
Siri's Definition Of An Apple Store Is Very Generous

Siri's Definition Of An Apple Store Is Very Generous

After seeing yesterday’s iPhone 5 announcement, Consumerist reader Ed thought he’d ask his wife’s phone for a little buying assistance. [More]

Will You Be Able To Take Your Unlimited Data Plan With You If You Upgrade To iPhone 5?

Will You Be Able To Take Your Unlimited Data Plan With You If You Upgrade To iPhone 5?

Yesterday, Apple went through its occasional ritual of taking an hour to go over every minute detail of its new phone. But what wasn’t mentioned in that overlong introduction to the iPhone 5 was what it means for the folks who still have unlimited data plans from back in the day. [More]

Is There Anything Special About The iPhone 5?

Is There Anything Special About The iPhone 5?

It’s been almost a year since Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S, with some significant upgrades like Siri voice recognition and both CDMA and GSM compatibility. So today the company announced the latest iteration of the iPhone, but would the iPhone 5 have enough new bells and whistles to make 4S users take a hammer to their old phones in disgust? [More]

Apple Doesn't Want Some Upstart Polish Grocery Site Horning In On Its Territory, Files Complaint

Apple Doesn't Want Some Upstart Polish Grocery Site Horning In On Its Territory, Files Complaint

Apparently Apple is running out of companies to brawl in court with, which must explain why it’s picking a fight with a Polish online grocery website called Samsung is one kind of threat and then there’s the threat posed by a grocery store that seems to have already changed its site enough to not resemble the electronics giant at all. [More]

YouTube Launches New iOS App Just In Time For That New Phone Everyone's Been Waiting For

YouTube Launches New iOS App Just In Time For That New Phone Everyone's Been Waiting For

Ever since Apple told Google it wouldn’t include a pre-loaded YouTube app on new iPhones anymore because the license to do so had expired, the two companies have totally not been best friends anymore. Upping the fight ante this time around is YouTube’s owner Google, which launched a new YouTube app for iOS just in time for the expected iPhone 5 announcement tomorrow. [More]

Wireless Carriers Banking On New iPhone To Turn Everyone Into Data Hogs

Wireless Carriers Banking On New iPhone To Turn Everyone Into Data Hogs

For years, wireless providers have been moaning about their highest volume data users and shaking their fists at the sky for ever having tried unlimited data plans in the first place. But now, with the impending release of a reportedly 4G LTE-compatible iPhone on the horizon, these same carriers are popping champagne corks, hoping that the faster data speeds will nudge consumers into the next level of data hogging. [More]

App Publisher Claims Leaked iPhone IDs Came From Its Database, Not FBI

App Publisher Claims Leaked iPhone IDs Came From Its Database, Not FBI

As you probably recall, hackers recently claimed to have swiped unique tracking information for iPhone and iPads via a laptop belonging to an FBI agent, leading many to wonder why the lawmen would have this information in the first place. The FBI quickly denied any ties to the information, and now a publishing company in Florida is saying that the hacked list actually belongs to it and not the feds. [More]

Apple Officially Starts The iPhone Salivation Countdown With Event Scheduled For Sept. 12

Apple Officially Starts The iPhone Salivation Countdown With Event Scheduled For Sept. 12

It’s been more than five years since the first iPhone was unveiled, and here we all are, still caught up in “When is the next iPhone going to come out oh please tell me tell me” speculation. After months of guesswork, the announcement appears to be nigh, as Apple has issued an invitation to media for a special event on Sept. 12. [More]

Hackers Claim FBI Has Tracking Information For 12 Million iPhones And iPads

Hackers Claim FBI Has Tracking Information For 12 Million iPhones And iPads

Yesterday, while many of us were grilling various meats and dreading the inevitable return to work, hackers posted what they claim are 1 million unique identifiers for iPads and iPhones. According to the hackers, the source of this information is a significantly larger database held by the FBI. [More]

