
Same Zune Gay Porn Post, Now With Video Included

CHANELL: “And she asks me what is this? And I’m like, I don’t know what that thing does. So she gave it to me, and it was a homosexual orgy… that they had videotaped for an hour and 44 minutes.”

Walmart Sells Gay Porn Filled Zune To Little Girl

Walmart Sells Gay Porn Filled Zune To Little Girl

Chanell Martin bought her 12-year old daughter a Zune from Walmart, pre-loaded with gay porn.

Comcast Repair Worker Charged With Murder

From the Chicago Tribune:

Chicago Snow Storm; Rebook Flights Now With No Penalty

CBS2 Chicago is reporting that American and United, O’Hare’s biggest carriers, are urging people to rebook flights in and out of Chicago. “Because of the weather both American and United are allowing passengers to rebook their flights without penalty, and some have already taken advantage of that.

Christmas is Here, and Here, and Here…

Christmas is Here, and Here, and Here…

It’s Christmas, motherfuckers, like it or not. Every year they start the holiday shopping push earlier and earlier. The worst offender we know of is Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, IL. We swear they start putting Christmas shit up in September, we just can’t prove it. Also, one Chicago radio station has already shifted to round-the-clock holiday music. What the hell?

Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

An update on the Weingolds who are suing a Prius salesman, claiming he screwed them over on a sale and then proceeded to leave threatening messages on their answering machine.

The $27,933.55 Gas Bill

The $27,933.55 Gas Bill

Michelle Stevens was shocked to open her mail and see People’s Gas bill for $27,933.55

Spammer Mad That People Call Him A Spammer

A Chicago area spammer took London-based anti-spam outfit, Spamhaus, to court. E360 was mad that Spamhaus had added their ip addresses and names to a blacklist.

Chicago BYOB Dining Google Map

Chicago BYOB Dining Google Map

Brown-bagging it is a time-honored money-saving tradition for alcoholic nonconformists. Dr. Vino’s new Google Map mashup shows what Chicago-area restaurants let you be a BYOB cheapskate.

Anger God by Eating Foie Gras

Anger God by Eating Foie Gras

Chicago’s city council drew praise from some quarters, ridicule from others, when it passed a law making foie gras, the enlarged liver of a force-fed goose or duck, illegal. Better yet, the enforcement mechanism of citizen’s arrest was reminiscent of a culinary Charles Bronson movie.

Foie Gras Thwarted With Citizen’s Arrests!

Foie Gras Thwarted With Citizen’s Arrests!

There’s nothing like smearing the pulverized liver of a goose upon a fresh slice of baguette, sipping daintily upon a small glass of heady wine, staring longingly into a lover’s adoring face… then having her stand up and declare citizen’s arrest.

Chicago Alderman Regally Summons Fast Food CEOs to Explain Trans Fat

Chicago Alderman Regally Summons Fast Food CEOs to Explain Trans Fat

In a city seething with corrupt officials, rife with crime and poverty, what’s public enemy number one to the city alderman? Why, the gelatinous blob of trans fat stalking through the city streets, engorging itself upon hapless citizens.

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Salesman’s Arrest Warrant

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Salesman’s Arrest Warrant

In the case of Prius sale gone wrong, Mark tells us that he met with a lawyer this weekend. The lawyer agreed to help sue Mr. Gentile, the salesman.Dan Wolf Toyota of Naperville. Yay. Lawsuits.

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Warrant For Salesman’s Arrest

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Warrant For Salesman’s Arrest

On Monday, we posted part of Mark’s story about how he tried to return a Toyota Prius and ended up incurring the wrath of vengeful salesman who placed obscene phone calls at all hours to his wife. A warrant is now out for the salesman’s arrest.

Best Buy Sold ‘Destroyed’ Hard Drive at Flea Market

Maybe the Geek Squad’s pocket protectors are strapped on too tight.

UPDATE: Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories, +1

UPDATE: Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories, +1

Here’s a first, Justin writes about one of the very same extreme flight delays that another reader wrote in about!

Utility May Help Oust Coyotes

After her small dogs were attacked by coyotes, Illinois resident Julie Winters sought recourse from all manner of sources, from the local police to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Now she may have a surprise ally: the Commonwealth Edison utility company. Reports the Chicago Tribune:

Chicago Seeks Mandatory Cameras for Bars

Chicago Seeks Mandatory Cameras for Bars

Chicago mayor Richard Daley has proposed a city ordinance that would require all bars open until 4 a.m. to install closed-circuit security cameras to monitor the comings and goings of patrons. The proposal includes measures that would eventually require all businesses open longer than 12 hours a day to do the same—all this, we should note, at their own expense. Never mind that the businesses already pay taxes to support a police force that, if these cameras are necessary, aren’t effective enough.