call centers

Darker AOL Retainer Confessions

Darker AOL Retainer Confessions

Working as an AOL retainer can kill you.

Retro AOL Bashing

Retro AOL Bashing

Even before the roaring 2000’s ravaged AOL’s subscriber base like colectomy through Denny’s, the ISP was catching flack over its retention policies, as noted in an article from the golden-tinged yesteryears of 1998.

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

A snip from a recent memo that teaches Cingular retention specialists how to avoid giving discounts to customers they deem unprofitable.

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

A customer service source inside Cingular sends us some interesting internal documents and says the cellphone company has a new policy that’s got the headset set in a bind. He reports that Cingular will, “no longer discount equipment for customers that are not profitable for us, no mater where they stand contractually. I have received several calls from customers attempting to upgrade, only to have to inform them that although yes, they are out of contract, we will not offer them discounted equipment. “

Confessions of a Former AOL Retainer

Confessions of a Former AOL Retainer


A Little Birdy Went Tweet Tweet….

A Little Birdy Went Tweet Tweet….

…in the coal mine.

AOL… Disconnecting… Goodbye!

AOL… Disconnecting… Goodbye!

AObloatage notwithstanding, it would be remiss to end this week/month of fun without linking to the August ’05 agreements AOL made with future NY governor Spitzer regarding revising the ISP’s niggardly retention tactics.

Comcast is Nice, Frustrating Man

We’ve been fielding some inquiries lately from news organizations, asking our thoughts about recording customer service interactions. Will Vincent and the Sleepy Comcast guy inspire copycats? Will people try to game the system for kicks and national acclaim? Well, some guy tried to goad a Comcast rep during an intent to cancel call…

Convergys Still Not The Cat’s PJ’s?

Convergys Still Not The Cat’s PJ’s?

Is the Covergys call center company in the habit of hiring liars?

AOL Internal Memos, After Vinny’s Call

AOL Internal Memos, After Vinny’s Call

A disgruntled employee mailed in a triptych of AOL internal emails that followed the cancellation call heard round the world, finally launching the call’s recorder, Vincent, onto The Today Show, CNBC, CNN and even generated a comic strip, a Playboy parody video, and finally, our “Where is he now?” interview.

Be an AOL Retainer!

Be an AOL Retainer!

AOL After the Storm

AOL After the Storm

Now that AOL has weathered the Vincent Ferrari storm, what’s it like to cancel? Has anything changed? Are the reps more courteous? Do they tell you bedtime stories over the phone?

How AOL CSR Retain$$$ You

Pure unalloyed gold (Thanks to Roonil!):

AOL CSR Fired for Not Retaining

AOL CSR Fired for Not Retaining

A former AOL CSR, Michael, writes about how the company axes employees who don’t give cancelling customers the proper retaining:

Convergys Not The Cat’s PJ’s?

Convergys Not The Cat’s PJ’s?

Life Inside in an AOL Call Center

Life Inside in an AOL Call Center

10 years inside a call center pressure cooker, the Sitel Corporation. That’s how much time one reader clocked in as a “golden child” CSR on the road for upper management, until he quit to better his life.

HOWTO: Fix DSL Fast Like Ninja

HOWTO: Fix DSL Fast Like Ninja

A DSL call center manager emailed in some nifty tricks for getting at the top of the fix list. Many of them are quite sneaky. We like that. Thank you, sneaky Phil.

Pith & Vinegar

Pith & Vinegar

• Shopping for lingerie at Agent Provacteur includes free critiques of your boobs. [The Company Bitch]