Pharma Medicine

Rite-Aid Made My Mom Think I Got Married Behind Her Back

Rite-Aid Made My Mom Think I Got Married Behind Her Back

New "Pro-Life" Pharmacies Won't Sell You Birth Control

New "Pro-Life" Pharmacies Won't Sell You Birth Control

Putting their own beliefs ahead their customers’, the DMC Pharmacy, scheduled to open in Chantilly, VA., is among a growing number of “pro-life” pharmacies that will not sell any form of contraception. According to the Washington Post, the pharmacy, an expansion of Divine Mercy Care, asserts a “right of conscience” which means they won’t provide any services or products that they find objectionable. Details, inside…

The 10 Most Reputable Companies In The U.S.

The 10 Most Reputable Companies In The U.S.

The Research Institute has compiled a list of the most reputable companies in the U.S., “calculated by averaging perceptions of trust, esteem, admiration, and good feeling obtained from a representative sample of 100 local respondents who were familiar with the company.” (Then they do some statistical stuff to it.) Coming in at #1 is Google, which we think is remarkable considering how much data the company has managed to collect over the past several years, and continues to collect with new record-keeping initiatives like Google Health.

CVS Doesn't Like Kids

CVS Doesn't Like Kids

Lisa sent us a short angry email about her local CVS, and how it treats local teens. Her local store separates customers into two lines, and the line containing the 18 and under crowd is only allowed into the store two at a time. The store employees say it’s to keep down shoplifting. Lisa thinks it’s blatant ageism, and she’s avoiding the store from now on. Teens can be annoying, but did CVS cross the line in punishing all for the bad actions of a few? Read her letter and leave your comments, inside.

Call For Entries: What Are The Most Disturbing "Side Effects" Mentioned in Drug Ads?

Call For Entries: What Are The Most Disturbing "Side Effects" Mentioned in Drug Ads?

We’re putting together a “top 10” list of disturbing side effects mentioned in drug ads and we wanted to make sure we didn’t miss any.

Walgreens Pill-Flipping Scheme Costs Taxpayers Millions

Walgreens Pill-Flipping Scheme Costs Taxpayers Millions

Thanks to an anonymous whistle-blower, a Walgreens pill-flipping scheme has been blown wide open, according to CBS. “Pill-flipping” refers the practice of pharmacies that purposefully switch Medicaid patients to more expensive versions of certain drugs for the sole reason of collecting more money from the government. Naturally, when this happens, taxpayers pick up the bill. Athough, Walgreen’s officially denies any wrongdoing they have agreed to pay the government more than $35 million. Details, inside…

The Battle Of The Biggest Killer: Prescription Drugs V. Illegal Drugs

The Battle Of The Biggest Killer: Prescription Drugs V. Illegal Drugs

So, Florida is apparently plagued by addicted prescription-poppers and not the pot-addled deviants targeted by our government’s so-called “War on Drugs.” A new report shows that prescription drugs killed three-times more Floridians than illegal drugs, and not because old people can’t follow doctor’s orders. Addictive prescriptions like Vicodin, OxyContin, Valium and Xanax killed more users than all illegal drugs combined.

NY AG Will Take Legal Action Against CVS & Rite Aid For Selling Expired Milk, Baby Formula

NY AG Will Take Legal Action Against CVS & Rite Aid For Selling Expired Milk, Baby Formula

Back in March, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s Office started an undercover investigation into all major drug store chains in New York State. The AG’s Office uncovered what they describe as an “egregious” pattern of selling expired products at two chains, Rite Aid ad CVS.

CVS In Pennsylvania Keeps Pharmacy Supplies At Toasty 93 Degrees

CVS In Pennsylvania Keeps Pharmacy Supplies At Toasty 93 Degrees

A CVS in Cressona, PA has had chronic air conditioning problems “for over a year and a half now” according to the employee our tipster spoke with. Now Frank wants to know whether or not it’s safe to store so much medicine in such intense heat. It certainly goes against the storage instructions for a lot of meds.

FDA: If You Use The Foot Ulcer Cream Regranex, You May Die From Cancer

FDA: If You Use The Foot Ulcer Cream Regranex, You May Die From Cancer

Bad news from the FDA: people who treat their foot and leg ulcers with the cream Regranex are five-times more likely to die from cancer.

