

• A certain big blue box retailer uses fake statistics in ads to argue against minimum wage increases. Color me classy. [Beachwood Reporter]


• Internet sales tax is a Communist front. [The Red Tape Chronicles]

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Here is the note Cingular’s legal counsel sent us to take down documents we posted. The items have info about how Cingular determines a customer’s “long term value” or “LTV.” This LTV is used to determine how many discounts they will give you to prevent you from cancelling your account.

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

We just received a note from Cingular’s legal department.

Cingular Sics Debt Collectors On Innocent Customer

Cingular Sics Debt Collectors On Innocent Customer

An AT&T customer, Chris upgraded his plan after the merger with Cinuglar. A week later, Cingular sent him a bill for $300, an “early termination fee.” Welcome to the neighborhood, indeed.

Cingular Switches to Rebates By Debit Card

Cingular Switches to Rebates By Debit Card

Cingular has decided it prefers you spend your rebate than save it, so now they’re going to make you.

Cingular Database Has Convenient Billing Glitch

Cingular Database Has Convenient Billing Glitch

Cingular Boasts 267% Profit

Amidst a looming lawsuit over its lack of service to newly incorporated AT&T customers, as well as our revelation that Cingular will no longer try to retain its most unprofitable consumers:

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

A snip from a recent memo that teaches Cingular retention specialists how to avoid giving discounts to customers they deem unprofitable.

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

A customer service source inside Cingular sends us some interesting internal documents and says the cellphone company has a new policy that’s got the headset set in a bind. He reports that Cingular will, “no longer discount equipment for customers that are not profitable for us, no mater where they stand contractually. I have received several calls from customers attempting to upgrade, only to have to inform them that although yes, they are out of contract, we will not offer them discounted equipment. “

Cingular Bill Walks Like A Duck

Cingular Bill Walks Like A Duck

Cingular’s inability to maintain accurate billing records are resulting in invoice overages which they seem powerless to fix, according to DB’s complaint.

Cingular Customer Denied Access To Billing Records

Cingular Customer Denied Access To Billing Records

If you’re looking to join the newly minted class action against Cingular, you might want to turn that shredder off. A customer was seeking to replace the billing records he had shredded, in order to prepare to join the suit, and called up the cellphone company.

HOWTO: Join The Cingular Lawsuit

HOWTO: Join The Cingular Lawsuit

If you were an AT&T customer as of October 26, 2004 and, following the switchover to Cingular

Cingular Lowers Bar On AT&T Customer’s Necks

Cingular Lowers Bar On AT&T Customer’s Necks

Cingular duped and overcharged AT&T customers ported over following their merger, contends a lawsuit filed last Thursday.

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

• Ebay prez pledges to get rid of those 95 cent items with $50 shipping costs. [Ebay]

Reduce….Recycle, Wasn’t There Another R?

Reduce….Recycle, Wasn’t There Another R?

Being an environmentally conscious good Samaritan, Erika Anders recycled her cell phone after she was done with it at a local Best Buy. The next month, she received a bill for $20,590.67. Many of the calls originated from Brazil.

AT&T No Longer Exists

AT&T No Longer Exists

Some people just are gluttons for punishment. Ed Horrell gets his fill by calling up customer support lines and recording the results.

The News; Impotent Indignation

The News; Impotent Indignation

• The news is not that a data breach at VISA had a data breach that caused consumer’s debit cards to get stolen, it’s that they’re actually finally formally announcing it. “Visa Says ATM Breach May Have Exposed Data” [CT]