We hear that Wisconsin is a pretty good place to live if you like cheese, but a new local offering from McDonald’s has made it an even better one. That’s because as a limited-time offering, the fast food chain is selling deep fried cheese curds in its restaurants across the Badger State. [More]

4C Grated Cheese Recalled Because Salmonella Doesn’t Taste Great On Pasta
Thinking of having a nice spaghetti dinner tonight? How about a few slices of cheesy pizza? If your plans also include topping those dishes with grated parmesan or romano cheese you might want to check the label, so as to make sure you’re not sprinkling salmonella on your dinner. [More]

WI Scientists Study Important Question Of How To Keep Cheese Curds Squeaky Longer
If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to pluck a Wisconsin cheese curd from the bag and pop it into your mouth*, you know how important it is to hear the cheese squeak as you chew, thus, indicating its exquisite freshness. Alas, after a day or two, the squeak — and a lot of the joy — is gone. Some intrepid scientists wanted to know: is there any way to extend the squeak so folks outside of Wisconsin can experience this wonderful feeling? [More]

Truck Carrying 40K Pounds Of Delicious Cheese Overturns On Highway
We are never fans of wasted food, and so it is with a certain measure of sadness that we must tell you: a semi-truck carrying 40,000 pounds of shredded cheddar overturned on an Oregonian highway, spilling the trailer’s delicious contents everywhere. [More]

Science Says: Cheese Makes Wine Taste Better
Your Friday night plans have just been validated by science: a new study finds that eating cheese with wine makes wine taste better. [More]

Switzerland’s Cheese Purists Are Not Impressed By Microwave Fondue
Come, dear readers, and gather round for a tale of a land far away where the the people eat seven times more cheese than the rest of the world on average. In that magical-sounding, yet very real place, getting people to eat more cheese — when the country is already at peak cheese — is a very real problem for the industry. [More]

U.S. Farmers Have Dumped 43 Million Gallons Of Milk So Far In 2016
Whether it’s in your coffee, cereal, dessert bowl, cheese sandwich, or straight up in a chilled glass, most Americans consume milk in some form on a pretty regular basis. But with a glut of cheap white stuff on the market, farmers have reportedly spilled some 43 million gallons of milk through just the first eight months of 2016. [More]

USDA Announces Plans To Buy $20M Of Country’s Surplus Cheddar Cheese
Having an excess of cheese on your hands might sound like a dairy lover’s dream come true, but when an entire nation has a surplus of the stuff, things get a lot trickier. [More]

Exec Of Company That Sold Fake Parmesan Cheese May Avoid Jail With Food Pantry Work
Remember the company that peddled imitation grated Parmesan cheese and billed it as the real deal (silly question — of course you do, no one could forget such a crime against cheese)? U.S. prosecutors are now asking that the executive of Castle Cheese Inc. be sentenced to time working in a food pantry or soup kitchen. [More]

Archaeologists Find Evidence Of 3,000-Year-Old Cheesy Cooking Disaster
Have you ever left a pan on the heat a bit too long while cooking, resulting in a hardened, inedible mess that even the strongest scrubbing sponge can’t clean? You’ll be glad to know that Norsemen living 3,000 years ago are just like us: archaeologists say they’ve unearthed evidence of a cooking disaster involving burnt cheese. [More]

Of Course People In Wisconsin Are Getting Wedding Cakes Made Entirely Out Of Cheese
Usually, the topic of wedding trends makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a wire hanger dipped in hot tar, but when you introduce cheese into the picture, well, that’s another matter entirely. [More]

Grassfields Farms Cheese Sold At Whole Foods Recalled For Possible E. Coli
Cheese is one of our favorite foods here at Consumerist, but its creamy deliciousness doesn’t make it immune to some very unappetizing foodborne pathogens. Grassfields Cheese, a small producer in Michigan, has announced a recall of all cheeses produced between December 2015 and August 2016 because they have been linked to E. coli infections. [More]

6 Things We Learned About The Test To Become A Certified Cheese Professional
Today I learned that there’s an entire group of people to envy that I was unaware of: Certified Cheese Professionals. To become one of these special cheesemongers, there’s a very demanding test that I was a little sad to find out isn’t so much like tasting samples at the supermarket, but more akin to taking a grueling, standardized test in high school. [More]

Not Again: Some Jerk Stole 20,000 Pounds Of Cheese In Wisconsin
If you thought cheese could be safely left alone, months after a series of cheese thefts rocked the dairy love world, you thought wrong. Some brazen jerk out there is still stealing cheese in Wisconsin. [More]

An Oversupply Of Cheese & Meat Hurts Producers; Means Better Prices At The Store
Supply and demand: the push and pull of time, money, materials, and desire that influences the price and availability of all commodities. An overreaction to a shortage today can result in a glut a few years from now, and vice versa. So how did we end up with the current overabundance of cheese, meat, and grains in the U.S.? [More]

The U.S. Has A Giant Cheese Surplus And Unfortunately, This Is A Bad Thing
In many cases, having too much cheese is the kind of problem that can be solved by pointing me in the direction of that dairy and letting nature take its course. But the surplus cheese and butter situation the U.S. now finds itself in won’t be sorted out so easily. [More]

Some Jerk Stole 19 Cases Of Provolone From A Colorado Restaurant
While we take all forms of food theft very seriously, when someone commits a cheese-related crime, we get very annoyed. We’re none too pleased right now with the jerk who pilfered almost $2,000 worth of provolone from a Colorado eatery, a jerk whose crime is depriving potential customers of the enjoyment of eating cheese. [More]

We Can All Be Proud That A Wisconsin Cheese Won The World Championship Cheese Contest
Full disclosure: I’m from Wisconsin, and I love cheese. So it isn’t surprising that the news that a Wisconsin cheese won the World Championship Cheese contest has me over the moon (which is made of cheese, of course). But we can all be proud, friends, because this is the world championship, and no U.S. cheese has won the title in nearly 30 years… until now. America! [More]