When you think of Greece, you probably think of toasting friends with ouzo or sipping a nice wine, and not putting back a few bottles of Heineken. However, one Greek brewer claims the Dutch company has nevertheless bullied its way into staying on top of the country’s beer market and stymied competition over the last few decades in the process. [More]

Guinness Opening Its First U.S. Brewery In 60 Years
The Guinness brewery in Ireland is a popular tourist destination for American fans of the dark brew, as it’s been 63 years since Guinness made any beer stateside. That will soon change. [More]

Kirin Expanding Craft Beer Efforts With Minority Stake In Brooklyn Brewery
Craft beer: it’s not just for American hipsters anymore. In a move that signals Japanese breweries’ interest in attracting customers with new kinds of brews, Kirin Brewery Co., the country’s second-biggest brewer, is acquiring an approximately 25% stake in Brooklyn Brewery. [More]

Could Artificial Intelligence Learn How To Brew A Tasty Beer?
Because we’ll need something tasty to swill when our robot overlords finally come into their full artificial intelligence, a company in the UK is attempting to figure out if robots can help humans brew a better beer. [More]

Craft Breweries Adding Booze To Root Beer Because Why Not?
Either way you look at it — adding booze to root beer or adding root beer to booze — it’s a combination that makes sense: Root beer is delicious, people like drinking alcoholic beverages, so why not have a hard root beer? One craft brewery has already netted itself a national deal with major partners in the brewing industry after developing a boozy root beer that’s become quite popular. [More]

Pabst Brewing Company Returning To Milwaukee To Open Microbrewery
Pabst Brewing Co. beer will once brew its own beer in Milwaukee*, WI, though it won’t be churning out Pabst Blue Ribbon or Schlitz like in the good old days. Instead, the company says it will open a microbrewery at the site of the historic brewery, complete with a tasting room and restaurant. [More]

Class Action Settlement Means AB InBev Must Refund Customers For Faux-Import Beck’s
Last September, a Consumerist reader contacted us, upset about something that he noticed on a beer label. The label of Beck’s, a German beer brand owned by the conglomerate AB InBev, says “Brauerei Beck & Co.” and “Originated in Bremen, Germany” on the label. Nathan and other Beck’s fans will be compensated for this bit of label trickery soon-ish, since AB InBev has settled a class-action lawsuit. [More]

Brewer Forges Unholy Alliance Of Bread & Booze With Beer Made From Leftover Loaves
Eat a sandwich? Drink a beer? WHICH DO I DO FIRST?!? One brewer in Belgium has removed that choice by taking stale, leftover bread that nobody else wants and turning it into beer by way of that magical brewing process otherwise known as using awesome science to combine two delicious things. [More]

Labatt Turning 100-Foot Grain Silos Into So-Called “World’s Largest Six-Pack”
What’s that, in the distance, looming over the horizon like the answer to all of Homer Simpson’s hopes and dreams? It’s a ginormous six-pack of beer, or so six 100-foot grain silos near Buffalo, N.Y. will appear after Labatt is done wrapping them in blue vinyl. And though the owner is calling it the largest six-pack in the world, that claim is debatable. [More]

Florida Brewers Trying To Legalize 64-Oz Growlers Since Sometimes A Gallon Is Too Much
Someone needs to get Goldilocks on the case in Florida, where the just-right size of beer growler is illegal. It’s only one of three states where it’s illegal to fill 64-ounce beer containers, or growlers, but just fine to serve up as many 32-ounce or 128-ounce growlers as you can carry. It’s confusing and pretty much doesn’t make sense, so brewers and beer lovers are trying to get that law to change. [More]

Combine Your Loves For Alcohol & Taxidermy With Beer Packed In Rodent Carcass
When I wrote about PR-happy Scottish microbrewers BrewDog back in April, I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last time. But this time, the company has truly outdone itself, not only creating a “beer” containing 55% alcohol by volume, but which also comes packed inside the carcass of a dead rodent. [More]

Stone Brewing Co. Discovers Its Beer Mustard Is Missing The Beer
In addition to pale ales, Stone Brewing Co. sells mustards and sauces made with beer. Last week, in a blog post titled “MustardGate 2010,” the company announced that it recently discovered its mustards were beerless. (Or as they describe it, those mustards are “instant beer mustards–just add beer!”) The real mystery is what happened to the beer; the brewer says the kegs sent out to the mustard company were sent back empty. [More]