Months after Uber’s board made CEO Travis Kalanick’s leave of absence permanent, rumors have begun swirling that that he would soon be returning to his former position — buzz he may have started himself. But there will be no comeback for Kalanick. [More]
don’t call it a comeback

Olive Garden Is Betting On Healthier Fare To Bring Back Customers
When you think of Olive Garden, you likely imagine heaps upon heaps of pasta(often covered in a cream sauce) and a neverending march of cheese-dusted breadsticks — essentially, the opposite of health food. But the chain is betting one of its newly revamped lower-calorie pasta dishes will help turn around slumping sales. [More]

Burger King’s Fantastically Creepy King Mascot Is Back
Have you been counting the days until Burger King’s terribly creepy “King” mascot re-appeared in the brand’s ads? It seems unlikely that any potential customers missed the King, and he’s possibly been slumming behind the counter of a Taco Bell since his spots stopped airing in 2011. Here’s your warning: the King is coming back to your television. Sorry. [More]

Beer Cans Desperate For Love Getting Design Makeovers To Keep You Interested
That first sharp crack of an open can releasing its promising hiss, the tip up to your totally 21-year-old lips, the wet, cold liquid coursing down your — actually, eww, this tastes like aluminum. For many beer fans, that’s a common experience, causing some discerning consumers to seek the loving arms of glass bottles. Now the oft-besmirched can is attempting to make a comeback with a plethora of newly designed vessels. [More]

GM Is Back In The Subprime Lending Business, Baby!
GM has agreed to buy subprime auto lender AmeriCredit Corp for $3.5 billion, bringing the auto company back into the lending game. GM, of course, used to own GMAC, now separate and known as Ally bank. GMAC was created to supply the financing for GM cars, but also got into subprime mortgage lending through its Residential Capital unit — and, well, you know how that turned out. [More]