After a Facebook Live video posted over the weekend showed workers at a Philadelphia Checkers restaurant smoking cigarettes in the kitchen and talking about having sex with customers went viral, the company says those employees will lose their jobs. [More]
watch your mouth

Philly Fast-Food Workers Fired After Gross Confessions On Facebook Live

Burger King Says Testers Found Its New Fiery Chicken Fries To Be “Spicy As $#*!”
If there’s one thing big companies have learned, it’s that if you’ve got a good thing going, it’s best to just cling to that, and repeat it as many times as possible to achieve ultimate success. So not only is Burger King hoping to draft off its success with its chicken fries, it’s now jumping on the trend bandwagon and make them super spicy with new “Fiery Chicken Fries.” [More]

Kid In Store Asks Demo iPhone A Question, Siri Tells Him To "Shut The (Bleep) Up"
We knew it was just a matter of time before Siri got fed up with the whole nice, iPhone voice-activated assistance thing and showed her true colors. A young boy in London was trying out one of the phones in a store and asked Siri, “How many people are there in the world?” and got quite the potty-mouthed response. [More]