California’s law requiring that chain restaurants post calorie counts for their foods took effect earlier this month. It’s already producing results, as two chains, Macaroni Grill and Denny’s, are reexamining and revising their offerings.

Massachusetts Fast Food Chains Must Now Display Calorie Counts
Massachusetts has approved a new regulation to list calorie counts at fast food eateries and other chain restaurants throughout the state.

Red Lobster Finally Makes Nutritional Info Available
Last May, we reviewed which fast food and chain restaurant websites were sharing nutritional information with customers and which ones weren’t. Red Lobster has always been stingy about nutritional info, so we’re happy to report that they’ve finally changed their ways and now offer an online and downloadable nutrition guide. The only thing we can’t figure out is how their “1 1/4 lb” steamed lobster is only 45 calories—that works out to about 1.5 ounces of actual lobster. (Thanks to zlionsfan!)

Terrifying Website Tells You How Many Calories You Drank Last Night
If you’d like to feel bad, we have a link for you. The BBC’s “Alcohol Experiment” shows you the amount of calories you consumed while drinking last night — or any night — and then translates them into (British) food.

Baskin Robbins Death Shake Has 2,300 Calories
Last time I checked, an adult male should consume 2,500 calories a day, and this shake nearly meets that requirement! The saturated fat present in that shake is over 3 times the RDA of 20 grams, which will put you on the fast track for heart disease. Of course, that’s if the Type 2 diabetes caused by all 266 grams of that sugar doesn’t get you first.

Taco Bell "Fresco" Bowl: 13g Of Fat or 8g? 350 Calories or 430?
I ordered the Zesty Chicken Border Bowl Fresco style without dressing. On the menu at the store, it reads under 9 grams of fat but on online, it reads 13 grams of fat. Please compare your special nutrition page for Fresco menu items to the Nutrition Calculator on the Taco Bell site. I made sure that I chose “Fresco Style” on the calculator and to be advertising something as under 9 grams of fat, but really having 13 is very misleading and wrong.

Top 10 Most Calorie-Packed Fast Food Items compiled the 272 fast food items most densely packed with calories. Here’s the 10 worst offenders: