A class action lawsuit filed in California accuses GameStop of collecting and storing customers’ data, violating state law in the process. [More]
class action lawsuits

"Shocked" That It's Not Healthy, Mother Sues Nutella
A mother of a four-year old child has filed a class action lawsuit against delicious hazelnut spread Nutella. In her complaint, the mother says she was as “shocked to learn” from her friends “that Nutella was in fact not a ‘healthy,’ ‘nutritious’ food,” as advertised, “but was instead the next best thing to a candy bar.” [More]

Wachovia Settles "Pick-a-Payment" Mortgage Loan Class Action
If you got a “Pick-a-Payment” mortgage from Wachovia between Aug 1 2003 and Dec 31 2008, you might be up for claiming some cash in a $50 million settlement. [More]

Ticketmaster Settles Class Action Lawsuit
If you bought a ticket from Ticketmaster between Oct ’99 and May ’10, get ready for some bucks/ticket discounts coming your way. Ticketmaster has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit brought against it in 2003 that alleged the ticket giant’s processing fees were just a “profit component” and didn’t recoup any actual costs of doing business. [More]

Taco Bell Releases New Statement On Class Action: We're 88% Beef!
Earlier this week a class action lawsuit was filed against Taco Bell, alleging that their beef is actually only 36% meat and the rest is “extenders” and other non-meat substances. Taco Bell’s President and Chief Concept Officer Greg Creed has released a new and more in-depth statement that goes into detail about the percentage of ingredients in the recipe, like how it contains 88% USDA-inspected quality beef. [More]

Toyota Allegedly Conspired To Keep Canadian Exports Out Of US — Get A Piece Of The Class Action
If you bought or leased a new car in the Toyota family from Jan 1, 2001 to April 30, 2003, you could get some cash in a new class action lawsuit. The lawsuit alleges a conspiracy between Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. and the Canadian Automobile Dealer’s Association (CADA) to keep Canadian car exports out of the states and raise prices for American consumers. [More]

Dirty Debt Collectors Sued Under RICO Act
A judge has set an interesting precedent, allowing a pack of skeevy debt collectors get sued under the RICO act, the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization law. [More]

Pay Movers A Fuel Surcharge Fee? Get Money Back
If you hired movers and paid a fuel surcharge fee, you could be up for getting some cash back in a recent class action action. [More]

Get Up To $175 In The Clorox Bowl Cleaner Class Action
You can get up to $175 if you bought, used, or suffered property damage from using Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl cleaners, thanks to a class action settlement. [More]

Lowe's Ups Chinese Drywall Settlement To $100,000 Per Victim
Instead of a few bucks and some gift cards, Lowe’s has amended its stinky Chinese drywall settlement so that plaintiffs can get up to $100,000 – money that will come in a lot more handy for people whose entire houses and most of their possessions were ruined by the sulphuric fumes. [More]

Lowe's Proposes To Settle Sulfur-Spewing Drywall Claims With Piddly Gift Cards
Lowe’s is proposing to settle in the tainted drywall class action lawsuit with gift cards. The gift cards will be $50, $250, or $2000. Never mind those who entire homes, way of life, and most of their possessions and electronics ruined or contaminated by the sulfur-emitting drywall. Here, how about a discount on a new showerhead? [More]

Get $10 Because Eclipse Gum Pretended It Killed Germs
Eclipse gum says it kills germs. A false advertising class action lawsuit begs to differ. Wrigley denies any wrong-doing, but now you can get $10 if you bought any of their chewing gum after June 1 2008. [More]

Sign Up For MSN Internet At Best Buy? You Could Get $75
If you signed up for MSN Internet at Best Buy between 1999 and 2004, you could be entitled to up to $75. [More]

BoA Sued For Taking TARP $ But Not Helping Foreclosures
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Bank of America for taking $25 billion in federal TARP bailout money but intentionally failing to live up to its part of the bargain. The deal was that banks were supposed to use use the money to allow struggling homeowners to reduce their payments to affordable levels. “Bank of America came up with every excuse to defer the Kahlo family from a home loan modification, from stating they ‘lost’ their paperwork to saying they never approved the new terms of the mortgage agreement,” said the plaintiff’s attorney. “And we know from our investigation this isn’t an isolated incident.” Bank of America declined to comment.
Washington homeowners file class action against Bank of America [Seattle PI]

Join The 24 Hour Fitness Class Action Lawsuit
If 24-Hour Fitness kept charging even after you cancelled, you might be eligible to join a class action lawsuit against them. You can join if you were debited between Oct 2, 2002 and Feb 28, 2010. You could get $20 back, or, in a perhaps ironic twist, a three month gift certificate to 24-Hour Fitnesss.
Friedman, et al. v. 24 Hour Fitness USA [via Top Class Actions]

Join The Latest And Greatest Class Action Lawsuits
If you got some free time and want some cash and are cool with waiting a few months for it to arrive, here are some new class action lawsuits you can join. [More]

Join The Class Action Against AT&T's Slothly DSL Speeds
A class action has been filed against AT&T DSL for being too slow. Specifically, the suit alleges that AT&T set the maximum rate customers could get at a level that was lower than the advertised rate. The company denies these claims but has opted to settle instead of going to court. You’re eligible to join if… [More]

Yelp Accused Of More Negative Review Extortion
Yet again, business owners are accusing massive review site Yelp of extortion–and they’ve filed a class action lawsuit. This time, instead of guaranteeing positive reviews in exchange for cupcakes, the site is accused of contacting business owners and offering to remove their negative reviews for money. In a written statement, Yelp denied the allegations and noted, “Running a good business is hard; filing a lawsuit is easy.” [More]