Government Policy

Recalls: Attack Of The Unsafe Washing Machines!

Recalls: Attack Of The Unsafe Washing Machines!

Hazard: Water leakage onto the electrical connections to the washing machine’s thermal sensor could cause an electrical short and ignite a circuit board, posing a fire hazard to consumers.

Purdue University Will Gladly Forward RIAA Letters To Students

Purdue University Will Gladly Forward RIAA Letters To Students

If an Internet user notified decides not to pay the settlement, the music association will ask the university for its computer logs so it can pursue legal action. University spokeswoman Jeanne Norberg said the university would comply with the requests.

Recalled Pet Food Still On Walmart Shelves

Recalled Pet Food Still On Walmart Shelves

We found over three shelves full of Ol’ Roy, one of the recalled brands.

Lawsuit: US Department Of Education Overcharging On Student Loans?

Lawsuit: US Department Of Education Overcharging On Student Loans?

Has the US Department of Education been unfairly overcharging millions of Americans despite “repeated warnings that it was breaking the law?” According to a lawsuit filed yesterday, the Department of Education may have some explaining to do.

Tax Tip: Cell Phones Qualify For Telephone Excise Tax Refund

Tax Tip: Cell Phones Qualify For Telephone Excise Tax Refund

You may be one of the nearly 160 million phone customers who can request a refund of the 3% federal excise tax paid on long-distance and bundled phone service billed after Feb. 28, 2003 and before Aug. 1, 2006. Federal long-distance excise taxes paid on cell phone, land line, fax, Internet phone service and bundled service all qualify for the refund.

For more information about the telephone excise tax refund, click here.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Will Not Forward RIAA Letters To Students

University of Wisconsin-Madison Will Not Forward RIAA Letters To Students

Jason, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has written in to share what his school is doing in response to the RIAA campaign. In this campaign, attorneys for Sony, Universal, EMI, Warner Music Group and more sent letters to several colleges demanding that they be forwarded to students. The letter (PDF) threatens students with a lawsuit and instructs them to identify themselves and pay a settlement to the recording companies via the website

Massive Pet Food Recall After Animal Deaths

Massive Pet Food Recall After Animal Deaths

60 millions cans and pouches of pet food were recalled this weekend after being linked to 10 animal deaths by kidney failure.

UPDATE: Delta Finally Refunds Man Who Tracked Down And Got Prosecuted Baggage Handler Who Stole His Camera

UPDATE: Delta Finally Refunds Man Who Tracked Down And Got Prosecuted Baggage Handler Who Stole His Camera

Remember our reader, Charles, who got his camera stolen by a Delta baggage handler? And how Charles found the camera on eBay and got the guy tracked down, fired, and arrested? And how Delta didn’t give a shit and wasn’t going to refund Charles any money? After we ran his story, the fine folks at the PeterGreenberg radio show stepped in, and Delta agreed to reimburse Charles for the full cost of his original flight. Here’s what they said:

CPA Answers Your Tax Questions For Free

CPA Answers Your Tax Questions For Free

The I Will Teach You To Be Rich blog has a certified public accountant (CPA) guest posting for the next month who will answer reader tax questions for free.

Smart Taxpayer Roundup

Smart Taxpayer Roundup

“…here’s the step by step process for notifying the IRS when nicely phoning the office manager hasn’t worked.”

Tax Tip: Watch Out For Fake IRS Sites

Tax Tip: Watch Out For Fake IRS Sites

The IRS issued an official warning to consumers to watch out for fake IRS sites. The only official IRS website is Any sites ending with .com, .net, or any other common extension are not official IRS sites.

Proposed FCC Rule Would Limit Comcast's Growth

Proposed FCC Rule Would Limit Comcast's Growth

FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin circulated the proposed ownership cap to other commissioners Monday, said Rudy Brioche, a legal advisor to Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein.

Why We Procrastinate On Our Taxes

Why We Procrastinate On Our Taxes

•Delusion No. 1: If I put off filing until the last minute, I’ll have less chance of getting flagged for an audit amid the flood of deadline filers. “I don’t think so,” says Adams. “I’ve never heard that on either this side of the desk or the other.”

RIAA Sues Stroke Victim Who Didn't Even Live In the Correct State

RIAA Sues Stroke Victim Who Didn't Even Live In the Correct State

RIAA Sues Stroke Victim in Michigan [Recording Industry vs The People via BoingBoing]

Still Missing A W-2? Call The IRS

Still Missing A W-2? Call The IRS

Still missing last year’s W-2? We mentioned this tip a month ago, but here’s the step by step process for notifying the IRS when nicely phoning the office manager hasn’t worked.

Colorado Police Looking For Comcast Imposter

Colorado Police Looking For Comcast Imposter

Colorado police are looking for man caught posing as a Comcast employee. The man had no identification and was holding photocopied Comcast brochures as he tried to gain entrance to a home.

Drummer of 'The Band' Sues Cingular Over Commercial

Drummer of 'The Band' Sues Cingular Over Commercial

“It was just a complete, damn sellout of The Band — its reputation, its music; just as much disrespect as you could pour on Richard and Rick’s tombstones,” said Helm, 66, a longtime Woodstock resident.

Rice Containing Human Genes Approved By The USDA

Rice Containing Human Genes Approved By The USDA

For the first time, the USDA has granted preliminary approval for large-scale planting of an engineered food crop that contains human genes.