Panera Bread’s stand against artificial ingredients is marching ahead apace, with an announcement from the company that it’s eliminated artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, and flavors from its entire line of soups. It’s all part of the chain’s plan to go additive-free by the end of this year. [More]

Costumes, Toys, And Soup Add Up: Star Wars Stuff May Be Worth More Than $9B To Disney
Hey, have you heard of this little movie coming out on Friday? It’s a Star Wars installment. Barely anyone is talking about it and there’s no advertising or merchandise, so it might be easy to… [More]

Customer Claims Panera Soup Came With A Side Of Razor Blade
When ordering a cup or bowl of soup from Panera Bread most people would prefer to have a roll or chunk of baguette accompanying their meal. But a Florida woman says her soup came with something extra on a recent lunch trip to the restaurant: a razor blade. [More]

Campbell Soup Reorganizes, Focuses On Non-Soup Food
People aren’t buying as much canned soup as they used to. Whether it’s because meals with a cream of mushroom base have gone out of style or people have left for other brands, Campbell’s canned soups aren’t selling like they used to. That’s why Campbell Soup Company is reorganizing its business to focus on lines of food other than soup. [More]

At Subway, You Can Have Any Soup As Long As It’s Broccoli Cheddar
“Still waiting for the third version to complete this fuel pump trifecta,” writes Taylor. Actually, my question was this: if there were a third broccoli cheddar soup sign, would that one have 190 per calories per serving? The calorie count is increasing from left to right, so it would make sense. [More]

Chicken Noodle Soup Taste Test Results: Just Make Your Own At Home
Our warm and comforting colleagues over at Consumer Reports taste-tested different brands of chicken noodle soup, and came to a conclusion straight out of this site’s comments section: consumers are better off taking fifteen minutes to make their own soup at home. [Consumer Reports] [More]

EPA Finds Soup Can From 1997 In Fridge (Which Means No One Stole Guy’s Lunch 16 Years Ago)
No one likes cleaning the refrigerator — all those weird coagulations of gunk and crusty debris at the bottom of a seemingly bottomless chasm in between drawers are enough to put off even the most stalwart cleaners. The Environmental Protection Agency is back to work cleaning up the world, but even it has realized it’s been avoiding a nearer cleaning task after finding a 16-year-old can of soup in a fridge at its D.C. headquarters.

Comfort Food Crime Wave Continues: Man Steals Truckload Of Soup
First, the comfort food crime cartels came for the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve, stealing more than 10,000 barrels and selling it on the amber market. Next was the Nutella theft: someone lifted more than $20,000 worth of choco-hazelnut spread from a truck in Germany. This week, we learned about a crime against one of the most comforting comfort foods, soup. Over the weekend, two men in Florida drove off with a tractor-trailer that contained $75,000 worth. [More]

Campbell’s Opens Pop-Up Hipster Soup Kitchens To Promote Soulless $3 Soup Pouches
Millennials, an age group roughly defined as “people who make the Consumerist editors feel old,” are a tough demographic to market to. How to reach them? “Free food” is usually a safe answer. That’s why Campbell’s is holding free soup events in big cities to promote their few products, $3 microwaveable soup pouches filled with the flavors foodies were crazy about in 2008. [More]

Pizzeria Uno Now Offers Soups That Defy The Laws Of Physics
On a chilly fall day, maybe you would like a nice thick bowl of soup. Pizzeria Uno can help you out with that. Timothy noticed something strange on this ad for Pizzeria Uno. A wooden board inexplicably tilts all of the food toward each other, and a delicious bowl of soup doesn’t even shift when it’s tilted at an angle toward the pizzas. [More]

Crab Soup Recalled for Undeclared Milk, Wheat and…Crab?
The sharp-eyed regulators at the FDA warn that Whole Foods is recalling cans of Rip Roar’N Crab Soup because the labels fail to tell consumers of a chief ingredient: crab. Wait. What? [More]

Lawsuit: Campbell's "Regular" And "25% Less Sodium" Tomato Soup Both Contain 480mg Of Sodium
Here’s a trick question: How much sodium does Campbell’s “25% less sodium” tomato soup contain compared to regular Campbell’s tomato soup? Would you believe that both contain 480 mg? And that the first one costs more? Four NJ housewives couldn’t, and a federal judge has ruled that their lawsuit against Campbell’s over what they call misleading labels can proceed. [More]

Reporter Actually Measures Noodles In Campbell's Soup
32′ of noodles is about 10 yards, so a reporter from KING5 in Seattle decided to lay them out, end by end, starting at the 10 yard line of a fooball field, to see if he could score a noodley touchdown. We applaud this effort.

Campbell's Brags About Its Noodle Length
Campbell’s wants you to know it packs 32 feet of noodles inside every can, and it’s paid for a Times Square billboard to teach that fact to you, AdAge reports.

What the hell? Even people who make CANNED SOUP are hurting. [Bloomberg]

The Crappy Economy Means You'd Better Learn To Love Canned Soup
You know who is making money despite the total eclipse of your 401k? Campbell Soup Company. That’s right. When you’re broke — you eat soup. But which soup should you eat?

Recession's Arrival Confirmed By Weird, Confusing "Canned Soup War"
Reader Michael noticed these weird, soup-bashing ads in some Detroit-area newspapers yesterday. It seems that Progresso and Campbell’s have launched some negative campaign ads — smearing each other for using MSG in their soup. Is the world ready for a canned soup war? If it is, should we be depressed about it?