
Size Matters To Apple: New iPhones Will Reportedly Have Larger Screens

Size Matters To Apple: New iPhones Will Reportedly Have Larger Screens

Hey, iPhoners, remember when you scoffed at your friend’s Android and what you called its “ginormous screen” while lovingly cradling your tiny, precious iPhone? Looks like people really do want bigger screens on their smartphones, as a new report says Apple is preparing to build four-inch screens for its next-generation iPhone. [More]

What Could It Possibly Mean That Apple Wants The Domain

What Could It Possibly Mean That Apple Wants The Domain

Let the gleeful rumormongering begin! Apple filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization over the domain name, because it doesn’t control it. And it wants it. So bad. Is it because that’s the next iPhone, or just to stop others from taking advantage of the iPhone name? [More]

Why Do App Developers Release iPhone Versions First?

Why Do App Developers Release iPhone Versions First?

Even though there are still significantly more smartphones running some version of the Android operating system, it’s not uncommon to see developers come out with an app for iPhone users weeks or months before they release anything for Android. What’s up with that? [More]

Fixing Your Own Electronics Is Fun And Almost Easy

Fixing Your Own Electronics Is Fun And Almost Easy

Last year, I bought a used iPhone 3Gs that is now well out of warranty. Not a big deal. Only the battery didn’t stay charged all day anymore, and I wondered whether it was time for a new phone, even though mine is otherwise in great shape. Too bad I couldn’t just order a new battery online and snap it in like with previous phones. Except…I could. I just needed a tiny screwdriver, a few other tools, step-by-step instructions, and a lot of patience. [More]

Apple Willing To Stand Trial On E-Book Price-Fixing Allegations

Apple Willing To Stand Trial On E-Book Price-Fixing Allegations

Even though three of the publishers accused of colluding with Apple to fix prices on e-books have already settled with the Dept. of Justice, the electronics giant continues to assert its innocence and wants the opportunity to answer the charges in court. [More]

Seattle Man Victorious Over Apple In Small Claims Court

Seattle Man Victorious Over Apple In Small Claims Court

Chalk up another win for the little guy! A blogger in Seattle says he just wanted Apple to repair his MacBook as the company had promised. When Apple refused, he felt he had no other option but to take the computing colossus to court. [More]

Apple Solves iTunes Account Problem By Locking You Out Of Account

Apple Solves iTunes Account Problem By Locking You Out Of Account

Michael was having a pretty minor problem with playing television programs in iTunes. Sure, it doesn’t even rank as the a serious first world problem, but he contacted Apple to get it resolved, because that’s what Apple is supposed to do. A senior representative tried to resolve the problem by resetting his iTunes password. Nice idea if it had worked. It didn’t. Now this cord-cutter, who uses his Apple TV to catch up with favorite shows, can’t watch those shows at all. Being locked out of his iTunes account and all. [More]

Apple Insists They're Totally Not Fixing Any E-Book Prices

Apple Insists They're Totally Not Fixing Any E-Book Prices

In the midst of a lawsuit from the Department of Justice, Apple is all, “What? Who? Us? Price fixing e-books? No! Never!” They issued a statement saying they weren’t involved in conspiring with major publishers to set the price of e-books in an agency model, and that anyway, agency models are a benefit to the industry. [More]

DOJ Agrees On E-Book Price-Fixing Settlement With Three Publishers

DOJ Agrees On E-Book Price-Fixing Settlement With Three Publishers

Only hours after filing suit against Apple and six book publishers over allegations of e-book price-fixing, the Justice Dept. said has agreed on settlement terms with three of those publishing companies — HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette. [More]

U.S. Officially Levels E-Book Price Fixing Complaint Against Apple & Publishers

U.S. Officially Levels E-Book Price Fixing Complaint Against Apple & Publishers

UPDATE: The DOJ has announced settlement terms with three of the six publisher named in the lawsuit.
———————- [More]

DOJ Reportedly Close To Deal That Would Lower E-Book Prices

DOJ Reportedly Close To Deal That Would Lower E-Book Prices

Ever since Apple got into the e-book business, publishers have been determining their own prices for titles, meaning that e-books, in spite of having minimal overhead costs, are often sold for higher prices than their print counterparts. But it looks like the Justice Dept. antitrust investigation into this so-called “agency pricing” model is nearing an end — and may result in more affordable e-books for everyone. [More]

Small Regional Wireless Companies To Offer Discount iPhones

Small Regional Wireless Companies To Offer Discount iPhones

This is definitely not good news for T-Mobile, which had promised customers they would get the iPhone when the merger with AT&T was complete, but which was left stranded after regulators pulled the couple apart: A handful of small regional carriers will soon not only be offering the iPhone to customers, they’ll be selling it for less than their major competitors. [More]

Audit Finds That Foxconn Workers Are Laboring Under Crappy Conditions

Audit Finds That Foxconn Workers Are Laboring Under Crappy Conditions

While it turned out that monologuist Mike Daisey made up a bunch of stuff about working conditions at Foxconn, that doesn’t mean that things there are all sunshine and roses. A recent labor audit found the giant Chinese manufacturer has working conditions that need a whole heck of a lot of improvement. [More]

Apple CEO Tim Cook Takes A Tour Of Foxconn During Trip To China

Apple CEO Tim Cook Takes A Tour Of Foxconn During Trip To China

In his first visit to China as head honcho of the company, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook made time to take a tour of one of the company’s key suppliers, Foxconn. The plant has been in the news again recently after This American Life retracted Mike Daisey’s story about visiting it for not being so factual. [More]

83-Year-Old Customer + Apple Store Door = Broken Nose + $1 Million Lawsuit

83-Year-Old Customer + Apple Store Door = Broken Nose + $1 Million Lawsuit

Of all the complaints we received from readers who nominated Apple for Worst Company In America, we’re pretty sure that none mentioned the apparent dangers of glass doors at its retail outlets. But one elderly NYC woman says she not only broke her nose when she walked into these perilous panes, she thinks her pain is worth a seven-figure settlement. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 2: AT&T Vs. Apple

Worst Company In America Round 2: AT&T Vs. Apple

One of these companies has had a pretty good year, business-wise; the other one… not so much. And yet, here they compete as equals in the Worst Company In America fighting pit. [More]

Shouldn't I Be Able To Delete Unwanted Apps Off My Own Darn Phone?

Shouldn't I Be Able To Delete Unwanted Apps Off My Own Darn Phone?

The last time I looked something up in the Yellow Pages was back in the pre-Google era as part of a youthful prank calling spree, although I’m sure I used it to keep a door open at some point in the last eight years. And now I’m stuck with an unwanted Yellow Pages app that came on my Android phone. It can’t be deleted, along with a stupid Blockbuster app and other useless things I do not want. [More]

Please Join Us In Welcoming Your Worst Company In America 2012 Sweet 16!

Please Join Us In Welcoming Your Worst Company In America 2012 Sweet 16!

The floor of the Worst Company In America BattleDome is stained with the blood of the vanquished. But only one company can earn the privilege of placing the WCIA Golden Poo in its trophy case, so the violence must continue. [More]