If you’ve ever shaken your fist at the sky in outrage over getting charged extra fees or higher rates for a rental car, you’re not alone. And while the Better Business Bureau can’t punish companies itself, it’s asking four states to go after the rental car industry after a flood of complaints about one company. [More]
better business bureau

Comcast To Discontinue Some Ads That Take Aim At DirecTV
Seven months after Comcast was warned by an ad watchdog to check itself before wrecking itself when it came to badmouthing DirectTV, the same organization has recommended that the cable behemoth discontinue ads that allegedly exaggerate its rival’s problem with satellite signal interruptions. [More]

Better Business Bureau Strips Wells Fargo Of Accreditation After Fake Account Fiasco
Wells Fargo continues to take hits following its fake account fiasco. Following the “retirement” of its CEO John Stumpf, news of a criminal investigation of identity theft, and numerous rounds of questioning by lawmakers, comes news that the financial institution has been stripped of its Better Business Bureau accreditation. [More]

Court Sides With Consumer In Suit Against Retailer That Charges $250 When Customers Threaten To Complain
Last summer, a consumer in Wisconsin filed a lawsuit against online retailer Accessory Outlet over what she called a bogus $250 fine the company imposed, claiming she breached the terms of sale when she threatened to have the charge canceled after the iPhone case she ordered never shipped. Today, a New York court sided with the consumer by granting a default judgement in the case, essentially agreeing that Accessory Outlet’s “terms of sale” and the debt it alleged the woman owed were void. [More]

More Sketchiness Revealed About Retailer That Charges Customers $250 For Threatening To Complain
Yesterday we told you about Accessory Outlet, the online retailer that claims to be “the #1 Mobile Accessory wholesaler in the United States” but which also charges a $250 fine for customers who even make the threat of publicly complaining about a bad purchase or requesting a chargeback from their credit card company. We want to update you on some additional shady things we’ve learned since then. [More]

Watch Out For Scammy Links Promising New Info About Malaysian Airlines Flight 370
While much of the world is waiting and hoping for any sign of what happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared on the way to Beijing on March 8 with 239 people aboard, there are those out there just waiting for the chance to take advantage of those hopes. [More]

How Giving Your Contact Info To “Yellow Page USA” Turns Into Legal Threats And An Invoice For $1,200
What do you do when your company receives a free solicitation for a business listing and Facebook page? You might be tempted to snatch up a good deal, but there’s a good chance that deal will land you in the middle of a widespread scam. That seems to be the case for a New Jersey business owner as he faces threats of lawsuits and other action that could damage his credit. [More]

Don’t Know The Number? Don’t Return The Call – It’s A Scam, Better Business Bureau Warns
This is one ring you won’t treasure. A new scam is targeting the curiosity of consumers and the Better Business Bureau wants to remind you that curiosity killed the cat — or in this case ran up his cell phone bill with excessive charges. [More]

Better Business Bureau Gives Boot To Southern California Chapter Over Pay-To-Play System
You may remember how the Better Business Bureau took a lot of heat in 2010 when it inexplicably gave an “A-” rating to a bogus business named “Hamas,” as in the terrorist group, because it paid a $425 membership fee. Now, nearly three years on, the chapter responsible for that cock-up and others is no longer part of the BBB. [More]

Beware Of Super Bowl Scams
The countdown to Super Bowl XLVI has begun, and while you’re gearing up to cheer on either the NY Giants or the New England Patriots (may we suggest a color palette of red, white and blue?) the Better Business Bureau is reminding football fans to avoid being sacked by knock-off team jerseys, counterfeit memorabilia, and phony game tickets. [More]

A Dozen Scams Certain To Spoil Your Holiday Spirit
With Christmas just 10 days away and Hanukkah even sooner, it’s no wonder that most of us are feeling harried and distracted. But don’t take leave of your senses. Thieves and scammers celebrate the season by taking advantage of people who don’t have time to give things the usual scrutiny. [More]

Man Receives Scammy-Looking Inheritance Letter, Ends Up With $800K In Bank Account
If you’re like us, you’ve been on the receiving end of more than a few e-mails falsely claiming that you’ve inherited millions from a relative you didn’t know you have. All you have to do is hand over your bank account info — and have it drained rather quickly. One young man in Nashville says his inheritance is the real deal, though experts are waiting for the other shoe to drop. [More]

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Ripped Off On Super Bowl Tickets
The Better Business Bureau sent out an alert to warn fans about Super Bowl ticket cons. The advice is geared specifically toward Sunday’s big game, but rings true for most sporting events: [More]

Beware After-Market Auto Warranties From Third Parties
The Better Business Bureau sent out an alert that it’s been bombarded with complaints about extended auto warranty companies. Gripes include deceptive sales practices — including high-pressure phone sales tactics to get customers to pay upfront for contracts they can’t see — as well as insurance fraud. [More]

BBB Offers Tips On Returning All The Unwanted Stuff You'll Get Tomorrow
Face it — you don’t actually want anything you’ll receive tomorrow, otherwise you would have found a way to have gotten it yourself by now. So you’ll either be lazy and shove all your gifts in a closet, or get ambitious and go on a returning spree. [More]

What To Do With Recalled Toys
Before allowing your kids to play with toys relatives give them during the holidays, it’s a good idea to make sure they aren’t known death traps. The Better Business Bureau sent in some suggestions on how to make sure your toys haven’t been recalled, and what to if you find out they have been summoned to toy hell. [More]