Great Moments in Advertising: Sure Men Deodorant

Great Moments in Advertising: Sure Men Deodorant

Portapotties Get Branded

Portapotties Get Branded

Truth in Advertising

of business mannerisms intact, but with refreshingly blunt dialogue coming from all the characters mouths. “You must keep the Teddy Bear logo.”

David Lynch’s Parisienne Cigarettes Ad

A cigarette ad for Parisienne by David Lynch. “Parisienne People,” the ad campaign claims. In this case, Parisienne People are apparently nightmarish, slow-motion ghouls who drink muddy water from the ground and can make thousands of sausages fly into the air. Now that makes me want a nice, mild smoke.

The Adventures of Pepsiman

It’s Labor Day weekend. That means today’s a half-day for me and Ben. It also means that, depending how drunk we get, there may very well not be any posts on Monday. It also means that the posts we do put up today are going to be slacker heaven.

Comcast Statement on TV Guide Ads

Comcast Statement on TV Guide Ads

Comcast sent us this statement on the ads, which explains why only some people are seeing them at some times, and how they’re here to stay:

UPDATE: Comcast Guide Re-Added

Last night, Comcast put ads on the TV guide channel. People were mad. Then they took ’em off. People were happy.

UPDATE: Comcast Guide De-Added

UPDATE: Comcast Guide De-Added

The Comedian reports that just a few hours later, the Comcast guide ads are gone.

Adding Ads To Guide Channel, Comcast Perturbs

Adding Ads To Guide Channel, Comcast Perturbs

Blogger “The Comedian” isn’t laughing about the latest addition to his Comcast service. The cable company just added ads to the guide menu. The Comedian reports being “ticked off.” Another reader, Philip, is even more vituperative. He says he’s, ” …boiling with rage! …furious with anger!”

MySpace’s Racist Ring Tone Ads

MySpace’s Racist Ring Tone Ads

On one hand, it’s hard to believe that MySpace endorsed or even saw this advertisement for cell phone ringtones that it’s been displaying on their web page. On the other hand, this sort of big-lipped, bone-through-the-fro depiction of an African hasn’t been acceptable since some of Louis Armstrong’s more colorful Max Fleischer appearances.

Clowns Choose Camels For Superior Flavor, Poignancy

Clowns Choose Camels For Superior Flavor, Poignancy

NYT reporteth:

Camp Stove Runs Completely On Innuendo

Camp Stove Runs Completely On Innuendo

This instruction booklet for the MSR Whisper Lite gets pretty hardcore in its murmurings.

Sierra Mist Ad Develops New Meaning Post 8/10

Jonathan Cowperthwait points us to a Sierra Mist commercial set in an airport security line. Our wild guesstimate is that it won’t be seen on TV anymore, strange prescience aside.

Prusakolep: Kill Cockroaches on LSD

After that sleazy Joe Francis story, I think we all could use a burst of sunshine to break through the clouds of our thoughts. So I’m pleased to call your attention to this commercial for Prusakolep… the best commercial ever made. It views like a lost scene from Skidoo, featuring kitchens and schooners overrun by cockroaches… not to mention the most captivating and apropos synthesizer rendition of La Cucaracha ever recorded.

Head-On Watch Continues

It’s been a busy week for HeadOn. After making the blog rounds, it was the subject of a Slate feature and it burbled up to national media, appearing on the Nightly News, MSNBC and NPR’s “Day to Day.”

NBC Hates HeadOn

“It may be the most annoying commercial on television. It’s repetitive, it’s simplistic, it’s production values are beyond cheap, it’s insultingly basic and worse yet, it is still higher brow than NBC’s target demographic.”

Sundek Beachwear’s Scary Hooks

Sundek Beachwear’s Scary Hooks

Hooked flesh is kinda cool. It definitely worked for the meatpacking district and the Hellraiser series. When you’re spinning fairly standard (or at least, certainly not deadly in its level of attractiveness) beachwear? Not so much.

A Change of Pace from All This Thinking: Bad Ads Photoshop Contest

A Change of Pace from All This Thinking: Bad Ads Photoshop Contest