Modern canning techniques mean that the sale of food contaminated with Clostridium botulinum is very rare. However, some delicious-sounding Caribbean soups from the Island Soups Company have been recalled because a recent inspection by the Food and Drug Administration showed that they could potentially be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, the bacteria that gives off the botulinum toxin that causes the potentially fatal disease botulism. [More]
canned food

Kentucky City Allowing Motorists To Pay Parking Tickets With Canned Food For A Month
Residents of Lexington, KY now have another option along with searching through their couch cushions to come up with payment for parking tickets: the city will allow motorists to pay for their citations with canned goods throughout the month of November. [More]

SpaghettiOs Celebrates 50th Birthday By Shrinking Cans To 14 Ounces
Happy 50th birthday, Spaghetti-Os! You’re a fun and traditional American brand and the favorite food of 4-year-olds across the nation. How are you going to celebrate? By taking back up to an ounce of your former can size? That doesn’t sound very festive, SpaghettiOs. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Ladles Out 2.5 Ounces Of Del Monte Pasta Sauce
Del Monte recently redesigned its cans of pasta sauce. “New look, same great taste!” brags the label. Yes, the new label is bright and cheery, emphasizing fresh tomatoes. Very nice. Reader Joey spotted an older can on the shelf, though: one with two and a half ounces more of saucy goodness. [More]

Report: Some Canned Foods Have High Levels Of Suspected Carcinogen
According to anecdotal testing, countless diners will sit down tomorrow to a plate of turkey with a side of cancer risk. Research from the Breast Cancer Institute found that several common canned foods served on Thanksgiving have significant levels of BPA, a chemical connected to breast cancer. [More]

Hope And Pray This Canned Burger Makes It To The U.S.
Reader NORMLgirl, the very person who alerted us to Perky Jerky, has spotted another culinary wonder — the canned burger.

Store Brand Mixed Vegetables: Not Quite As Mixed As You Would Think
Have you ever taken a serving of mixed vegetables and sorted it by vegetable? Louis, annoyed at inaccurate depictions of food on labels, decided to sort, count, and weigh the vegetables in his can of Always Save brand canned vegetables. The results? Uh, not so mixed.
Spam Starts New Ad Campaign Today – Not Via Unsolicited E-mail
Spam. It’s cheap, it’s versatile, and I’ve been told that some people even find it edible. Sales of all canned food, including canned meat, are up in the recession, and Hormel’s new strategy is to promote Spam as something different for people to rotate into their monotonous meal plans.

The Crappy Economy Means You'd Better Learn To Love Canned Soup
You know who is making money despite the total eclipse of your 401k? Campbell Soup Company. That’s right. When you’re broke — you eat soup. But which soup should you eat?

Allen's Bribes Customers Who Find Dead Rat Heads In Their Italian Green Beans
Texas wedding caterer Dale Cane found a dead rat’s head in one of the twenty cans of Allen’s Italian Green Beans he bought at Walmart. Allen’s quickly offered Cane $200 if he agreed to keep quiet, and assured him that “the Pasteurization process renders the product sterile and completely safe for consumption.” Even worse, this isn’t the first time a dead rat’s head popped up in a can of Allen’s Green Beans…

FDA Announces Nationwide Recall Of 15,000 Cases of French Cut Green Beans
Hi there, green bean lovers! It looks like it’s not just Albertson’s that’s having green bean issues this morning. The FDA has announced a nationwide recall of 15,000 cases of green beans manufactured by Lakeside foods of Manitowoc, Wisconsin.

Hey, Let's Not Die Of Botulism From Eating Recalled Food
A reader who works at a health department has asked Consumerist to remind everyone to search their cabinets, their friend’s cabinets, the cabinets at their church and the cabinets of any kitchens at work for products included in the botulism recall.