
It Took Half An Hour For Hackers To Totally Shred Tech Journalist's Digital Life

It Took Half An Hour For Hackers To Totally Shred Tech Journalist's Digital Life

Hackers wanted access to technology journalist Mat Honan’s Twitter account. It doesn’t just have 16,000 or so followers, but was tied to Gizmodo’s account, allowing for exponentially more mischief and, above all, lulz. So how did they get access to his account and destroy most of his digital life in the process? Knowledge of how different companies confirm customer identities and how their password retrieval systems work are all that a determined person needs to get into your life and mess everything up. The weakest links in this rather insecure chain? Apple and Amazon. [More]

Apple Hates Your Kitten Videos, No Longer Pre-Installing YouTube On iOS Devices

Apple Hates Your Kitten Videos, No Longer Pre-Installing YouTube On iOS Devices

When the next versions of Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices hit customers’ hands this fall, they will come without the YouTube app that was one of the initial big marketing points of original iPhone back in 2007. [More]

Not Even Apple's Most Obnoxious Geniuses Can Solve My MacBook Problem

Not Even Apple's Most Obnoxious Geniuses Can Solve My MacBook Problem

Mark is one of those longtime loyal Apple customers who Apple haters love to hate. For the first time, though, he’s run into an intractable technical problem that even the Geniuses can’t solve. The computer freezes when he uses wifi, which is problematic for anyone using a computer during the last decade. He’s taken his MacBook to the store in person, called Apple tech support (on his iPhone, naturally) [More]

Smaller iPhone 5 Dock Could Be Big Hassle For Accessories Owners

Smaller iPhone 5 Dock Could Be Big Hassle For Accessories Owners

For five years, while there have been several iterations of the iPhone and Apple’s other iOS devices, they have continued to use the same 30-pin connector. This means that customers have been able to buy iPhone and iPad accessories without worrying about those items becoming antiques as soon as the next device hits the market. But if reports about the next iPhone are correct, Apple will be using a smaller dock on the phone, which could mean a big headache for some consumers. [More]

Apple Has To Post Note On Its Locker Saying Samsung Didn’t Copy Its Homework

Apple Has To Post Note On Its Locker Saying Samsung Didn’t Copy Its Homework

As a result of a UK court’s ruling that Samsung hadn’t copied Apple’s designs of products like the iPad and iPhone, a judge is now ordering Apple to explain to everyone that said ruling exists. Apple shouldn’t be too upset, though. After all, that judge also said Apple’s designs were way cooler than Samsung’s. [More]

AT&T Won’t Deny It Plans To Charge Extra For FaceTime Calls

AT&T Won’t Deny It Plans To Charge Extra For FaceTime Calls

Some folks who are currently monkeying around with a beta version of the next iOS operating system for iPhones say they are getting a message from AT&T that seems to imply that the Death Star will be charging more — or at least separately — for subscribers who want to use the iPhone’s FaceTime chat over a cellular connection. [More]

Judge Says Samsung Tablet Can’t Possibly Be An iPad Rip-Off Because It’s Not Cool Enough

Judge Says Samsung Tablet Can’t Possibly Be An iPad Rip-Off Because It’s Not Cool Enough

The good news for Samsung over in Britain is that a judge says the company’s three Galaxy tablets aren’t rip-offs of Apple’s iPad. The bad news is that they’re not copies because they’re just like, so uncool and couldn’t possibly be edgy enough to be mistaken for an iPad by anyone who knows anything about cool stuff. [More]

Apple Shells Out $60 Million To Get Rid Of Pesky iPad Trademark Dispute In China

Apple Shells Out $60 Million To Get Rid Of Pesky iPad Trademark Dispute In China

Apple is shedding the weight of at least one of its big lawsuits, by agreeing to pay $60 million to a Chinese company that said it rightfully held the trademark for the name iPad in China. Proview Technology’s lawsuit had delayed the launch of the new iPad in that country and may have messed with Apple’s sales there. [More]

