
Damn, Not Even Rental Car Companies Are Buying Cars

Damn, Not Even Rental Car Companies Are Buying Cars

Here’s some depressing news — not even rental car companies — the largest purchasers of automobiles, are buying cars this year, says CNNMoney.

Oregon To Consider Predatory Towing Ban After Meals-On-Wheels Is Almost Towed During Delivery

Oregon To Consider Predatory Towing Ban After Meals-On-Wheels Is Almost Towed During Delivery

Remember Andrew? His car was towed from Starbucks while he was inside sipping a latte. He isn’t alone. In mid-August, a predatory tow-truck driver set up shop outside a retirement community and waited for local meals-on-wheels driver Marie Phillippi to leave her car. As she made her deliveries, the tow-truck driver latched on and prepared to tow. He was stopped only when a retiree ran out and splayed herself across the car’s hood until the Marie could return. The tow-truck driver’s actions were entirely legal under Oregon law, although that may soon change…

$10 Check From Budget Secretly Signs You Up For Costly Club

$10 Check From Budget Secretly Signs You Up For Costly Club

If you’ve rented from Budget and get a $10, check in the mail, don’t sign it, reports Upgrade Travel Better. The fine print says doing so gives “Trilegiant” permission to sign you up in a monthly “discount” club with a monthly fee. Worse, it allows them to use the credit card you rented the car with to start charging the fees. Pretty sleazy.

Auto Title Loans, Illegal In Most States, Even Riskier In Georgia

Auto Title Loans, Illegal In Most States, Even Riskier In Georgia

Meet Scott. When builders in financial trouble stopped paying him the money he was owed as a brick and stone contractor, he became desperate. He needed a loan to buy him time while he tried to collect the money he was owed. Thinking he understood the risks, he used his wife’s 2004 Ford Expedition to get an auto title loan of $2,000 at an interest rate of 25% per month — or 300% APR.

Your Car Is Used. Should GM Still Be Responsible For A Mistake It Made In The Factory?

Your Car Is Used. Should GM Still Be Responsible For A Mistake It Made In The Factory?

At what point is an auto manufacturer freed from all responsibility for the car it makes and sells? Griffin says it’s almost certain that the incorrect body control module (BCM) was inserted at the factory, and that GM’s mistake cost him $459 to fix. GM says the former owner (Griffin’s friend) must have swapped out BCMs and therefore it’s “out of our control,” but Griffin argues that’s pretty much impossible.

Fiat To Take Over Chrysler?

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Italy’s Fiat will take a stake in Chrysler that may lead to a takeover — as soon as today.


Shaken by a huge drop in sales last month, Toyota has announced cash incentives to help move inventory, including (for the first time) the Prius. [Jalopnik]

Help, Starbucks Towed My Car While I Was Sipping A Latte!

Help, Starbucks Towed My Car While I Was Sipping A Latte!

Andrew’s car was towed from Stabucks’ parking lot as he sat inside enjoying his drink. The Portland Starbucks apparently has a contract with a local predatory towing company that allows them to walk in, call out a bunch of license plate numbers, and tow any car whose owner doesn’t speak up.

Three Cheap Recipes For DIY Windshield De-Icers

Three Cheap Recipes For DIY Windshield De-Icers

Throwing vinegar or alcohol on your frozen windshield might be more efficient than hacking away with an ice scraper and cursing the snow, according to Wisebread. Inside, three easy do-it-yourself de-icing recipes that are sure to make those frigid mornings a little more bearable.

Chinese Companies Want To Sell Cars, But Are Still Learning The Language

Chinese Companies Want To Sell Cars, But Are Still Learning The Language

This year’s Detroit Auto show was apparently much more subdued than in previous years. Automakers have scaled back, allowing room for Chinese car companies to peddle their wares. Consumer Reports says that the quality of the vehicles, and of the marketing material, has improved — sort of.


Nissan has decided to only make cars 4 days a week at its US plants as demand continues to drop. [Bloomberg ]

Video: Oil Speculators To Blame For Record Gas Prices After All

Video: Oil Speculators To Blame For Record Gas Prices After All

If you thought oil speculators as the reason behind the historic gas prices spikes of this summer was debunked, think again. From ’07 to when the price of oil collapsed, supply increased and demand dropped. According to basic economic theory, this should’ve meant the price went down. But all of a sudden an influx of capital, an infusion that brought the total at play from $13 billion to $300 billion, brought to market by large investment bankers, exploiting de-regulation and trading in black box private exchanges made possible by Enron, drove the price of oil from $69 to almost $150. A new 60 Minutes report explores the issue. Video inside.

Make Your Driver's License A Debit Card And Save 3 Cents Per Gallon Of Gas

Make Your Driver's License A Debit Card And Save 3 Cents Per Gallon Of Gas

If you live in or around Austin, Texas, you can save 3 cents or more per gallon by turning your driver’s license into a debit card.

Whoops: Ford Might Need A Bailout After All

Whoops: Ford Might Need A Bailout After All

Ford has been busy marketing itself as America’s Healthiest Automaker — but Bloomberg says that the company may need a bailout after all.

The 10 Most Reliable Car Brands VS Your Preconceived Notions

The 10 Most Reliable Car Brands VS Your Preconceived Notions

Consumer Reports just did a study about car brand perceptions, so we thought we’d compare the top 10 most highly perceived brands to their list of the most reliable car brands.

Hampton Inn Bans Customer For Parking In Their Garage

Hampton Inn Bans Customer For Parking In Their Garage

Hampton Inn general manager Jennifer Stahler banned reader Jack from staying at her Inn again because he dared to park his car in the Inn’s garage. Jack wasn’t sure he could park there in the first place, even though there weren’t any signs warning “private” or “employees only,” so after parking, he checked in with Jennifer who told him he was fine and even wrote him a parking slip. The next morning she changed her mind and demanded $38 in valet charges. When Jack reminded her that she never mentioned any fees and had given him a parking slip, she agreed to remove the charges but then explained that he was “no longer welcome to stay.”

Graphic: Why GM Will Still Fail

Graphic: Why GM Will Still Fail

Not that you necessarily need convincing that GM is doomed no matter how much cash is thrown at it, but here’s a cool graphic that shows all of the auto company’s problems as piles of shipping containers. The designer points out that “many aspects of this graphic can apply to the rest of the Big Three but I focused on GM since they are in the most dire position.”


Seemingly invulnerable Toyota will shut down its Japanese factories for 11 days as it too deals with the global economic slowdown. Previously, the company had been unable to keep up with demand for its fuel efficient cars. [NYT]