
Report: Steve Jobs Says You Won't Be Able To Link Your WiFi
iPad To Your iPhone

Report: Steve Jobs Says You Won't Be Able To Link Your WiFi iPad To Your iPhone

Anyone who currently owns an iPhone and was hoping they would be able to use it as a mobile web access point for a WiFi iPad got some bad news today, as Apple’s turtleneck-in-charge Steve Jobs has reportedly said this will not happen. [More]

Decent Video Games Coming To Macs This Spring

Decent Video Games Coming To Macs This Spring

It’s been rumored for weeks, but finally confirmed today that Steam, the hugely popular gaming service for PC users, will indeed be available for use on Macs starting in May. [More]

WiFi iPad Pre-Order Starts Next Friday. Can't Touch It Until
April 3

WiFi iPad Pre-Order Starts Next Friday. Can't Touch It Until April 3

For those of you whose iPod Touches just aren’t big enough, Apple has finally announced the pre-order and on-sale dates for one version of its much hyped iPad tablet thingamajig. [More]

Thieves Go All "Mission: Impossible" On NJ Best Buy, Walk
Off With $26K In Apple Laptops

Thieves Go All "Mission: Impossible" On NJ Best Buy, Walk Off With $26K In Apple Laptops

Taking a page right out of the screenplay for the 1996 Tom Cruise hit Mission: Impossible, some nimble crooks managed to descend from the ceiling of a Best Buy in New Jersey and help themselves to a $26,000 jackpot of Apple laptops — without ever touching the floor. [More]

What's Next For Apple? This Stuff!

What's Next For Apple? This Stuff!

In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone, and the world exploded. In 2010, just moments after the world had reformed, Apple introduced the iPad, and the world exploded again. What will happen in 2012 and 2014? This chart attempts to explain. [More]

Apple Admits To Having Underage Labor In Factories

Apple Admits To Having Underage Labor In Factories

Apple has always positioned itself as the computer and electronics brand of the hip and young — and it looks like they extended that ethos to their overseas manufacturing. The iCompany has issued an “oops” on its Web site, admitting that underage workers were employed in three different Apple-affiliated plants last year. [More]

The iMaxi Is A Disturbingly Appropriate iPad Case

The iMaxi Is A Disturbingly Appropriate iPad Case

There are a lot of people who don’t like the name of the iPad, Apple’s upcoming device that will save the news industry, destroy the nettop market, cure cancer, and save the princess. This is because the name makes them think of feminine hygiene products. An Etsy seller took the product’s name as inspiration, and has produced the iMaxi: a handmade, utilitarian case designed to protect your iPad and look exactly like a gigantic menstrual pad. [More]

iPod Explodes In Class, Killing Nobody

iPod Explodes In Class, Killing Nobody

An iPod erupted on a high school science room desk in Pentucket Regional High School in, MA yesterday. Supposedly… [More]

Warning: Your Older MacBook's Hard Drive May Self-Destruct At Any Time

Warning: Your Older MacBook's Hard Drive May Self-Destruct At Any Time

You should be backing up the data you keep on your laptop in case of hardware failure, theft, or an unexpected cup of coffee on your keyboard. This bit of common computer sense has a bit more urgency if you own certain MacBooks sold in 2006 and 2007, since their hard drives may fail suddenly with no notice. Fortunately, Apple has a free repair program: but only until the computer is (at most) four years old, and only once your hard drive has already failed. [More]

Will The iPad's "Magic" Be Enough To Beat Netbooks?

Will The iPad's "Magic" Be Enough To Beat Netbooks?

When Apple launched their much-hyped iPad device a few weeks ago, the first thing naysayers asked — after they finished giggling over the silly name — was “What makes the iPad anything more than an expensive netbook without a proper keyboard?” Well, party-poopers, Apple COO Tim Cook has your answer: “Magic.” [More]

Save Money With These 4 iPhone Apps

Save Money With These 4 iPhone Apps

Want to update your Facebook status? There’s an app for that. Looking to placate your baby with a dancing Teddy bear? There’s an app for that too. And believe it or not, there are some iPhone apps that will actually help you save a few bucks. [More]

Hey, Is This An Apple Store, Or A Computer School?

