In Texas, there’s a real-life cop who moonlights as a superhero. While off-duty, he dresses as characters including Batman, Iron Man, and the Incredible Hulk, and visits children in hospitals. While he was visiting a safety event at a Walmart store, though, he foiled a real-life crime. [More]

TSA Reminding Passengers Yet Again That “Batarangs” Are Best Left In Your Checked Bags
Listen, the Transportation Safety Administration gets it: people like Batman, and some of those people own “batarangs,” boomerang weapons shaped like bats. But please, for the love of speedy airport security lines, the TSA is asking travelers to stop trying to pack the sharp, pointy things in their carry-on bags. [More]

“Batman v Superman” Trailer Leaks Online
While the trailer for next year’s superhero showdown Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is supposed to be kept under wraps in the U.S. until after its IMAX premiere on Monday, a handheld video of the trailer has already made its way online. [More]

Hong Kong McDonald’s Batman Burger Does Nothing To Remind Us Of The Caped Crusader
There’s nothing the Justice League can’t make appealing, right? If you’ve seen the new Batman-themed burger being sold at Hong Kong McDonald’s restaurant, then you’d know that statement is indeed false. [More]

Dressing Up Like Batman And Offering To "Save The Day" At Home Depot Now Gets You Arrested
What only a few weeks ago would have been brushed off by most people as a bizarre bit of performance art — or just someone having a laugh — is now suspicious enough to merit arrest. That’s why we’re asking everyone to call off their plans to dress up like Batman and skulk around their local Home Depot to see if anyone needs assistance. [More]

Store Pits Iron Man Vs. Batman In Battle To Bring In More Tips
If you’re looking to give people a reason to drop a dime (or preferably a dollar) in that tip jar, how about turning the whole process into a popularity contest that taps into your customers’ inner comic book fan boy/girl? [More]

Batman Costume Package Vs Reality
It’s not exactly the kind of crime the caped crusader would go after, but reader synimatik was a bit pissed when she opened her son’s Batman costume and found it didn’t match up with the image on the outside of the package. [More]

Batman Is In Your Taco Bell Drive-Thru Stealing Your Food
Times are tough for the Dark Knight. But hey, even caped crimefighters need to eat. [More]

Vigilante Hero Downloads Phisher's Data Files and Informs Victims Via US Mail
“So that left me in a moral dilemma. In effect, I was witnessing some bad stuff happening in real time. …. What to do? I downloaded the latest version of the harvested data and pondered.