trying to turn that image on its head — and sell some Coke while it’s at it. [More]

Coca-Cola Raising Prices 3-4% In July
Just in time for 4th of July picnics, sucking down the sweet elixirs spewed out by Coca-Cola is about to get a little pricier. Citing the rising cost of commodities, the bottling giant announced it’s going to raise prices 2-3% in July. [More]

HFCS-Free Kosher Pepsi Now Available For Passover
Passover starts next week, which means that fans of non-HFCS colas can stock up on 2-liters of soda that eschew any sort of corn-based ingredients in favor of sugar. But while we’ve written about kosher Coke in year’s past this is the first year we’ve noticed that Pepsi is offering a Passover-ready drink. [More]

Diet Coke Unseats Pepsi As #2 Cola Brand
Pepsi has spent decades throwing stones at Coke from its position in second place among the fizzy beverage brands. And now Pepsi will need to toss those stones even farther as the brand has given up its spot to Diet Coke and slipped to third on the list. [More]

Coca-Cola Says Revealed Recipe Is Not The Real Deal
The internet has been abuzz this week with reports that Coca-Cola’s secret recipe had been inadvertently leaked in a 1979 newspaper story. But the beverage behemoth is attempting to kill that buzz by saying that the revealed recipe isn’t authentic. [More]

Coca Cola Launches Recycling Machine That Does The Sorting For You
Situated outside a Kroger in Arlington, TX, is a new structure that resembles a slimmed down drive-thru restaurant or the world’s longest ATM. It’s actually the first of Coca-Cola’s “Reimagine” recycling machines that allows customers to dump aluminum cans and #1 PET plastic containers in all at the same time. [More]

Study: Sugary Beverages Have Tenuous Relationship Between Reality And Nutrition Info
Adding fuel to the HFCS vs. sugar fire, a new study claims that not only does the actual amount of sugar in a sweetened beverage vary wildly from what the nutritional information says, but that drinks sweetened with High-Fructose Corn Syrup contain significantly more fructose than had been expected. [More]

Coca Cola: We Don't Need To Make A Cane Sugar Version Because You Already Have Mexican Coke
A few weeks back, we asked readers if they would buy a cane sugar version of Coca Cola and an overwhelming 89% of you said “yes.” So Consumerist asked Coke if the company had any plans to introduce non-HFCS version — a la Pepsi Throwback — on a national scale. The answer — no, because we already have Mexican Coke. [More]

More People Buying Mexican Coca Cola
Perhaps it’s the glass bottles. Or it could be the lack of high fructose corn syrup. Maybe it just tastes better. Whatever the reason, a growing number of folks on the north side of the Rio Grande are drinking Coca Cola bottled in Mexico. [More]

War Declares War On Pepsi Over Song Used In TV Spot
War’s 1975 hit song “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” is all about hugging it out and making nice, but don’t tell that four of the band’s original members, who have filed a suit against Pepsi, alleging the beverage company didn’t get proper permission to use the tune in their currently running TV spots for Pepsi Max. [More]

Vitaminwater Isn't Healthy, Rules Federal Judge
A federal judge ruled this week that Vitaminwater will not, as its labels promise, keep you “healthy as a horse.” Nor will it bring about a “healthy state of physical or mental being”. Instead, Vitaminwater is really just a sugary snack food; non-carbonated fruit coke disguised as a sports drink. Because it’s composed mostly of sugar and not vitamin-laden water, judge John Gleeson held that Vitaminwater’s absurd marketing claims were likely to mislead consumers. [More]

Dear Coke: Your Stupid New 2 Liter Design Doesn't Fit In My Fridge
Reader Eric wants to comment about the new design for the 2 liter Coke bottle. It’s a little thinner and taller and doesn’t fit in his fridge. [More]