
WABC Looking For Angry Cingular Customers

WABC Looking For Angry Cingular Customers

WABC wants to hear from NYC-area Cingular customers who are against the text-message rate price hike.

Ask The Fray: What’s The Legal Definition of ‘Subscribe?’

Ask The Fray: What’s The Legal Definition of ‘Subscribe?’

In the correction Cingular offered on our, “Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise” post, Cingular contends that text-messaging is not a service that users “subscribe” to.

Cingular Responds

Cingular sent us this email in response to “Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise.”

We Interview Cingular About Cancelling Over Text Message Plans

We Interview Cingular About Cancelling Over Text Message Plans

JackLeaker: yes, I’m sure they are…

What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates

What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates

This is what Cingular will probably tell you if you call up trying to get out of your cellphone contract and service without paying an early termination fee based on their recent text message rate raise.

Cingular Foils Reader’s Attempt To Break Contract

Cingular Foils Reader’s Attempt To Break Contract

Reader Corey wants to break out of his Cingular cellphone contract without fee, but is having trouble.

Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise

Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise

Gimlet-eyed Cingular customers may have noticed the cellphne provider changing its text message rates from $.10 to $.15 and realized they can use that to escape contract without early termination fee.

Like, Cingular Friends MySpace

According to Reuters, Cingular has cut a deal to offer MySpace on almost all of its cell phones. For a measly $2.99 a month, people not old enough to have cell phones, let alone MySpace profiles, can update photos, check MySpace messages, and update their blogs…all from their phones! It looks like the holidays have come early for internet predators!—MEGHANN MARCO

With Our Help, Reader Escapes Cell Plan For Free

We helped reader Michael leave his Cingular cellphone contract without early termination fee.

Top 10 Biggest Business Debacles 2006

Top 10 Biggest Business Debacles 2006

Welcome, New York Times readers. Here’s a bit of an intro to The Consumerist, if you’re curious and want to learn more.

Cellphone Dealers Won’t Sell Nice Phones To Less Profitable Customers

Cellphone dealers will sometimes hold new and limited quantity cellphones from existing customers, preferring to sell them to more profitable new customers or contract upgrades, members of HowardForums allege.

Nokia, Cingular to Try Mastercard Test in NYC

Nokia, Cingular to Try Mastercard Test in NYC

Good news for those of you who don’t fear ID theft. Nokia, Cingular, Mastercard and Citi are testing some crap that lets you pay for things with a cell phone. The phones will use the “Mastercard Pay Pass” system that’s already installed in some stores. If you live in NYC and are accepted into the trial, you get a free phone. You need to be a Citi account holder and a Cingular user. Let us know how you like it and if your ID gets stolen. Good luck. —MEGHANN MARCO

HOWTO: Unlock Your Phone

HOWTO: Unlock Your Phone

Now that your phone is your own, you can unlock it. Depending on the type of phone it is, unlocking can be as simple as getting a code from your phone company, or as difficult as “drilling into a shield over the main circuit board to tap into the right contacts and kicking the phone into a special diagnostic mode to get at the unlocking code.” Uh, yeah. Thankfully there are smart people at PC Magazine who can give us the lowdown on the formerly shady practice of unlocking a cell phone.Yay!

Ask The Consumerists: Help! Cingular’s Auto Bill Pay Sucks!

Our reply, inside…

Verizon: Best Nationwide Cell Service

Consumer Reports has released the results of their cell phone customer service survey. Sprint and Cingular were among the lower-rated performers, while Verizon came out near the top of all cities surveyed. Apparently in Cleveland, Pheonix and Tampa there is a company called Alltel that people are very fond of as well.

Cingular Wins 1.1mil from Data Mining Douchebags

Cingular Wins 1.1mil from Data Mining Douchebags


Cingular To Hold “Texting Bees” For Parents

From The New York Times: “The company, the largest cellphone carrier in the United States, will hold a series of interactive “texting bees” around the country early next year to teach parents how to send text messages to their children. The promotion is a way to increase sales, of course. But the company contends that its campaign will help parents get to know their sons and daughters by teaching them teenage slang and the advantages of texting over making phone calls, sending e-mail or simply having a conversation.

Cingular Plans Mobile Banking

Cingular Plans Mobile Banking

Reuters is reporting that much-maligned-on-this-website cell phone carrier Cingular will be launching cell-phone based banking software in 2007.