My Wife Was Attacked In The Parking Lot And Rite Aid Won't Help!

My Wife Was Attacked In The Parking Lot And Rite Aid Won't Help!

Virginia police are unable to track down the creep who grabbed Michael’s wife in a Rite Aid parking lot because Rite Aid is refusing to hand over its security tapes. Even worse, the store manager apparently knows the creepy grabber guy and is also refusing to help. Michael wrote to Rite Aid’s corporate office begging them to cooperate with law enforcement. He hasn’t heard back in two days.

CVS Accidentally Gives You Leukemia Drugs, Sends You To Intensive Care For A Week

CVS Accidentally Gives You Leukemia Drugs, Sends You To Intensive Care For A Week

You should always check to make sure the medicines you get are the medicines you’re prescribed. Dorothy Enriquez learned this lesson the hard way when she began taking the leukemia drugs that CVS gave her instead of her actual prescription. Not only did the pharmacy give her the wrong drug, but at several times the recommended dose for someone who actually has leukemia.

Why Is CVS Selling Year-Old Expired Eye Ointment?

Why Is CVS Selling Year-Old Expired Eye Ointment?

Raghu wants to know why CVS sold her a bottle of Tears Naturale PM that expired last year. We’re all for pushing expiration dates, but not with year-old preservative-free medicine that is meant to stay in your eye overnight.

GSK Sued For Fraudulently Delaying Generic Version Of Wellbutrin

GSK Sued For Fraudulently Delaying Generic Version Of Wellbutrin

A class action lawsuit has been filed accusing GlaxoSmithKline of lying to the Patent office and dickering with fake patent litigation against generic drug makers to fraudulently stymie generic versions of Wellbutrin from hitting the market. The lawsuit applies to people who directly bought Wellbutrin from GSK in 100 or 150mg hits between Jan 24, 2002 and June 30, 2006. Obviously, the long GSK could keep a generic version of their drug off the market, the more money they could make. People interested in joining could probably contact the firm of Roda and Nast, lead plaintiff team, for more information.

Walgreens Thanks Nurse For Rescuing Comatose Diabetic By Sending Her Glucometer Bill

Walgreens Thanks Nurse For Rescuing Comatose Diabetic By Sending Her Glucometer Bill

A woman went into a potentially fatal diabetic coma while in line at a New York-area Walgreens. Two nurses and an off duty sheriff’s officer happened to be in line. They grab a carton of OJ, some sugar, and a glucometer and manage to raise her blood sugar a little bit. According to their reports, after the paramedics took the patient away, the Walgreens manager came out to demand that the merchandise be paid for, otherwise it’s shoplifting. Good thing they were there, otherwise he might have tried to fine the diabetic for blocking the checkout line.

CVS Refuses Foreign ID To Buy "Plan B" Birth Control

CVS Refuses Foreign ID To Buy "Plan B" Birth Control

Reader John and his friend Michelle found themselves in a situation where they needed to get “Plan B” birth control, also known as “the morning after pill.” They went to their local CVS in Hawthorne, CA. and met an uncooperative pharmacist who refused them access to the pills because Michelle only had foreign ID to prove she is of legal age. (18+) The pharmacist also refused John’s state issued ID with the reason that it could not be sold to man, however, the FDA’s website clearly says that Plan B can be sold OTC to a man or woman who is 18 or over. Find out what happened to John and Michelle, inside….

CVS Stole My $11.78, And Refuses To Give It Back!

CVS Stole My $11.78, And Refuses To Give It Back!

Reader Julie ran into some trouble at the CVS when a cash register rebooted while processing her transaction and the employee, rather than voiding the messed up transaction, simply charged her twice. Julie writes:

Walmart's "$4 Prescription Plan" Adds OTC Drugs, 90-day Supplies For $10

Walmart's "$4 Prescription Plan" Adds OTC Drugs, 90-day Supplies For $10

Walmart’s $4 prescription plan is getting even cheaper, says Reuters. The big blue box will add 1,000 over-the-counter items for $4 or less and make some drugs available in a 90-day supply for only $10 — thus kicking K-mart’s 90-day supply program squarely in the teeth.