
Don't Buy An iPhone Right Now

Don't Buy An iPhone Right Now

If all this iPad iPad iPad Apple Apple Apple gyrating has got you hot and bothered for an iPhone, take a deep breath and calm down. Now is probably the worst time to take the plunge, notes The Unofficial Apple Weblog. Historically, mid-summer is when Apple ugprades the hardware, so if you wait a couple of months you might be able to get a faster or more feature-rich iPhone for the same cash you’d be shelling out today. [More]

Smaller iPad Coming Next Year?

Smaller iPad Coming Next Year?

If the 9-inch iPad is an enormous iPod touch, what does that make the rumored 7-inch version? An iPad mini? The iPad Portable? Or maybe just the product Apple should have made in the first place, since it will come at a lower price point and won’t require a special jacket just to carry it. [More]

Good Samaritan Emails Us From The Account You Left Logged In On A Best Buy Display iPad

Good Samaritan Emails Us From The Account You Left Logged In On A Best Buy Display iPad

Hey world: Don’t leave yourself logged in to a display product at Best Buy! One Consumerist reader found someone logged in to a display iPad at Best Buy and emailed them and us from the logged in account. [More]

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: AT&T VS Apple

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: AT&T VS Apple

We have a hunch that your feelings on the iPhone are going to be a big factor in how you vote in this battle. On one hand, there’s the mobile carrier who has a monopoly on the iPhone. On the other hand, there’s the company that is raking in the money through its iPhone app store monopoly. What’s a fanboy to do? [More]

iPhone 4.0 Software: Multitasking, Billions Of Ads, No Porn Store

iPhone 4.0 Software: Multitasking, Billions Of Ads, No Porn Store

Apple honcho Steve Jobs today unveiled the latest version of the company’s iPhone operating system software, which adds long-awaited multitasking functions, so that you can finally listen to Pandora and check email at the same time. The new OS will also include the iPad’s iBooks app and an email app that will let you manage multiple accounts from a single inbox. What’s missing? Java and Flash are still no-shows. And don’t expect a porn store anytime soon. “There’s a porn store for Android,” Jobs said in response to a question about opening the App Store to unsanctioned products.”You can download it, your kids can download it. That’s a place we don’t want to go, so we’re not going to.” [More]

iPad Is A Total Babe Magnet

iPad Is A Total Babe Magnet

The iPad has replaced the borrowed puppy as the lure of choice for bachelors on the make. Jim Colgan from The Takeaway took the latest Apple gadget out for some field testing and found himself besieged with admirers. Ok, really they were admiring the new tablet, but some of that adoration washed over on to its owner. To wit: “two women emerged from behind him and screamed and pointed. They all wanted a go.” Here is the recording of different reactions to the iPad on the streets of New York, recorded using an iPad: [More]

Verizon CEO Won't Confirm Or Deny iPhone Reports

Verizon CEO Won't Confirm Or Deny iPhone Reports

The rumor winds have been stirring for months about AT&T seeing an end to its iPhone monopoly with Apple set to launch a model that could work on Verizon’s network. Today, Verizon’s CEO would only admit that his company has expressed an interest in being able to offer the iPhone to its customers. [More]

Apple Store Goes On Security Lockdown When You Try To Buy A Laptop

Apple Store Goes On Security Lockdown When You Try To Buy A Laptop

What would you think if this happened to you? This guy, Owen JJ Stone, says he walked into the Apple Store to get a laptop, and when he asked for a specific model, security went on lockdown. People were touching their ears, saying code words, and blocking the exits. [More]

VIDEO: Consumer Reports' First Thoughts On iPad

VIDEO: Consumer Reports' First Thoughts On iPad

Like a few hundred thousand other people this weekend, our early adopting kin over at Consumer Reports got their hands on the iPad. And being the science-minded people that they are, they rushed right into the testing lab to begin running the device through its paces. [More]

How Should You Charge Your iPad? Even Apple Isn't Sure

How Should You Charge Your iPad? Even Apple Isn't Sure

In tests done earlier today, Consumer Reports learned that the iPad’s included USB cable won’t charge the device when it’s plugged into a Windows computer or some Mac peripherals. And Apple support personnel contacted by Consumer Reports confirmed that the only official way to charge the device is via AC outlets. Too bad this advice didn’t make it into the quick-start instructions included with each iPad. [More]

Boxing iPad Takes On The Kindle

Boxing iPad Takes On The Kindle

You don’t have to go very far to find plenty of videos of iPads being unboxed. But if you want to see an iPad in a boxing match with an Amazon Kindle, there’s only one place to go: the streets of New York, where these two dudes battled it out to entertain the masses waiting outside the Apple Store (and promote electronics recycling business YouRenew). The winner? The guy in the Pink Floyd shirt, who managed to get himself into every shot. [More]

Getting An iPad This Weekend? Tell Us About It

Getting An iPad This Weekend? Tell Us About It

We didn’t pre-order an iPad and we probably won’t be hitting up the Apple store or Best Buy to get one this weekend. But we know at least a few of you will have your hands on an iPad and we want to hear your first impressions. [More]

Hyundai Luxury Car to Use iPad as Manual

Hyundai Luxury Car to Use iPad as Manual

In what we can only assume is a bid to make sure you don’t spend too much time thinking about the fact that you just spent between $50,000 to $60,000 on a Hyundai, the new luxury Hyundai Equus will have an iPad as a manual. [More]

Netflix Brings Streaming Video To iPad

Netflix Brings Streaming Video To iPad

After speculation in recent days that Netflix would be launching an application that would allow people to watch movies on the new Apple iPad, the video delivery service confirmed the news this morning and the app is now available through the iTunes store. [More]

Budget $1,170 If You'd Like Your iPad To Have Basic Accessories

Budget $1,170 If You'd Like Your iPad To Have Basic Accessories

At $499, the iPad may sound like an almost, maybe, sorta okay deal. But add extra memory, 3G, a few choice accessories like a keyboard ($69), USB power cord ($29) and a case ($39), and you’re up in MacBook territory. Jeff Fox of Consumer Reports tallies up his expenditures and comes up with a way to justify the purchase to his wife: it’s his birthday — almost. [More]

Worst Company In America: Apple VS Microsoft

Worst Company In America: Apple VS Microsoft

It’s time for these two foes to step into the Red Ring of Death. Will Microsoft’s trail of dead Xboxes and too-late knockoffs of iPods and iPhones be enough to get them past Apple, the company that charges you $499 for an oversized iPod Touch and then only lets you use software they approve and sell to you? [More]

Macbook Pro Shocks Owner, Leaves Marks

Macbook Pro Shocks Owner, Leaves Marks

Karen says Apple is shocking her. Not with their innovative product design, but literally, her 2004ish 17″ Macbook Pro is shooting electricity into her arms. “We’re not talking, little static shocks,” Karen writes, presumably, using the selfsame laptop, “these are fully legitly painful shocks.” [More]

Report: AT&T Beefing Up Network To Prep For iPhone Battle

Report: AT&T Beefing Up Network To Prep For iPhone Battle

Following up on yesterday’s news that Apple is preparing to start production on Verizon-compatible iPhones, the Wall Street Journal now says that AT&T has been working since December to improve their existing networks to remain competitive when the inevitable battle for iPhone market share begins. [More]