cell phones

Verizon Will Refund False Data Charges To 15 Million Customers

Verizon Will Refund False Data Charges To 15 Million Customers

It stings enough to pay inflated monthly charges to cell phone companies, but it’s far worse when your device doesn’t let you access the network you’re paying for. [More]

AT&T Writes Me To Say It's Spending Tons Of Money To Improve Network

AT&T Writes Me To Say It's Spending Tons Of Money To Improve Network

Derick forwarded us a letter from AT&T boasting that the company plans to spend between $18 and $19 billion to stop the company from being the butt of call-dropping and crackly service jokes. [More]

Verizon Guy Tells Me The Customer Is No Longer Always Right

Verizon Guy Tells Me The Customer Is No Longer Always Right

Let’s face it — the maxim “the customer is always right” never really held true. But still it was nice and polite for managers and customer service reps to at least pretend they had customers’ needs in mind. So it’s distressing yet oddly comforting to hear the bluntness in which A Verizon CSR handled Sean: [More]

Pay Your Early Termination Fee Or Get A Black Mark On Your Credit Report

Pay Your Early Termination Fee Or Get A Black Mark On Your Credit Report

A cell phone provider’s early termination fees isn’t a polite suggestion — it’s a contractual payment you’ve agreed to give to the company for failing to stick with its unsatisfying service. Whether or not the agreements are ethically valid, you’ll have to pay them or face collections and a likely scar on your credit report. [More]

Verizon Wants $500 For 35MB Of Phantom Data Use

Verizon Wants $500 For 35MB Of Phantom Data Use

Chris is taking on Verizon over what he says are fraudulent cell phone data plan charges. He says his dad uses an old plan that charges 1.5 cents per kilobyte as opposed to Verizon’s current rate of $2 per megabyte. There are 1,024 kilobytes in a megabyte. [More]

Phones Loaded With Porn Rarely Go To People Who Appreciate

Phones Loaded With Porn Rarely Go To People Who Appreciate Them

As if parents didn’t have enough of a reason to hesitate to give their 10-year-olds cell phones, now they have to worry that the devices will be loaded with images that are quite a bit more graphic than what kids will see in elementary school sex-ed videos. [More]

Verizon Sent My Billing Info To Some Other Guy

Verizon Sent My Billing Info To Some Other Guy

When Matt ordered his phone from Verizon, he expected a confirmation email. What he got instead was a phone call from a stranger who got his email by accident. The message contained loads of personal information. Matt, freaked out about the privacy violation, is going to use the free month of service Verizon offered to make up for the lapse to reduce his early termination fee. [More]

Verizon Treats My Dumb Phone Like A Smart Phone, Requires Useless Data Package

Verizon Treats My Dumb Phone Like A Smart Phone, Requires Useless Data Package

Jonathan is angry that Verizon requires a $10-a-month data package for his wife’s lower-end flip phone, which she has no intention of using to web surf. [More]

Sprint Totally Has The Hots For Me

Sprint Totally Has The Hots For Me

Relationships get awkward when one party drops the “L” word too quickly. Such is the situation in which Jeremy found himself when he dug through his Sprint contract. [More]

Do You Still Use Your Land Line?

Do You Still Use Your Land Line?

According to a recently released study, there are more than 5 billion cell phones in use around the world today, with 20% of those just coming into use in the last 18 months. More and more, people are either ditching their traditional land lines or relegating it to a secondary role, especially in large metropolitan areas. [More]

Virgin Mobile Jolted Into Action By Executive E-Mail Carpet Bomb

Virgin Mobile Jolted Into Action By Executive E-Mail Carpet Bomb

Nancy tells Consumerist that she and her husband recently bought shiny new phones from Virgin Mobile, and were quite happy with their service. Well, until Nancy’s phone stopped working entirely. She tried the normal technical support channels, but encountered a run-around that lasted for almost two weeks. Two weeks during which Nancy lacked a functioning phone. She gave up on the normal channels, read our guide to sending an executive e-mail carpet bomb, and sent us a copy of her original missive. [More]

T-Mobile Will Give You Any Phone You Want For Free Saturday

T-Mobile Will Give You Any Phone You Want For Free Saturday

T-Mobile must really, really want your dad to get rid of his Zack Morris-style bricklike cell phone, because it’s offering any phone it offers in its stores for free Saturday with a 2-year new commitment or extension along with a switch to a family plan or an added line on your account. The offer is only good at retail stores. [More]

AT&T Site Sells iPhone Plans For $30 Cheaper Than Apple Site

AT&T Site Sells iPhone Plans For $30 Cheaper Than Apple Site

On the hunt for the best iPhone 4 plan price he could find, Josh says he found plans to be much cheaper on the AT&T site than through Apple. Unless his findings were some sort of fluke it seems like a no-brainer that prospective customers should visit the former rather than the latter. [More]

Why The iPhone 4 Is Sticking With AT&T… For Now

Why The iPhone 4 Is Sticking With AT&T… For Now

While Monday was a joyous one for iPhone geeks eager to re-up their AT&T contracts to nab an iPhone 4, it was a sad day in Mudville for Verizon folk who feel they were left at the altar with no announcement that they too could partake in its wonders. But the wait for the device, or one like it, on Verizon may not be all that far off. [More]

I Don't Want This Random Government-Subsidized Cell Phone

I Don't Want This Random Government-Subsidized Cell Phone

There are programs that provide government-subsidized cell phones to low-income people. This is all very useful and lovely…unless you’re Laurin, who is stuck with a subsidized phone that no one in her household ordered, and the company doesn’t seem to want back. [More]

Survey: 15% Of Drivers Getting Their Swerve On While Driving

Survey: 15% Of Drivers Getting Their Swerve On While Driving

From cell phones to stereos to billboards to those pesky other vehicles on the road, driving a car comes with a whole host of distractions. A new survey attempts to quantify just how many people are being distracted by the various and sundry things vying for drivers’ attention. [More]

I Live In A Place Can You Hear Me Now Guy Fears To Tread

I Live In A Place Can You Hear Me Now Guy Fears To Tread

Craig most definitely can’t hear you now because he’s stuck in a Verizon dead zone. The cell phone provider offered to sell him a coverage extender for $200, but he felt like he was being shaken down and is choosing to bail. He writes: [More]

Bipartisan Senate Push Seeks To Expose Owners Of Prepaid Cell Phones

Bipartisan Senate Push Seeks To Expose Owners Of Prepaid Cell Phones

A couple Senators are Voltroning to introduce legislation that would let authorities track identities of prepaid cell phone owners. Anyone who’s seen The Wire knows criminals thrive off of pre-paids. [More]