To settle a class-action suit over reordering transactions to maximize overdraft fees, Bank of America agreed to pay out $410 million months ago. A judge has now approved the settlement, and the bank has coughed up the money into an escrow account from which it will be distributed to customers who were part of the suit. Those who had a Bank of America debit card between January 2001 and May 24, 2011 will automatically receive a payment of at least 9 percent of the fees they paid. [More]
class action lawsuits

Verizon Class Action Settlement: Get Refunds For Accidentally Pressing "Get It Now" Button
If Verizon “erroneously” charged you for accidentally pressing the “Get it Now” or “Mobile Web” buttons on your phone, you can file for a refund, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Woman Sues "Drive" For Not Having Enough Driving
A woman has filed a lawsuit against the movie Drive because she felt the moving didn’t have enough driving in it relative to what was promised in the movie trailer. [More]

More Groupon Employees Sue Over Unpaid Overtime
Groupon was hit with a second employee lawsuit alleging that the company failed to pay overtime. It’s only the latest in a series of major setbacks for the social coupon site casting its future into doubt. [More]

Get $3.99 In Oprah Free KFC Coupon Debacle Lawsuit
Two years ago, Oprah promoted on her show a KFC coupon for a free grilled chicken meal. Now the class action lawsuit the resulted after that ended in tears has settled. [More]

Get $500 Each Time Sprint Called You After You Said Stop
If Sprint telemarketed you after you told them not to call you again, you could get $500 for each time they rang you up, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Get $15, $30, Or $60 In Chase Credit Card "Payment Protection" Class Action
You’re eligible to claim cash if you had a Chase credit card and got charged for a payment protection product between Sept 2, 2004 and Nov 11, 2010, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Get Free Minutes In Verizon Wireless Class Action
A class action suit that alleged Verizon Wireless charged customers on the “America’s Choice II Calling Plan” for roaming, even though the plan is supposed to have no domestic roaming, has resulted in a settlement. If you were a subscriber to this plan at any point after February 21, 2005, you’re gonna get some free minutes. [More]

Bank Of America Paying Out $410 Million For Reordering Your Transactions To Maximize Overdraft Fees
What makes this Bank of America $410 million class action settlement special is that it’s over a basic consumer banking business practice. For years, banks have been processing your daily transactions in order from highest to lowest, rather than real-time. They say they’re doing us a favor so that if we have a check bounce, it’s the one for the babysitter and not the mortgage payment. But this class action suit claims that Bank of America did this to unjustly enrich itself. It’s one of over 60 lawsuits against various banks for similar practices, and it could reshape the entire industry. [More]

Man Gets $10 In Eclipse Gum Class Action Settlement
Last August we told you how you could get ten bucks in an Eclipse gum class action settlement over how they claimed to kill germs, and reader Tom writes in to say he just got his Hamilton in the mail. Cash money in the bank! [More]

Class Action Suit Against BofA For Deceptive Loan Mods Goes National
Olly, olly, oxen, free. A class action lawsuit against Bank of America claiming they were less than above board with their loan modification practices has been certified for national participation. [More]

Judge Denies DirectBuy Settlement For Being Too Paltry
A judge has given the thumbs down to a proposed settlement in the class-action lawsuit against DirectBuy over its pricing practices. The settlement would have been free memberships to DirectBuy, worth $3,000, to around 800,000 class members. In other words, they were getting sued for being a bad deal and having a problem with their prices, and their make-good is a free pass so you can come in and keep paying those same prices. [More]

Lame Settlement Reached In Kinoki Foot Pad Class Action Lawsuit
If you purchased Kinoki Foot Pads and were totally shocked when they didn’t “suck out” toxins from your body, have heart. Thanks to a recent class action settlement, you can get ten bucks in cash if you can show your receipts. You can also instead opt for twenty bucks worth of gift products from the same maker for each box of Kinoki Foot Pads you purchased. That sounds like a better deal to me, especially considering one of the alternate products is the “Criss Angel Money Printer.” [More]

AT&T: Mandatory Binding Arbitration Actually Benefits The Consumer
Earlier today, the Supreme Court ruled that it’s okay for companies to effectively preempt class-action lawsuits by putting mandatory binding arbitration clauses into their contracts with consumers. To most of us, that looks like a slap in the face to the American consumer, but the folks at AT&T want us all to know that the Supreme Court decision is actually going to benefit us all. [More]

Lawsuit: Benjamin Moore's Odorless Paint Actually Quite Stinky
Benjamin Moore’s Natura paint is billed as an eco-friendly, odorless paint with no volatile organic compounds that doesn’t stink up your house while it dries. Some consumers love it, and some don’t. Bu some consumers really don’t like it, and one woman has initiated a class-action suit claiming that Natura wouldn’t dry and stunk up her house so badly that she couldn’t stay in her home. [More]

Supreme Court Rules That Companies Can Block Customers' Class-Action Suits
In a huge blow to peeved consumers, the Supreme Court ruled earlier today that companies can block customers from joining together in a class-action suit by forcing each complaint into arbitration.

Lawsuit: Campbell's "Regular" And "25% Less Sodium" Tomato Soup Both Contain 480mg Of Sodium
Here’s a trick question: How much sodium does Campbell’s “25% less sodium” tomato soup contain compared to regular Campbell’s tomato soup? Would you believe that both contain 480 mg? And that the first one costs more? Four NJ housewives couldn’t, and a federal judge has ruled that their lawsuit against Campbell’s over what they call misleading labels can proceed. [More]

Lowes Ups Stinky Drywall Settlement From $4,500 To $100,000
Remember those stories about the drywall sold and installed by big American chains that turned out to be contaminated by noxious sulfur smells? Well, now Lowe’s has upped its max payout for affected homeowners from a max of $4,500 in cash and gift cards to $100,000. Replacing the amount of appliances and other possessions irreversibly tainted by the horrid smell can easily reach that one-hundred grand mark so this is a step in the right direction, and lays bare how paltry Lowe’s initial offer was. It’s just business, baby, stinky, stinky, business. [More]