Apple Is Having Trouble Getting Enough Screens For The iPhone 5

Apple Is Having Trouble Getting Enough Screens For The iPhone 5

If you’re planning on getting and iPhone 5 when it launches in a few weeks, you might want to be proactive about pre-ordering, because Apple is allegedly having trouble getting enough screens. [More]

How The Apple Store Trains Its Geniuses To Manipulate You

How The Apple Store Trains Its Geniuses To Manipulate You

People consider the Apple Store experience the gold standard–or at least the brushed aluminum standard–of electronics retail. Companies from AT&T to Microsoft have tried to replicate the Apple Store experience, then refused to admit that they were trying to replicate the Apple Store experience. The backbone of the store is the Genius Bar, where Apple fans seek repairs, warranty replacements, and the wise counsel of the local council of Geniuses. What goes into the formation of a Genius? Gizmodo got hold of an Apple Store training workbook, and decided to tell the world. [More]

AT&T Insists Its New Apple-Like Store Is Totally Not An Attempt To Be More Like Apple

AT&T Insists Its New Apple-Like Store Is Totally Not An Attempt To Be More Like Apple

It might look kinda like an Apple store and its employees might act kinda like they work at an Apple store, but don’t call AT&T’s first flagship store, located on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, an Apple store wannabe. The company says its 10,000-square-foot shiny and brand new location is all about the customer and not its actual products. [More]

Pranksters Prey On The General Public's Love Of All Things Apple By Pretending To Drop iMacs

Pranksters Prey On The General Public's Love Of All Things Apple By Pretending To Drop iMacs

Spoiler alert: There aren’t any actual iMacs being dropped in this video, so unlike the unwitting bystanders who witnessed these pranks in person, there’s no need to gasp. But you might feel a giggle come on watching pranksters from Awesomeness TV shocking strangers by tossing around iMac boxes on the street. [More]

Apple Lists Samsung Products It Wants Banned; Samsung Vows To Fight

Apple Lists Samsung Products It Wants Banned; Samsung Vows To Fight

As you probably heard, over the weekend, a jury found in favor of Apple in the computer company’s fight against Samsung over allegations that the latter willfully copied Apple’s iPad and iPhone designs to make its own products. Now, Apple has provided the judge with its list of eight Samsung products it says should no longer be sold in the U.S. [More]

Why Do California State Employees Need $423K Worth Of iPads?

Why Do California State Employees Need $423K Worth Of iPads?

In retail and food service, the iPad has become the pricey accessory of choice for point of sale systems. But various state agencies in California are now having to explain why they spent piles of cash on the popular tablet computers. [More]

Foxconn Finally Agrees To Improve Conditions For Apple Plant Workers By Cutting Hours

Foxconn Finally Agrees To Improve Conditions For Apple Plant Workers By Cutting Hours

After a spate of controversial reports on the working conditions at Foxconn’s Chinese factories where many of Apple’s products are made, the two companies have announced a cut in hours that will benefit workers. An auditing company hired by Apple and Foxconn has been monitoring the process, and says things are on the way toward improving. [More]

Report: Apple Store Employees Now Allowed To Price-Match iPhones

Report: Apple Store Employees Now Allowed To Price-Match iPhones

The worst kept secret in telephony is that there is a new Apple iPhone coming in the fall. Thus, some of the big box retailers that offer the current version of the device are starting to offer discounts to clear inventory. Apple stores are not advertising any such price drops, but a new report claims that employees have been given authorization to offer price matches. [More]

Apple And Amazon Quietly Change Security Procedures After 'Epic Hack'

Apple And Amazon Quietly Change Security Procedures After 'Epic Hack'

It was inevitable that one of the companies called out in Mat Honan’s piece about a few hackers destroying his digital life would change some of the loophole-laden security procedures that helped the baddies gain access to the tech journalist’s accounts. So we’re relieved to learn that Apple and Amazon have both closed the particular weak spots that allowed a few determined people to reset all of Honan’s key passwords for services like Google and iCloud, and to remotely wipe the hard drives of all of his Apple devices connected to iCloud. [More]