Hey, Is This An Apple Store, Or A Computer School?

Mark tells Consumerist that he noticed a disturbing trend while shopping at his local Apple Store this weekend. While using the display models and contemplating a purchase, he and his son were displaced twice to make room for a customer training session. Does the Apple Store still exist to sell computers, Mark wonders, or is it now primarily an educational institution? [More]

Verizon & Sprint's Sales Tips For Killing iPhone, Circa 2007

Verizon & Sprint's Sales Tips For Killing iPhone, Circa 2007

Let’s step into a time machine and travel through the mists of chronos to an ancient yesteryear. It was a different era, Britney Spears shaved her head, Boris Yeltsin died, and people learned how to print images on toast from the comfort of their own workshops. Oh, and a lil’ thing called an iPhone came out. The year was 2007, and Verizon and Sprint were so scared that they issued these ridiculous sheets to their frontline reps with talking points for discouraging people from buying an iPhone: [More]

Your iPhone Comes From A Towering Fortress Of Secrecy And Paranoia

Your iPhone Comes From A Towering Fortress Of Secrecy And Paranoia

You know that your iPhone was made in China, but do you really know where it came from? Reuters recently looked inside the mainland China factories of Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn–manufacturer of many of Apple’s best-known devices, including the iPhone. Or just parts of them, since Apple is known for having different parts of a device made in by different companies entirely in order to protect proprietary information. [More]

Steve Jobs Doesn't Trust Consumerist

Steve Jobs Doesn't Trust Consumerist

Rob emailed Steve Jobs to tell him that until Apple fixed reader Joel’s account that had been billed $50,000 for iTunes purchases, he wouldn’t buy another Apple product. Replying via iPad, Steve Jobs told him, “I wouldn’t believe everything you read from places like this.” Ohhhh snap! But it wouldn’t be Jobs who had the last laugh… [More]

After 8 iPhones And 14 SIM Cards, AT&T Still Won't Waive ETF

After 8 iPhones And 14 SIM Cards, AT&T Still Won't Waive ETF

AT&T seems determined to fix Mike’s problem. Only they can’t, apparently, because in the past 9 months he’s gone through 8 iPhones and 14 different SIM cards, and still can’t get a phone that does everything it’s supposed to do. (Like ring when someone calls.) Normally an 8-smartphone customer might sound like someone who’s being too hard to please, and maybe that’s Mike, but let’s face it: this is AT&T and it’s the iPhone, so most of the issues he lists below sounds completely plausible. [More]

iPhone Users Sucking Up 5 Times As Much Data As Blackberry Users

iPhone Users Sucking Up 5 Times As Much Data As Blackberry Users

Just in case you didn’t already know this from all the times you’ve seen someone bust out their iPhone just to pull up or Wikipedia to settle a bar bet, a new study published by our hot cousins at Consumer Reports shows that users of Apple’s super phone are using up to five times more data each month than Blackberry owners and nearly double that of other smart phones. [More]

Revolutionary New Apple Service Bills Your AMEX Card For Nearly $50,000 In Music

Revolutionary New Apple Service Bills Your AMEX Card For Nearly $50,000 In Music

I think we can all agree that Jobs and his crew at Apple are a bunch of visionaries when it comes to gadgets, online stores, and now getting really, really screwed by an iTunes purchase. Joel writes, “I just got a call from American Express stating that my recent purchase for iTunes plus for my entire library (cost $146) has been charged to my account over 300 times and is currently still being charged. I have called Apple to have them stop charging me and they told me the only thing I can do is cancel my card. There is no number for iTunes and I have sent multiple messages to them without response via email.” [More]