As any parent knows, pacifiers have a way of disappearing from the mouths of babies and winding up lost or coated in a fine layer of yuck under the couch. So clips that tether the soothing devices to their users can be very convenient — as long as all the pieces involved in the clip stay where they should. [More]

Group Accuses ‘Your Baby Can Read’ Creators Of Violating False Advertising Settlement With ‘Your Baby Can Learn’
Nearly two years ago, the creators of the popular Your Baby Can Read! series of videos put an end to a Federal Trade Commission deceptive advertising complaint by agreeing to cease making unsubstantiated claims about any product that purports to teach kids how to read. But the advocacy group that first spurred the FTC into action says that the creators of this program are violating that 2014 deal. [More]

Woman Gives Birth In Sam’s Club Bathroom With Employees’ Help
On more than one occasion we’ve reported on the miracle of birth taking place not in a hospital, but in a Walmart parking lot or inside the big box store. Over the weekend, an Arkansas woman took a slightly different approach, giving birth at another local retailer: Sam’s Club. [More]

Darth Vader Baby Outfits Recalled For Oddly Appropriate Reason
From the “oddly appropriate recall” files, some baby bodysuits (don’t call them onesies!) bearing the image of Darth Vader have been recalled because they pose a choking hazard. No, not because Sith lords are holding out their hands to hurt any younglings, but because the snaps at the bottom might detach too easily and babies could put them in their mouths. A suit celebrating the 60th anniversary of Disneyland has also been recalled, but that doesn’t make as good a headline. Both suits were sold at Disneyland, Disney World, and on Disney cruise ships. [CPSC] (Thanks, Dirk!) [More]

Not Even Diaper Pail Bags Are Spared From Target Math
Buying in bulk is usually the way to save money on an item that you know you’ll be buying a lot of… like, for example, special deodorizing bags for your diaper pail. Unless you’re shopping at Target. Then, the normal rules don’t apply, and you shouldn’t assume that buying one package of 20 items will be cheaper than two packages of 10 or even four packages of five. [More]

IKEA Recalls SPELEVINK Crib Mattresses For A Second Time: Now It’s Flammability
If you happen to own IKEA’s VYSSA SPELEVINK crib mattress, that means you’ve already missed two recalls of your kid’s mattress. Those were for potential entrapment: it was possible for the mattress to shift so that a child could become trapped between the mattress and crib frame. Now the Consumer Products Safety Commission reports another risk of this product: flammability. [More]

Emergency Responders Smash Car’s Window After Report Of Baby Locked Inside, End Up Rescuing Lifelike Doll
If you’re in the habit of leaving eerily lifelike baby dolls strapped into a car seat while you’re out and about, you might want to reconsider, unless, of course, you like having your car’s windows smashed open: police in Oakland, Calif. say emergency responders busted the window of a vehicle after passersby reported a baby locked inside, only to find it was a very human looking doll that’d been placed in a rear-facing car seat, just like a living child would be. [More]

New Hampshire Lawmakers Vote To Allow Babies On Beer Bottle Labels
Babies could soon be popping up on beer bottle labels in New Hampshire: State legislators voted to override the governor’s veto of a bill allowing the sale of beers like Founders Breakfast Stout, which features a baby eating oatmeal on the label. [More]

No Babies On Beer Bottles In New Hampshire After Governor Vetoes Labeling Bill
There are babies on beer bottles in plenty of states, but there will be nary a cherubic child gracing the labels of beer bottles sold in New Hampshire, after the state’s governor shut down a measure that would’ve allowed some depictions of kids on alcoholic beverages. [More]

Beech-Nut Nutrition Recalls Baby Food That May Contain Pieces Of Glass
That last thing a parent wants to imagine is inadvertently feeding their child a small piece of glass. Unfortunately, that issue was all too real for one baby food manufacturer recalling nearly 2,000 pounds of baby food. [More]

It’s Very Gross And Very Dangerous When Dogs Eat Diapers
The very thing that makes disposable diapers so useful–their super-absorbency–can make them deadly to pets. While nobody goes around giving diapers to their dog as a chew toy, animals do have a gift for rifling through the trash, and one thing they can find there are diapers. KKTV in Colorado interviewed one family whose dog died after eating some of the absorbent material in a diaper. [More]

Oklahoma Moms Stage Walmart Nurse-In After Store Tells Breastfeeding Customer To Cover Up
No matter how many stories we write reminding people that every state has a law allowing nursing moms to breastfeed in public, some manager at a store will still screw things up and ask a mother to leave the store or cover up. The latest incident involves a Walmart in Oklahoma, where several woman recently staged a nurse-in to drive their point home. [More]

Dressing Your Baby In A Marijuana Leaf Costume: Totally Chill Or Completely Inappropriate?
On the one hand, marijuana is legal for medical and recreational use in some states in our fair country, and the plant’s leaf is just another green thing that grows in the ground. But on the other hand, babies and marijuana. [More]

Atlanta Walmart Receives Early Morning Delivery When Woman Gives Birth In The Store
So far this year we’ve reported on two women who gave birth in the parking lots of separate Walmart stores. This week, a woman finally made it inside the store before welcoming her bundle of joy. [More]

Creator Of “Your Baby Can Read” Program Settles False Advertising Charges
Almost exactly two years after the Federal Trade Commission accused the people behind the popular “Your Baby Can Read” training program of making deceptive advertising claims, the product’s creator has finally reached a deal to settle charges that he and his company made baseless pronouncements about the effectiveness of the program and that they misrepresented scientific studies to prove these bogus statements. [More]

Woman Says Anthropologie Manager Sent Her To Breastfeed On The Toilet
A woman in California says that Anthropologie used to be her favorite store, but she gave serious thought to boycotting the chain after a store manager asked her to please feed her six-week-old son in the bathroom, not in the back of the store. The goal? To make everyone more “comfortable.” [More]

Restaurant: Kids Can Eat Here If They Can Sit Quietly Without Special Seating Or A Stroller
Restaurants that have tried to tell parents in the past that children or babies aren’t welcome inside have faced backlash for coming out and saying so in the past, but one restaurant has instead decided to just make it really difficult for anyone with a small child or infant to eat there. [More]