
(So Cal Metro)

Frontier’s New Reservation System Proving To Be A Headache For Travelers

There are bound to be a few hiccups when a company changes software for a program that is integral to business. But customers say the transition for Frontier Airlines’ new reservation system has been full of turbulence. [More]

(Atwater Village Newbie)

Woman Says United Airlines Flight Attendant Shamed Her For Breastfeeding During Flight

For years now nursing mothers have encountered any number of displeased looks, rude remarks and requests to cover up. A Vancouver mother says she was the latest victim of such a run-in when a flight attendant on a United Airlines flight tossed a blanket to her husband in an attempt to get her to cover up.

(David Transier)

American Airlines Refused To Refund Ticket After Fourth-Grader’s Death

Following the death of their young daughter, an Illinois family couldn’t bear the thought of following through with a long-planned spring break trip, so they asked American Airlines to refund the ticket purchased in their daughter’s name. While airlines have varying policies regarding refunds and deaths, the family says they were shocked when the airline refused the refund. [More]


Airlines Expecting Number Of Passengers Flying This Spring To Hit 7-Year High

Americans are taking to the skies in numbers that are expected to surpass the amount of passengers in the last seven years, falling just shy of the number of air travelers in 2007, just before the recession smacked the country back down to the ground. [More]

(Adam Fagen)

Southwest Says Man Didn’t Show Up For Flight, Cancels Ticket While He’s On The Plane

When a passenger doesn’t show up for the first leg of their flight, airlines typically cancel the trip at the cost of the traveler. That seems to have been the case for a Michigan man, who says that when Southwest Airlines canceled his ticket for being a no-show, he was on the very flight the airline accused him of missing [More]

American Airlines Super Sorry About Leaving Passenger On Hold For 6 Hours

American Airlines Super Sorry About Leaving Passenger On Hold For 6 Hours

If you’ve tried to fly this winter, chances are you’ve hit some weather-related delays or cancelations and ended up in line or on the phone waiting to speak to someone who could help you out. But odds are that you didn’t wait as long as the one Florida woman who spent six hours trapped on hold with American Airlines. [More]

The tweet that has since been deleted. (@JetBlue)

JetBlue Realizes Pun Referencing Large Flying Machines Falling From The Sky Is Not The Best Idea

JetBlue is busy apologizing on Twitter for a now-deleted and ill-advised Tweet that made a bad pun referencing the Hindenburg Disaster. Too soon, perhaps, but also, reminding people of the time a flying machine crashed isn’t the best way to instill confidence in your own flying machines. Just sayin’. [More]

(Eric Spiegel)

Passenger Rights Group Calls For Cap To Airline Change Fees For International Flights

Under certain circumstances – like significant weather events – airlines allow passengers to change their travel plans at no extra cost.But generally travelers can expect to pay upwards of hundreds of dollars to revise their travel plans. Now a group of passenger rights advocates are asking U.S. regulators to adopt a more reasonable change fee cap of $100 for international flights. [More]

(Chris Rief)

Report Claims That You Secretly Love Airline Fees

If we were to head over to any airport in the country today and ask travelers whether they liked being charged add-on fees for checking bags, sitting in an exit row, food, entertainment, headphones, WiFi, or priority boarding, the consensus would undoubtedly be that these costs are a nickel-and-diming nuisance. But one airline industry analyst claims that travelers are secretly in love with these charges. [More]


Delta Air Lines Passenger Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Flight Crew Members, Police Officer

It’s one thing to have a mile-high cocktail, but it’s an entirely another to get to the point where you’re kicking and screaming at the flight crew. Los Angeles airport police say they arrested an intoxicated Delta Air Lines passenger after she allegedly became “belligerent” toward the crew during a flight. [More]

(Joel Zimmer)

U.S. Airports Ditching Customs Forms For Travelers To Speed Things Up

The millions of passengers flying into U.S. airports will have one fewer hassle to deal with after those often long flights, as the White House said it’s doing away with customs forms by the end of 2016. [More]


Court Sentences Former Korean Air Executive To One Year In Prison For “Nut Rage” Incident

Showing that the country does not take it lightly when the upper-class behaves badly, a South Korean court just handed down a prison sentence of one year for the former Korean Air executive who went into an infamous “nut rage” over improperly served macadamias on a flight in December last year. [More]


United Blames Ridiculously Cheap First-Class Fares On Software Glitch, Won’t Honor Those Tickets

Yesterday, a travel blogger figured out that by changing United Airlines’ online booking page to Denmark, travelers could take advantage of what appeared to be a crazy conversion rate to buy super cheap tickets between London and Newark. But what do they say when something seems too good to be true? Yup. It probably is: United now says it won’t be honoring those fares, blaming a third-party software provider. [More]


U.S. Airlines Were Tardy, Bumped More Passengers And Lost A Bunch Of Bags In 2014

There’s bad news, and then there’s the slightly less bad news: In 2014, passengers suffered as airlines were on-time less often, lost bags at a higher rate and bumped more people than the year before. But at least airlines canceled fewer flights, and there were fewer lengthy delays leaving travelers stranded on the tarmac, so there’s that. [More]


Airlines Cancel More Than 5,400 Flights As Winter Storms Pummel U.S. Airports

Because Mondays just aren’t bad enough, it seems Mother Nature is having a bit of a giggle after forcing the second work week in a row with nasty winter storms, snarling traffic at airports from Chicago to the East Coast and prompting more than 5,400 flight cancellations since Sunday. [More]

David Transier

Is Consolidation On The Horizon For Budget Airlines?

In recent years, the airline industry has undergone a rather stark transformation through a series of mega-mergers between legacy carriers. Still, one group has been left relatively untouched: budget carriers. But the Chairman of the Board for Frontier Airlines sees a future with fewer bottom-dollar airline brands. [More]


Should Airlines Be Required To Find Stranded Travelers Flights On Competitors’ Planes?

So far this year, more than 162,000 flights have been canceled for one reason or another, including the polar vortex and a torched air traffic control center in Chicago. While the airlines may call these cancellations a small inconvenience, passengers know that’s not true, especially since it has become increasingly difficult to rebook their travel. Now, passenger rights groups are seeking changes to make traveling an easier experience for consumers. [More]

(Martin Rottler)

Delta Employee Arrested After Allegedly Helping To Smuggle Guns On Flight

Perhaps the Transportation Security Administration’s recent reminder that guns aren’t permitted in carry-on bags should have explicitly stated that this rule also applies to airline workers. But we doubt that would have stopped a Delta baggage handler from allegedly smuggling more than 100 guns onto flights with the help of a former co-worker.