Teaser for Zune, Microsoft’s iPod

Via Jkrew. However, there does seem to be an inverse-relationship between the product values and boringness level. Most of the ad is preoccupied with showing us the target audience for the mp3 player. Their target is everyone. Try and figure out the titles on the director’s sheet when they were casting for type. We’ve started a few for you.

Fu Qinzhu Pimps Fu Qin KFC

Fu Qinzhu Pimps Fu Qin KFC

In the mid 1600s, Fu Qingzhu paused from his campaign against the mindless slaughter being committed by those Manchurian Bastards to preach the perfection of the KFC Chicken Burger to his seven sword apprentices. Or so claims a KFC commercial currently airing in China and playing off of the 2005 success of Tsui Hark’s Seven Swords. Unfortunately, the Chinese don’t quite dig Fu Qingzhu’s recast as a sort of Asiatic Colonel Sanders.

Head-On Gives Slate Hard-On

Head-On Gives Slate Hard-On

Slate discovered everyone’s favorite ad you ad apply directly to the forehead and uncovered the method, yes there is one, behind the madness! behind the madness! behind the madness!

Spirit Air Endorses Jeb Bush in $20.08

Spirit Air Endorses Jeb Bush in $20.08

If you like to leave your politics on the ground when you fly, you might be interested in this new promotion Spirit Air is running.

Redux; Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Last month we posted the commercial for Head On! – a headache relief stick that you rub on your brow. The commercial repeats “Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!” over and over again.

Andy Warhol Teaches You Japanese Colors

Andy Warhol certainly has a cool command of Japanese in the 80’s ad for TDK, doesn’t he? “Aka… Midori… Ao… Gunzyouiro…Kirei!” Red, green, blue, ultramarine, beautiful, for the record. Not that you’ll care after Warhol’s eyes horrifically snap open and appear to be black pools of staring blood.

US Airways to Sell Ads on Barf Bags

US Airways to Sell Ads on Barf Bags

Desperate to squeeze dollars from every possible orifice, US Airways announced plans to turn air sickeness bags into revenue streams.

Ads Call Graffiti ‘Pollution’; Grafiiti Says, ‘Likewise’

Ads Call Graffiti ‘Pollution’; Grafiiti Says, ‘Likewise’

BBDO launched a pro-bono advertising campaign for the city of San Francisco desgined to curb graffiti.

Vonage Supports Spyware

Vonage Supports Spyware

Ben Edelman has put up an excellent portrait of how Vonage, embattled internet phone company, supports spyware. Quite thorough, Ben traces the money trail from Vonage, through its advertising partners and to the guys downloading adserving programs on your computer without your consent. Screenshots and logs bolster his thesis.

Lucky Strike Means WTF

Back in the 50’s, these Lucky strike stop motion ads were almost as pervasive as smoke in a maternity ward.

Mary Tyler Moore, Oven Sprite

We might have unicorns in Wendy’s commercials but in the 1950’s, they had magical fairies, and Mary Tyler Moore. Before she became Mrs. Dick Van Dyke, Moore was was Happy Hotpoint, a blithe, dancing, 3-inch pixie shilling for Hotpoint appliances on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.

IKEA Sale Is On Sale

IKEA Sale Is On Sale

Google on Click Fraud: *Shrugs Shoulders*, “Meh.”

Google on Click Fraud: *Shrugs Shoulders*, “Meh.”

Google CEO Eric Schmidt: “there is a perfect economic solution [to click fraud] which is to let it happen.”

Burger King: The Movie!

Burger King: The Movie!

Why bother to pay for product placement when you can just make a whole damn movie? Burger King and Crispin Porter & Bogusky agree and have announced their intention to bring the burger to the big screen.

Sledgehammer to Heel, ABC Tries To Hobble Tivo

Sledgehammer to Heel, ABC Tries To Hobble Tivo

One of the best things about Tivo is the ad-skipping feature. ABC now wants to kill that and is holding meetings with DVR manufacturers to add a ‘feature’ to eliminate it all together. A feature to eliminate a feature? How zen.

Sony PSP: Racist?

Sony PSP: Racist?

The internets are burning, aflame with outrage over this allegedly racially charged campaign Sony launched in Amsterdam to intro the new white PSP. The argument seems to hinge around that showing a black person and white person together, in combat, is racist. Previously, the PSP was only available in black. We don’t particularly find the ad racist, or even that interesting, just another shiny TBWA drop of gloss.

Chrysler’s Final 0% Solution

There are absolutely no new ideas in advertising. In this latest proof, Chrysler rips off Volkswagen ripping off Mitsubishi by playing up the combustible engine’s ethnic heritage, in this case, as in VW’s, German. The campaign introduces Dr. Z as CEO and spokesmensch. To cries of “I can’t see any lederhosen,” Daimler replies, “Farfegcocca.”

Time To Look Up Attorneys In Verizon SuperPages

Time To Look Up Attorneys In Verizon SuperPages

It’s nice to tell Verizon they can’t have any more of your money. Less nice? When they decide to just take it anyway.