It snowed in New York City yesterday, in case you hadn’t heard. And in what appears to resemble many of the iPhone screens displayed by various friends and others in the past, a glass panel that’s part of Apple’s cube store on 5th Avenue in Manhattan was apparently shattered by a snowblower blowing too close. [More]
apple store

Calling 9-1-1 Will Not Convince Mall Security To Push Your Wheelchair To The Apple Store
Sometimes you just need a lift to the Apple Store. Borrowing a wheelchair from the mall, then calling emergency services and demanding that security officers push you there is not how we recommend that you get there. [More]

Elderly Person Drives Into Chicago Apple Store, Unclear Whether He Was Using Apple Maps
We’re but two weeks into 2013 and already it’s proving itself to be the year of people driving into retail stores. As in, through the front windows. Just last week a guy crashed into a pizza place and ordered a pizza, and now driver described only as an “elderly person” has taken a trip through a Chicago Apple store with a car.

Report: Apple Store Employees Now Allowed To Price-Match iPhones
The worst kept secret in telephony is that there is a new Apple iPhone coming in the fall. Thus, some of the big box retailers that offer the current version of the device are starting to offer discounts to clear inventory. Apple stores are not advertising any such price drops, but a new report claims that employees have been given authorization to offer price matches. [More]

Speak Farsi At The Apple Store And They Might Say You Can’t Buy An iPad
While no one in Iran can order a computer from a U.S. Apple store — and there are limitations on these electronics being brought into Iran — there is no legal reason a U.S. citizen should be barred from buying an iPad just because she speaks Farsi. And yet customers at Apple stores in Georgia are being told they can’t shop there because the government won’t allow it. [More]

83-Year-Old Customer + Apple Store Door = Broken Nose + $1 Million Lawsuit
Of all the complaints we received from readers who nominated Apple for Worst Company In America, we’re pretty sure that none mentioned the apparent dangers of glass doors at its retail outlets. But one elderly NYC woman says she not only broke her nose when she walked into these perilous panes, she thinks her pain is worth a seven-figure settlement. [More]

What You Buy From The Apple Store, You Must Return To An Apple Store
Apple recently introduced in-store pickup at all of its retail stores. They call it “Personal Pickup.” order an item online, and you can go fetch it in person at your local Apple retail store, assuming that you have one. But you can’t perform this trick in reverse. At least, that’s what Randolph was told when he tried to return a sealed AirPort Extreme without taking it to a retail store. [More]

Apple Allegedly Kicks "The Situation" Out For Trying To Cut iPhone 4S Line
The Situation’s six-pack was allegedly sent packing after the Jersey Shore star tried to cut an iPhone 4S line at an Apple store this weekend. [More]

Man Uses Goat, Pizza & Darth Vader Costume To Test Limits Of Apple Store's Hospitality
With the exception of some odd, headline-making incidents, the general image of the Apple Store, especially those here in New York City, is one of “do what you want so long as you don’t break or steal anything.” Thus, armed with a video camera and some livestock, one man wanted to see if Apple Store staffers were willing to shrug off his antics. [More]

Apple Store Employee: Stop Asking Me About The Next iPhone
Over at Popular Mechanics, they spoke to an anonymous Apple Store employee to get the inside scoop on what it’s like working at the iPhone emporium. And the main thing he seems to want people to know is that he knows absolutely nothing about what the company is doing next. [More]

The Restocking Fee Is Dead At Apple Stores
The word on the street–or at least on electronics blogs–was that Apple stores would do away with the traditional 10% restocking fee on returns. This new feature starts not just as other electronics retailers are doing away with their restocking fees, but was timed ever-so-coincidentally for January 11, the launch day of the Verizon iPhone. Is the rumor true? Reader Tim reports that it is indeed, and he’s even tested it. [More]

If You Want An Apple Store Gift Card, Don't Order It Online
We at The Consumerist are known for our anti-gift card stance, but sometimes you find yourself in a situation where a gift is required and cash seems tacky. Vivian writes that she got an Apple gift card for her sister as a nice present, and it disappeared from her sister’s mailbox. Unlike other high-value items that they sell, Apple mails gift cards using U.S. Postal Service first class mail, and someone stole and spent the card. [More]

Burglars Take 34 Seconds To Swipe Nearly $10K From AZ Apple Store
Forget about the Nicolas Cage movie Gone in 60 Seconds. A pair of swift-moving Arizona bandits made off with $9,400 in Apple Store goods in the time it takes your iTunes to boot up. [More]

Hey, Is This An Apple Store, Or A Computer School?
Mark tells Consumerist that he noticed a disturbing trend while shopping at his local Apple Store this weekend. While using the display models and contemplating a purchase, he and his son were displaced twice to make room for a customer training session. Does the Apple Store still exist to sell computers, Mark wonders, or is it now primarily an educational institution? [More]

The Apple Store Guy Could Tell I'd Had A Bad Day, So He Pretended My Laptop Was Still Under Warranty
Michael says his virtual life was shattered when his out-of-warranty MacBook crapped out, but he lucked into a free replacement at a San Diego Apple Store, where he took his computer and knelt at the altar, hoping for a miracle. [More]

Apple Genius Insults Customer, But Apple Corporate Steps In To Fix Things
Frank, one of the Geniuses at Tim’s nearby Apple store, was kind of an ass to Tim and his wife when they brought in their iMac to replace it. Luckily, a woman at Apple’s corporate office actually responded to Tim’s complaint and provided excellent customer service. [More]

Apple Store Is Efficient And User-Friendly For Thieves
I’ve always found Apple Stores to be open and inviting. A team of thieves in New Jersey evidently agree with me. They smashed the front window of the Promenade at Sagemore store in Marlton, N.J. and cleaned out the display models. How long did it take them to steal 23 Macbook Pros, 14 iPhones, and 9 iPod Touches? Thirty-one seconds. Yes, there’s surveillance video.