There are crimes that stymy, mystify, and otherwise confound veteran detectives for decades. And then there the crimes that are almost too easy to solve, thanks to the overly helpful, not quite so bright criminals that commit them. Like the would-be bank robber in San Diego who demanded money from a bank teller, but not until after he’d swiped his ATM card, providing the bank with everything needed to identify him. [More]
bank robbery

Bank Robbery Suspect Caught Eating Lunch Joins Long List Of Accused Criminals Who Were Their Own Worst Enemy
Sometimes, it doesn’t take an exhaustive manhunt or an intense investigation to catch an accused criminal. Sometimes, like in the case of a robbery suspect who was nabbed after he stopped nearby to grab lunch, bad consumers are simply their own worst enemy. [More]

Nobody Move Or The Spaghetti Will Be Ruined: Woman Robs Bank With Tomato Sauce “Bomb”
We’ve seen our share of consumers gone wrong, people who rob banks and maybe get caught, maybe don’t. But never before have we seen someone risk their dinner during a heist. A woman accused of robbing a bank in Michigan got away with a heist recently by claiming she had a bomb in a bag. In no world is spaghetti sauce an explosive device, unless maybe Gallagher and his mallet are involved. [More]

Robbers Must Not Care About Haul That Much If They're Throwing Cash Out Of The Window
What’s a bunch of suspected bank robbers to do when the cops are closing in during a high-speed chase in South Los Angeles? Apparently that is the perfect time to hurl your ill-gotten gains out of the window and make it rain cash. The up side for passersby — free cash! And if the ensuing melee gets in the way of the cops closing in, perhaps that makes for a good getaway tactic. But also, really dangerous to have people diving for free money in the streets. [More]

Police: Man Tried To Rob Banks While Brandishing Toilet Plunger
A toilet plunger isn’t a terrifying weapon to anyone but germaphobes, or maybe a child with nightmares of being chased by Daleks. Yet a man in Utica, NY thought that it made a terrifying enough weapon that he attempted to rob three different banks while threatening tellers with the plunger. None of the robberies were successful.

Firefighter Allegedly Robs Bank & Leaves The Teller A Nice $20 Tip
It’s always nice to reward others for providing good service — and apparently that includes the friendly neighborhood bank teller working at the window during a robbery. Cops in Dallas say a firefighter robbed a bank and handed $20 of the stolen money back to the teller as a tip. [More]

Teller Foils Bank Robbery Simply By Telling Woman They're Closed For The Day
“So you want to rob this bank? We’re sorry, ma’am, but we’re closed for today. Have a nice day!” That’s what we imagine a brave teller told a would-be bank robber in Chicago, sending away the woman and telling her to come back some other time. Yeah, and the fun part is, it actually worked. [More]

Bank Robber Scares Himself Silly By Shooting His Gun At The Ceiling, Flees Without Cash
It’s a bad day on the ol’ robbery job when you foil your own attempt to steal money. The FBI is on the lookout for a man who scared himself so badly while waiting for the money he was trying to rob, he fled the scene with nothing to show for it but a set of rattled nerves. [More]

Man Robs Citizen's Bank Disguised As A Tree
A man robbed a Citizen’s Bank in Manchester, New Hampshire dressed as a tree, according to the Union Leader. His clothing has been described as “adorned with tree branches held on by duct tape,” and it was noted that “His short, dark hair and mustache were clearly visible between the leaves.”