
Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

If your cellphone contract is ending, you can haggle the next one into a much better deal. Here’s how:

BREAKING: Cingular Shuts Off TDMA Service

Starting today, Cingular is shutting off TDMA cellphone service in Toledo.

Top 10 Reasons To Hate Cingular

Top 10 Reasons To Hate Cingular

Consumerist reader Cody has put together a list of the best reasons to not do business with Cingular.

In Case Of Nuclear Strike, Your Cellphone Insurance Is Void

In Case Of Nuclear Strike, Your Cellphone Insurance Is Void

Your cellphone is not insured against loss in a nuclear crisis or a warzone.

Cingular Prude, Verizon — And Staff — Puts Out

Cingular Prude, Verizon — And Staff — Puts Out

Rick needed a replacement earbud gel on his Jabra Bluetooth headset. He’s a Cingular customer so he went into a Cingular store to buy one. They told him he would have to buy an entirely new headset.

Cingular Spreads Pinnochio Porn

Cingular Spreads Pinnochio Porn

It started out innocently enough, a Florida mom trying to send her family members a picture of her daughter sporting new braces.

Cingular Salesman Attack Each Other With Boxes

The stagnation has gotten so bad that their their salesman are reduced to cruel cardboard box pranks to entertain themselves.

Unholy Marriage Betwixt AT&T and Bellsouth Nearing FCC Approval

Unholy Marriage Betwixt AT&T and Bellsouth Nearing FCC Approval

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin seems to be close to inking his rubber stamp for a merger between AT&T and Bellsouth, a move that would create the world’s largest telco company.

Update: Cingular Prez Calls Beckie About EON

Late last week, we sent Beckie an email, seeing if she’d gotten anywhere with Cingular and their crazy Team EON. As it turned out, she has.

UPDATE: We Talk To Cingular About Their One-Way Contract

Since Beckie’s story about Cingular unceremoniously canceling her account proved so popular amongst the Fark crowd, I decided to give Cingular a call this afternoon. I’m not Ben, so I didn’t bother recording it: I just wanted some answers as to how this all worked from an actual human being.

Cingular’s One-Way Contract

Beckie is a reader who started out with a cell phone from a small company that got bought by AT&T. As you well know, AT&T was bought by Cingular. A few months later, Beckie received a letter from Cingular asking her to voluntarily discontinue her service because more than 50% of her calls were using competing networks and she was no longer economically feasible for Cingular. In return, Cingular would allow her to keep her numbers. No refund. No apology. No free unlocked phones.

Cancel Cingular By “Moving” To Caliente

Cancel Cingular By “Moving” To Caliente

A reader reports he was able to get out of his Cingular contract by telling them he was moving to a remote area of NV.


• If you run an email promotion, Cingular, make sure the products are being offered for less than what people would pay by going to your very own website. [eCommerce Cache]

Consumerist Lesson of the Day: Good Service Should Not Be Treated Cynically.

And, once again, we are proven so sweetly redundant:


• Aetna doesn’t feel like paying for this baby’s Tay Sachs treatment. [Dear Aetna]

You Pay For the Unintended Consequences of Cell Number Recycling

As cellphone use explodes, the number of times a number is recycled increases. This used to just mean a few “sorry, wrong numbers” but now it might mean a big billing headache.

NONUPDATE: Cingular Wants to Yank Docs

NONUPDATE: Cingular Wants to Yank Docs

Since Cingular legal counsel sent us a note Friday demanding we call and take down some internal documents, nothing has happened. They told us to call. We didn’t call. Instead, we insulted their note. Other sites picked up and popularized the story. Nary a further Cingular peep. Not even a full cease and desist. Sigh. We feel a little left at the altar.

Old Phone? Cingular Charges You $5 More

Old Phone? Cingular Charges You $5 More

Cingular plans to start charging customers with older model cellphones five extra bucks in order to poke them towards upgrading.