
Did McDonald's Commit A Crime By Giving Hotcakes To Voters?

Did McDonald's Commit A Crime By Giving Hotcakes To Voters?

Reader Josh writes us with concerns that a Chicago McDonald’s Franchisee committed a crime by offering free hotcakes to “early voters” in Chicago. He writes:In Chicago, some McDonald’s restaurants are offering free hotcakes to people who early-vote in the local runoff elections!

Comcast: Chicago Going All Digital By July

Comcast: Chicago Going All Digital By July

If you’re one of those stone-age-type people who live in Chicago and don’t yet have a digital cable box, you’ll be getting one in July. Comcast has nearly completed a $400 million dollar upgrade and will discontinue analog broadcasts this summer. Customers who plug their cable directly into their TV will receive only local channels following the official switch. From the Chicago Tribune:

Completion of the upgrade means all Comcast customers that have basic service will need to exchange their analog set-top boxes for digital set-top boxes. The cable company will not charge an additional fee or raise rates for current analog customers, Schaefer said.

Downtown Chicago Quiznos Infested With… Coyotes?

Downtown Chicago Quiznos Infested With… Coyotes?

Of course, it’s a bit odd that a coyote would seek refuge in a Quiznos sandwich, but that’s what Adrian did, strolling east on Adams in the post-lunch crowd. He walked in the front door that had been propped open because of the warm weather. He settled into the beverage cooler after unsuccessfully trying to vault the counter.

Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean

Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean

Google, either encouraging physical fitness or zero population growth, offers the above helpful suggestion when mapping the route from Chicago to London.

Click here for the full directions and map of the route.—MEGHANN MARCO

Get on the Bus: $1 Tickets in the Midwest

Get on the Bus: $1 Tickets in the Midwest

If Greyhound and the Chinatown buses are still too expensive for your traveling budget, we’ve got a sweet ride for you.

Chicago Has The Worst Mail Delivery In The US

Chicago Has The Worst Mail Delivery In The US

The audit found that first-class mail sent between Chicago ZIP codes made it to the correct address the next day 91 percent of the time. The cities that fared best in the audit had deliver rates of around 97 percent.

Lawsuit Alleges Comcast Allowed Murder Suspect To Stay On The Job, Kill Again

Lawsuit Alleges Comcast Allowed Murder Suspect To Stay On The Job, Kill Again

A Polish immigrant was killed because a cable repairman was allowed to continue making house calls despite being a suspect in a murder investigation, the victim’s fiance alleges in a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Chicago.

Great Moments In Commercial History: Moo and Oink

We think you’ll all agree, this Classic Moo and Oink commercial is possibly the greatest thing ever broadcast over the airwaves in the history of mankind. From the piles of meat, to that one woman’s sweater, to the strange painful sounding sign-off, Moo and Oink raises the bar for all regional chain stores. We salute you. Seriously. This makes us happy.—MEGHANN MARCO

Bears Player Reneges On Super Bowl Tickets; Prompts Discussion of Contract Law

Bears Player Reneges On Super Bowl Tickets; Prompts Discussion of Contract Law

Bears safety Chris Harris promised Super Bowl tickets to a guy with a cable access TV show during an interview. “If we win,” Harris said, “he’s going.” Turns out, the 33 year old cable access guy is, in fact, not going. Harris only gets 10 tickets and he’s giving them to his family.

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

Angela Weigold writes in what’s new with her case against a dirtbag Prius salesman, James Gentile. This was a guy who, after the deal went raw, left multiple harassing phone messages daily, called Angela a “whore” and put her phone number on online escort websites.

Study Finds “Reverse Robin Hood” Effect In Illinois

    Draw a map of Chicago-area communities where businesses have received state subsidies. Now draw another of places plagued by joblessness.

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court

Angela Weigold writes in what’s new with her case against a dirtbag Prius salesman. This was a guy who, after the deal went raw, left multiple harassing phone messages daily, called Angela a “whore” and put her phone number on online escort websites:

United: Charlie Trotter Is Back

United: Charlie Trotter Is Back

They fired him in 2001, but Charlie Trotter is coming back to design the menu for first and business class passengers, says United. “Trotter previously contributed to United’s menu from 1999 through 2001, creating such esoteric fare as Maine lobster with tropical fruit and black pepper, and Thai barbecue poussin with braised collard greens and preserved red onions.”

Conserve Energy By Watching Hourly Rate

Conserve Energy By Watching Hourly Rate

For more information about the program check out the Community Energy Cooperative. Save Money! —MEGHANN MARCO

Comcast Mistakenly Disconnects Telephone Number Customer Had For 54 Years

After more than five decades with the same phone number, Frances “Sugar” Shankman lost her number when Comcast mistakenly disconnected her line.” When Frances tried to get the number back, Comcast issued her a new one.

Recycle Your Xmas Tree

Recycle Your Xmas Tree

Don’t be one of those people with a Christmas tree up in February, recycle it! Here are some fun things that cities are doing with their trees.

Starbucks Removes Trans Fats, What?

Last year, the company introduced trans fat-free cranberry bliss bars nationwide “but we didn’t let people know that.”

Elite Fliers Are Better Than You

The New York Times has an article today about the ways in which elite flying status is having a larger impact on the travel experience. Elite passengers are subject to fewer fees, get priority boarding, and enjoy privileges that regular passengers don’t. “United is testing a new check-in and boarding procedure at San Francisco International Airport that completely separates elites from other passengers. Frequent fliers are checked in, screened and boarded in their own lines. The new program, tentatively called Airport Premier Services, will be added at United’s hubs in Chicago and Washington in early 2007, and at an undetermined number of other airports later in the year.”