It’s a rough day for users of, well, basically the entire internet: A major vulnerability in a huge web services company has been disclosed, and it means your personal data may have leaked into public view from a whole lot of places. [More]

How To Check Your Hotel Room For Bed Bugs Before You Start Itching
Bed bugs aren’t in the news on a daily basis like they were a few years ago, but they’re still with us, ready to travel from infested areas back to your home. You can avoid them in part by not bedding down or stashing your luggage anywhere that’s infested. [More]

Google Chrome Has A Bug That Makes It Super Easy For Pirates To Purloin Streaming Video
Lots of things made our modern all-online, all-video era possible: Internet connections got faster, tech got cheaper, and so on. But the thing that made companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu willing and able to become household names in TV is a little invisible: it’s the ability to keep you paying for content. [More]

Preventing Bug Splatter Could Save Airlines Billions On Fuel
When you’re flying through the air at hundreds of miles per hour, every little bit of wind resistance can result in the use of additional fuel. So if there’s a way to stop aircraft from becoming covered in dead bug goo, it could end up saving the airline industry a lot of money. [More]

Wendy’s Customer Says She Found Bugs In Baked Potato; Restaurant Says They Are Sprouts
Yet another fast food customer is claiming she was served up a little unwanted something extra with her meal, while the restaurant says it only looks like she was served up some bugs with her order.

Man Claims Burger King Sandwich Was Covered In Ants
It wasn’t a dead mouse or a dishrag, but a Pittsburgh Burger King customer claims to have found something just as disgusting on his burger: ants.

Android Bug Can Let Basically Anyone Bypass Your Lock Screen If You Use A Password
It is just not a great year for Android security, it seems. Researchers in Texas have discovered that some devices running Android version 5 (Lollipop) can be unlocked and accessed basically by just mucking around with buttons on the lock screen long enough. [More]

Florida Domino’s Shuts Down Because Live Roaches Shouldn’t Be Near Food
If the thought of bugs crawling around in a restaurant kitchen near food terrifies you, it’s best to stop reading now. A Florida Domino’s had to shut down temporarily after inspectors say they witnessed more than 20 lives roaches crawling on a table on the cook’s line and hanging out in a bin of onions. [More]

Burger Chain Turns Its Cricket Milkshake April Fool’s Joke Into Real Menu Item
Most of the time when we hear about bugs and food, it’s an unfortunate and unintended event that leads to disgust, repulsion and often, an apology from any business involved. This time it’s different: a burger chain is putting insects on the menu on purpose, after an April Fool’s joke proved to be popular with customers. [More]

Tesla Will Pay You Up To $1000 To Break Their Website — But Don’t Try It On The Cars
If there is one truism we can count on in the digital era, it is that everything has bugs. No matter how carefully designed or nominally secure something is, someone, somewhere, can find a vulnerability in it. [More]

Hackers Can Now Use One Free Tool To Hijack Your Facebook-Linked Login For Pretty Much Any Site
Modern life means logging in to about a zillion different websites and apps every week, with about a zillion different accounts. But there are ways to streamline it all — for example, logging in to everything with your Facebook account, as millions do. That’s much more convenient not only for you, but for hackers who have a new way to target you: a free, easy-to-download tool that exploits a bug in those logins to let them hijack your account. Oops. [More]

Comcast’s X1 Platform Might Have “National Known Issue” Stopping It From Actually Working
Comcast is really pleased with their Xfinity X1 platform, the set-top app-running digital-tuning computer that is their latest interpretation on the cable box. And it does indeed do some nifty things! But it’s also had some pretty bad, extremely widespread issues. And if what one customer service rep told a customer is true, it seems that far from being something sporadic and unpredictable, the problems with the X1 may instead be known issues that Comcast has yet to fix. [More]

Movie Theater In California Closed Until Tomorrow Due To Alleged Bed Bugs
It’s been a long time since we’ve heard any reports of bedbugs munching on people while the people munch on popcorn in a movie theater. Almost exactly four years, to be exact. A movie theater in a rural area of California will stay closed until Thursday after extensive de-bugging began over the weekend. However, the theater won’t confirm whether the mysterious insect infestation is bedbugs. [More]

Study: Flies On Your Food Are Way More Disgusting Than Cockroaches
Bugs and food don’t mix. But would you rather see a cockroach scramble over your eggs or a fly alight for a few seconds before taking off? Though the housefly might appear less scary than a roach, a new study says we should be more worried about the former walking around on our food. [More]

Albuquerque’s Grasshopper Invasion Is So Intense, The Bugs Are Showing Up On Weather Radar
If you don’t like the idea of grasshoppers descending on your town like a creepy, crawly blanket of bugs, stop reading now. Because while that’s probably not exactly what Albuquerque feels like right now, there’s an invasion of grasshoppers in that area right now so dense that the bugs are showing up on weather radar. [More]

Microsoft: Internet Explorer Security Flaw Responsible For “Limited, Targeted Attacks”
Another day, another computer security problem that could be opening up people to hack attacks: Microsoft says there’s a security hole in versions 6 through 11 of Internet Explorer, the default browser for many a PC user. And hey, remember when you were warned to stop running Windows XP? This is why. [More]