
SNL Mocks iPhone Reception

SNL Mocks iPhone Reception

Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update this Saturday took a headline about the potential Google phone and turned it into a potshot against the iPhone. And it made the children laugh. [More]

Apple Replaces Shattered iPhone After Customer Drops It

Apple Replaces Shattered iPhone After Customer Drops It

Someone in Apple’s iPhone Support department just got the crap haunted out of him by three ghosts, I’m guessing, based on what happened when David called to explain that his wife had dropped and ruined her brand new iPhone. [More]

Operation Chokehold: AT&T Users To Protest Slow Network By Simultaneously Running Data-Intensive Apps This Friday, 3pm Eastern

Operation Chokehold: AT&T Users To Protest Slow Network By Simultaneously Running Data-Intensive Apps This Friday, 3pm Eastern

Sick of AT&T’s unreliability and dropped calls, participants in this Friday’s “Operation Chokehold” are plotting an act of consumer disobedience to bring the network “to its knees.” [More]

It's Official, Everybody Hates AT&T

It's Official, Everybody Hates AT&T

There’s a new Consumer Reports survey out that ranks cellphone companies by customer satisfaction, and to pretty much no one’s surprise, AT&T comes in last in all 19 cities surveyed. (Verizon came in first.) As AllThingsD notes, the survey “suggests that AT&T’s shortcomings are more widespread than the carrier would have us believe and not simply the product of a high concentration of iPhones in the country’s larger cities.” [More]

Watch Out For Cyber Monday Non-Deals

Watch Out For Cyber Monday Non-Deals

Just as Black Friday has its sleazy underside meant to make you pay more than you should to buy stuff you don’t need, so does Cyber Monday. [More]

Cheap Package Design Tricks People Into Dropping Motorola Droid On Floor

Cheap Package Design Tricks People Into Dropping Motorola Droid On Floor

The Motorola Droid is a sweet phone, but the box it comes in is a case study in bad package design. Where every other gadget these days comes in boxes with lids, or boxes designed to be opened in a specific manner, the Droid box can easily be opened so that the brand new phone falls to the floor.

Smoking Near Apple Computers Creates Biohazard, Voids Warranty

Smoking Near Apple Computers Creates Biohazard, Voids Warranty

Unless you’ve just arrived in 2009 on a time machine, you know that smoking isn’t good for you. Did you know, that smoking isn’t good for your computer, either? It’s true, at least according to Apple. Two readers in different parts of the country claim that their Applecare warranties were voided due to secondhand smoke. Both readers appealed their cases up to the office of God Steve Jobs himself. Both lost.

Federal Judge Rules Against Scrappy Mac Clone Manufacturer Psystar

Federal Judge Rules Against Scrappy Mac Clone Manufacturer Psystar

Sorry, Mac OS lovers who don’t love the price tags on Apple hardware. Apple has emerged victorious in their copyright lawsuit against Mac clone manufacturer Psystar. U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup ruled that Psystar is violating Apple’s copyright as well as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by selling computers with a modified version of OS X pre-installed.

You Will Probably Never See A Blockbuster SD-Card Kiosk

You Will Probably Never See A Blockbuster SD-Card Kiosk

Here’s an idea: When your top rivals are renting dirt-cheap DVDs from ubiquitous kiosks, or streaming thousands of films as a free bonus to customers who rent mail-order rmovies, what do you do? If you’re Blockbuster, you start a trial run of kiosks that will allow consumers to rent DRM-protected videos on SD cards, and play them back using a proprietary box that will do nothing else. Yeah, that’ll show ’em.

Direct Dial AT&T Senior Tech Support

Direct Dial AT&T Senior Tech Support

If you have an unresolved technical issue that regular AT&T Wireless customer service doesn’t seem to be able to or be interested in helping you, this is the direct number for their senior tech support:

iPhone App Developer Sued For Stealing Users' Phone Numbers

iPhone App Developer Sued For Stealing Users' Phone Numbers

For secretly stealing users’ phone number by exploiting a backdoor iPhone vulnerability, app developer Storm8 got slapped with a class action lawsuit.

Chart Compares Total Cost Of Ownership For Popular Smartphones

Chart Compares Total Cost Of Ownership For Popular Smartphones

You may think that buying an iPhone with AT&T service is an expensive commitment, and you’d be right. But as this chart from BillShrink shows, your total cost of ownership (TCO) for any of the latest smartphones is going to exceed 2 grand over a 24-month period. In fact, the highly-praised new Motorola Droid on Verizon works out to exactly the same TCO as the latest iPhone.

Apple Store Manager Gives iPod To Soldier Who Mangled His In Afghanistan

Apple Store Manager Gives iPod To Soldier Who Mangled His In Afghanistan

Remember Aaron, the Marine who wrecked his 120GB iPod Classic in Afghanistan by accidentally letting it get run over by a Humvee, then slamming it in a Humvee door?

Marine Declares War On iPod, Which Lives To Tell The Tale

Marine Declares War On iPod, Which Lives To Tell The Tale

If you thought it was impressive that an iPod could survive a nine-story fall into the Pittsburgh G20 riots, just wait until you hear about the perils that befell an iPod belonging to Aaron, a Marine deployed in Afghanistan.

iPod Survives Nine-Storey Plunge Into G20 Riots

iPod Survives Nine-Storey Plunge Into G20 Riots

While leaning out her dorm window to watch some riots — hell, what else is there to do in Pittsburgh? — Bob’s daughter’s iPod decided it’d had enough of this world and took a swan dive into oblivion.

Skype On iPhone Gets Thumbs Up From AT&T

Skype On iPhone Gets Thumbs Up From AT&T

If you’ve been waiting for a chance to use Skype on your iPhone over AT&T’s network to save on international calls or supplement your calling plan’s minutes, your day has come. After a little nudge from the FCC, the company has reversed its ban on VOIP apps on its data network, and will now let you Skype away until you run out of people to call or things to say.

More Ways To Buy A Non-Apple Mac OS X Computer

More Ways To Buy A Non-Apple Mac OS X Computer

Since last year, a small company called Psystar has been selling Mac clones that, in some cases, are more powerful than Apple’s own computers in the same price range. Now, the company has hit on another way to spread the OS X love: It will begin licensing its software to other companies that want to build and sell ersatz Macs. There are just a couple of problems that potential buyers might want to be aware of: Apple hasn’t given Psystar permission to do this, and is in the process of suing the company for copyright infringement. Oh, and Psystar is also in Chapter 11.

Apple Bites Down On Aussie Grocer's Logo

Apple Bites Down On Aussie Grocer's Logo

When is a “W” not a letter? When Apple Inc. says it’s a piece of fruit, that’s when. The iPod-maker and self-declared ruler of all things pomaceous has decided that the stylized W adopted by Australian supermarket chain Woolworths as its logo looks a little too much like Apple’s own logo, and that’s reason enough to claim trademark infringement.