In response to our post, 9 Confessions Of A Former Sports Authority Manager, SA Customer Service Manager Mike Ashton, who works in the corporate office, contacted Consumerist to let us know that customers can call him first, at 800-666-8143 or 720-270-6267, or emailing, before using the other contact information in the old post. Here is the message he left: [More]
consumerist hotline

DirecTV Marketer Steals DISH Customers Via 800 Number Squatting
A sneaky DirecTV marketer has bought up toll-free numbers that end in “DISH.” When DISH Network customers call up, the operators make it sound like they’re from Dish and offering them a free service upgrade, but in reality, they’re switching the service and slamming the Dish Network customer into a DirecTV service contract.

Citibank: Transfer $5000 In Debt Onto This Card Or We'll Double Your APR
“It’s the increased cost of doing business,” was Citicard’s constant refrain when Kent’s husband called to complain about their latest pre-CARD act adverse action insanity: transfer $5000 in balances from other credit cards to this credit card or we’ll double your interest rate. Listen to Kent’s message left on the new Consumerist hotline and/or read the transcript:

Call Consumerist's New Tip Hotline: 347-422-6695
Consumerist has a new hotline you can call to leave tips by voicemail. Just call 347-422-6695 or 347-42C-ON95 and let it fly. It’s hooked up to a Google Voice account so we can easily embed and play your voicemail in a post. Of course, if you rather the tip be on background and not used for direct posting, just ask for that in the message. We even already have a message since putting up the number in the sidebar yesterday: