burger king

Burger King Fed Apartment-Hunters With Secret In-Home Restaurant

Burger King Fed Apartment-Hunters With Secret In-Home Restaurant

Imagine you’re on the hunt for a new, affordable apartment in a big, expensive city. You’ve spent all day going from place to place, hoping to find one that even slightly resembles what the rental agent promises. Then you go check out a possible pad, only to find out there is an operational, pop-up Burger King inside. [More]


Canada Gives The Union Of Burger King & Tim Hortons Its Blessing

Burger King has been itching to go down the aisle with Tim Hortons for months, and now that the coffee chain’s motherland has given the okay, it’s one step closer to wedded bliss. Canada has officially given its approval of Burger King’s bid to buy Tim Hortons. No word on whether it’s likely to cry during its toast at the reception. [More]

(Burger King)

Burger King Revives Yumbo Sandwich, Menu Item Discontinued In 1974

The Yumbo, a hot ham and cheese sandwich, debuted on the Burger King Menu in 1969 and disappeared in 1974. That’s almost a decade before most of the company’s current leadership was born, but there are plenty of customers who do remember the sandwich fondly and will return for it. They probably won’t all freak out on Twitter like chicken fries fans did, though. [More]

(Jeepers Media)

If You’re Missing $100K, Your ATM Card And Some Drugs, Someone At Burger King Found Your Stuff

Does your back feel suddenly lighter? Is it like you were carrying the weight of $100,000 in cash, along with some drugs and a mysterious white rock, and now you aren’t? Perhaps you left your backpack filled with money, drugs and your ATM card at a Burger King in San Jose, where a manager discovered it. [More]

(Alan Rappa)

If You’re Going To Ask A Cop For A Ride To Burger King, Don’t Have Pockets Packed With Pot

This isn’t one of those stories where an incapacitated person makes silly fast food demands of the police and ends up getting arrested. But alas, while it’s nice to know there are cops out there willing to drive your average hungry citizen to Burger King, bringing along your drugs for the ride is not going to go over well in your new carpool. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King’s Foray Into Cheap Chicken Nuggets Ends A Month After It Started

It was cheep — excuse me, cheap while it lasted, but it’s all over now: A little more than a month after Burger King heralded its cheaper chicken nuggets, selling a 10-pack for $1.49, the company says its reversing course and bumping that price right back up again by the end of this week. [More]

The eBay India listing for the Mutton Whopper. BK India sold 380 vouchers in advance of this coming Sunday's opening in New Delhi.

Burger King India Let Customers Pre-Order Sandwiches Through eBay

Right after announcing a deal with PayPal that will allow customers to buy food without cash or credit cards, Burger King tried out PayPal’s parent company eBay to let customers in India pre-order Whoppers before the restaurants launch in the Asian nation. [More]

Mike Mozart

Burger King, PayPal Join Forces So Consumers Can Buy Whoppers With A Touch Of Their Phones

Consumers partial to using PayPal for purchases can soon take the payment system offline to buy breakfast, lunch, or dinner at Burger King. [More]

Burger King unveiled its newest non-beef menu items Wednesday ahead of the company's launch in India.

Burger King Ditches The Beef For New India Restaurants – Unveils Mutton, Vegetable Whoppers

When you hear the name Burger King, you assume the restaurant serves a plethora of burgers. And while that’s true in the United States, it won’t be the case for the company’s latest expansion into India, where menu items are beef-free. [More]


Burger King & Tim Hortons Get One Step Closer To The Altar With Canadian Watchdog’s Approval

Before those two crazy kids Burger King and Tim Hortons can start planning their wedding, they need to get the blessing of their parent nations’ respective antitrust regulators. Bringing the happy couple one step closer to walking down that aisle is Canada’s antitrust watchdog, which just gave the nuptials the go-ahead today. [More]

Jeepers Media

Burger King Franchisees Tired Of Inexperienced Corporate Field Coaches

During the last few years and under new ownership, Burger King has changed its business model slightly. The company once owned some restaurants as well as franchising its brand, but now has mostly left the restaurant-running business. Instead, they extract franchise royalties and send “field coaches” to look over the literal and metaphorical shoulders of their franchisees. [More]

The pile of parts man is accused of stealing from restaurants (St. Petersburg Police Department)

Cops Bust Man Accused Of Pilfering The Plumbing From Burger King, Cracker Barrel And More

You know what’s annoying? Heeding the call of nature at a restaurant, only to find that the thing that makes the toilet flush is missing, and the necessary plumbing to tote away what needs toting is gone as well. Who would want to steal pieces of toilets? Police in Florida say a man has been accused of visiting local eateries and pilfering the plumbing for his own gain. [More]

Comedian Accuses Burger King Of Stealing His Routine For New Commercial

Comedian Accuses Burger King Of Stealing His Routine For New Commercial

Over the years Burger King has crafted some interesting concepts for commercials. Remember the King in bed with unsuspecting people? The fast food joint’s latest man-on-the-street ad, while decidedly less creepy, has one comedian calling foul. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Man Sues Burger King Because Hiring An Alleged Taser And Switchblade Holding Manager Just Isn’t Cool

Although there are few things worse than receiving a cold batch of onion rings, getting attacked by a Taser and switchblade wielding fast food manager probably ranks right up there. These events all led to a lawsuit filed against Burger King last week. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King Tries To Fight McDonald’s Monopoly With Cheap Chicken Nuggets

Once again, McDonald’s is luring in customers with its Monopoly promotion, offering the promise of free food and prizes (but mostly resulting in game pieces you’ll forget to collect and then find a few months later in the bottom of your office drawer). In an effort to combat this campaign, Burger King is hitting McDonald’s where it hurts — right in the McNuggets. [More]

(Twitter: @elitedaily)

McDonald’s Japan Also Gets Into The Black Burger Game

Because there is nothing more appealing than a slab of dark gray meat on a dark gray bun, McDonald’s Japan has followed Burger King’s lead and introduced a burger that doesn’t look like anything you’d really want to eat. [More]

The McDonald's to Hungry Jack conversion chart.

Burger King Australia Will Honor Winning McDonald’s Monopoly Pieces

While fast food fans in the U.S. prepare to begin the annual ritual of collecting McDonald’s Monopoly pieces in the hopes of getting free food and other prizes, the promotion is already running in Australia. But rather than watch the competition benefit from this board game-themed campaign, the operators of Burger King’s Down Under operations are fighting back. [More]

(Burger King Japan)

Burger King Japan Creates Black Cheese For Its Black Burger And I Don’t Know How To Feel

If the saying is true and we eat first with our eyes, hope you’re hungry for some garbage bags: Burger King Japan has introduced a new black cheese to match its black burgers. And while I normally applaud any iteration of cheese in general, chowing down on a melted piece of Darth Vader’s helmet isn’t exactly an appetizing thought. [More]