Apple Triumphs Over Samsung With Injunction Against Sale Of 10-Inch Galaxy Tab

Apple Triumphs Over Samsung With Injunction Against Sale Of 10-Inch Galaxy Tab

Apple just scored a huge victory over Samsung and its 10-inch Galaxy Tab in a California Federal court. A judge ruled that Apple had made a “strong” claim that the Samsung tablet had copied its iPad design. This war has been waging since April of last year, when Apple sued Samsung, claiming the other company had ripped off its iPhone and iPad. [More]

Orbitz Thinks Mac Users Want To Pay More For Hotels

Orbitz Thinks Mac Users Want To Pay More For Hotels

Travel reservation site Orbitz says it has data showing that customers who use Apple computers to book their hotel rooms have a tendency to go for pricier rooms, so Orbitz has just gone ahead and decided that when Mac users visit Orbitz, they will see more expensive options first. [More]

Does Your New MacBook Have A Kinky Cord?

Does Your New MacBook Have A Kinky Cord?

Have you recently purchased one of Apple’s shiniest, newest notebook computers? David, the proud owner of a new MacBook Air, noticed some thing strange about the power adapter that came with his new toy. It looked like there were was a kink in the wires, spiraling under the surface of the cord’s white coating. A replacement off the shelf of his local Apple Store had the same problem. Apple swapped out David’s computer for a brand new one so his could be sent to engineering for tests, and the third adapter had the wire kinks too. Is there some kind of Apple blight going around? [More]

Who Knew It Only Costs $1.36 To Charge An iPad For A Whole Year?

Who Knew It Only Costs $1.36 To Charge An iPad For A Whole Year?

When it comes to bang for the bucks you spend on electricity, it seems some devices run pretty darn cheap — in fact, it costs more to buy say, your morning muffin than to charge an iPad for a whole year. [More]

Siri Isn’t Great At Chinese, Especially When It Comes To Questions About Tiananmen Square

Siri Isn’t Great At Chinese, Especially When It Comes To Questions About Tiananmen Square

Apple’s Siri seems to be struggling a bit with her Mandarin skills, with some Chinese-speakers complaining that her accent is clipped and clinical in comparison to her flowing English. Other reactions to Apple’s newest features for Chinese Siri not only include criticism of her grasp of the country’s languages, but also deal with how she handles questions about Tiananmen Square. [More]

Speak Farsi At The Apple Store And They Might Say You Can’t Buy An iPad

Speak Farsi At The Apple Store And They Might Say You Can’t Buy An iPad

While no one in Iran can order a computer from a U.S. Apple store — and there are limitations on these electronics being brought into Iran — there is no legal reason a U.S. citizen should be barred from buying an iPad just because she speaks Farsi. And yet customers at Apple stores in Georgia are being told they can’t shop there because the government won’t allow it. [More]

Apple’s Gaming World Just Grew With Addition Of Macs To Its Game Center

Apple’s Gaming World Just Grew With Addition Of Macs To Its Game Center

In case you’ve been feeling bereft when unable to play your favorite Apple games from your laptop — instead of an iPhone or an iPad or an iWhatever — chin up, little sadfaced one. Apple is now going to allow Mac users to connect to its Game Center social network to play games with others over the Internet. [More]

Report: Virgin Mobile To Offer Prepaid iPhone Service

Report: Virgin Mobile To Offer Prepaid iPhone Service

Days after Leap Wireless announced it would be the first prepaid carrier in the U.S. to offer the iPhone, Sprint’s Virgin Mobile division is set to throw its hat into the iPhone ring. [More]

Bought A Groupon, An iPhone 4, Or Coconut Water? These Class Actions Are For You

Bought A Groupon, An iPhone 4, Or Coconut Water? These Class Actions Are For You

Have you bought coconut water, pinot noir, a Samsung TV, or an iPhone 4? If you purchased any of these products, plus a whole bunch more, you may be eligible to file a claim in one of these recently settled class action lawsuits. Proof of purchase isn’t always required, but lying is bad consumer karma. [More]

Judge Cites Steve Jobs' Own Words In Refusing Dismissal Of E-Book Suit

Judge Cites Steve Jobs' Own Words In Refusing Dismissal Of E-Book Suit

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs’ words came back to haunt the electronics company today. Its attempt to have a judge dismiss charges of e-book price-fixing were refused, in part because of things Jobs said during his time with Apple. [More]