If the plaintiffs in a new discrimination lawsuit against Citigroup are to be believed, the headline-making “Sexy Banker” wasn’t the only one who may have been improperly shown the door by the bank for lacking a Y chromosome. [More]

CitiFinancial Auto Keeps Deducting Payment On Zero Balance Loan, Triggers Overdraft Fees
Marc’s monthly budget just exploded into a mess of overdraft fees thanks to CitiFinancial Auto’s negligence, and now he’s not sure how to get them to actually do anything to fix it. [More]

Does The "S. Larson" Who Always Signs Citibank Customer Letters Really Exist?
For decades, “S. Larson” has been the named that signed the bottom of Citibank’s letters to customers. But does this person actually exist or are they a construct? [More]

Sexy Banker: Chase Told Me To Shut Up About Citibank Lawsuit
You remember last week’s story of the former Citibank employee who claimed she was fired for being too sexy? Of course you do. Now she’s claiming that her current employer, JP Morgan Chase, has asked her to stop her public campaign against a fellow banking giant. [More]

Did Citibank Fire This Woman For Being Too Sexy?
A former banker at a Manhattan branch of Citibank has filed a lawsuit against parent company Citigroup, alleging that she was fired from her job for just being too attractive. [More]

What's The Best Card For International Travel?
When hitting the shops overseas, many credit cards will charge you additional international transaction fees. The savvy traveler needs to equip themselves with a credit card that charges low or no fees at all. Here’s the current rates for the seven credit cards with the lowest international transaction fees: [More]

Citi Demands You Pay $0 Or They Will Foreclose On Your House
In these tough times, homeowners with difficulties paying their mortgage dread receiving that letter from the bank informing them that their loan is in default. Except for Consumerist reader Ryan, who recently got some certified mail from CitiMortgages telling him his home was at risk of foreclosure, unless he immediately forked over $0.00 [More]

Citi Socked Me With Fee, Rate Increase Because I Lost My Card
Justin says he couldn’t pay his Citibank credit card balance because he lost his card and couldn’t log into the system because he hadn’t yet received his replacement. As a result, he was stuck with an interest rate hike and a missed payment fee. [More]

Citi: We Lost $7.6 B, But On The Bright Side, We Fired 100,000 People
Citi CEO Vikram Pandit is reassuring investors today after his firm lost $7.6 billion in 2009 by telling them to look on the bright side — at least they fired 100,000 people. [More]

Citicorp Deferred Interest Trap Springs Shut On Man Who Underpaid By $11
I suspect some readers will say that Assefa Senbet is to blame for screwing up one of his final payments to Citibank on a deferred interest loan agreement. They’ll be right–it was his responsibility. But he didn’t skip a payment, and he wasn’t late. In fact, he frequently overpaid in order to pay it off early. Near the end of the loan, however, he sent in a check for $70 instead of $81. As a consequence, he’s now paying off $887 in deferred interest fees at a 30% interest rate. [More]

Citi Promises No Foreclosures Or Evictions For One Month
About 4,000 borrowers who were either scheduled to have foreclosure sales or who were going to receive foreclosure notices will be left alone until January 17th, according to CNN. [More]

Citibank: Transfer $5000 In Debt Onto This Card Or We'll Double Your APR
“It’s the increased cost of doing business,” was Citicard’s constant refrain when Kent’s husband called to complain about their latest pre-CARD act adverse action insanity: transfer $5000 in balances from other credit cards to this credit card or we’ll double your interest rate. Listen to Kent’s message left on the new Consumerist hotline and/or read the transcript:

Citibank To Charge Fees On Checking Accounts
If you’re a Citibank customer who has one of the bank’s two smaller checking account plans—the ones where the monthly fee is waived as long as you use direct deposit or their online bill payment—then maybe it’s time to consider taking your business elsewhere. Starting in February, anyone with an average balance of less than $1500 will be assessed a monthly $7.50 service fee, reports the New York Post.

Citibank Invents "Pretend Rate" For Credit Card
Citibank has changed the terms of Victor’s credit card agreement, and in the process they’ve created a bizarre rolling refund arrangement that will make his interest rate jump to 29.99 percent, except that actually it won’t, eventually. Maybe. Update: Another reader sent us a copy of the letter, and the arrangement is even less favorable than we first thought (see below).

Citi Mysteriously Closes Scads Of Mastercard Accounts Nationwide
Without warning, Citi decided to close a swath of gas-station co-branded Mastercard accounts nationwide. The trouble seems to have started October 15. Quan was one of the affected customers and the credit card company was pretty disingenuous about it when called.

Citi Gives Self Permission To Sell Your Personal Info If You Get Prepaid Rebate Card
Greg says he inadvertently authorized Citi to share his personal info because he applied for an online rebate. He writes:

"What Do I Do When My Lender Isn't Playing Fair With Loan Modification?"
Yesterday, the New York Times wrote about a judge in Arizona who forced Wells Fargo to explain why it keeps stalling and being uncooperative with a customer who has been trying to get a loan modification request approved. Sadly, in the past week we’ve gotten two separate emails from homeowners who are also having trouble with getting banks to approve their requests for the government-sponsored loan modifications. “Who can we contact to complain?” asks one frustrated customer.