Government Policy

Government Rules USPS Treated GameFly Unfairly

Government Rules USPS Treated GameFly Unfairly

Putting an end to a two-year dispute between GameFly and the U.S. Postal Service, the Postal Regulatory Commission ruled the USPS has given services such as Netflix and Blockbuster preferential treatment over its own discs. [More]

Delta Warned About Mice Feces On Plane

Delta Warned About Mice Feces On Plane

Most people are worried about a seatmate that takes up more than their fair share of the seats, but on one Delta plane they should be more concerned about a far tinier co-passenger. CNN reports the FDA has sent Delta a warning letter (read it here) about mouse droppings “too numerous to count” onboard one of its planes. [More]

Government Re-Activates Online Poker Domains To Allow Refunds

Government Re-Activates Online Poker Domains To Allow Refunds

Although the government brought the wrath of Olympus down upon law-averting offshore online poker palaces, it’s showing compassion for customers who had money locked up in gambling accounts. Authorities re-activated two previously closed domain names, allowing players to request refunds. [More]

Appeals Court Gives Both Dish, TiVo Reasons To Be Happy, Sad

Appeals Court Gives Both Dish, TiVo Reasons To Be Happy, Sad

TiVo and Dish Network are locked up in a never-ending lawsuit over the satellite provider’s alleged violation of TiVo’s DVR patents, and a U.S. Federal Court of Appeals ruling Wednesday only served to muddle the picture. [More]

FDA Approval for Implants Is Too Slow. Or Is It Too Fast?

FDA Approval for Implants Is Too Slow. Or Is It Too Fast?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration can’t seem to catch a break. Last week, the federal agency came under fire by the Government Accountability Office for its 510(k) program, which expedites approvals of new medical devices without requiring extensive clinical studies. [More]

Airlines Now Actually Have To Return Bag Fees If They Lose Your Bag

Airlines Now Actually Have To Return Bag Fees If They Lose Your Bag

It’s sort of sad that the Department of Transportation actually had to force airlines to refund bag fees if they lose your baggage — but whatever, let’s not dwell. [More]

Man Arrested At Airport After Swearing At Flight Crew

Man Arrested At Airport After Swearing At Flight Crew

Note to flyers: If you’ve got a beef with flight attendants, try not to cuss them out, because losing your temper could lead to your detention and arrest. [More]

FTC Cracks Down On Fake News Sites Shilling For Acai Berries

FTC Cracks Down On Fake News Sites Shilling For Acai Berries

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is taking a harsh legal stand against 10 companies and individuals marketing acai berry weight-loss products online by using fake news websites which imply endorsement from major media outlets — including our sibling publication Consumer Reports. [More]

White House: Docs Need Training Before Prescribing OxyContin & Other Painkillers

White House: Docs Need Training Before Prescribing OxyContin & Other Painkillers

Too many doctors are writing unnecessary prescriptions for painkillers like OxyContin and fentanyl, says the White House. That’s why the administration is looking to push through legislation that would require training for physicians who wish to write prescriptions for these drugs. [More]

Facebook-Suing Twins Appeal The Appeal They Lost

Facebook-Suing Twins Appeal The Appeal They Lost

The twin former Harvard classmates of Facebook CEO/president Mark Zuckerberg, who contend he stole their idea for the site, refuse to give up their quest to procure more than what they got in a previous settlement. Even after a U.S. appeals court judge denied their argument and pointedly told them to give up the case, the twins’ lawyers asked a special 11-judge panel to take a look at their appeal. [More]

Apple Sues Samsung, Alleging It Copied iPad, iPhone

Apple Sues Samsung, Alleging It Copied iPad, iPhone

In the corporate method of waving your hand to tell the teacher the kid at the desk next to you has been peeking at its paper, Apple filed a lawsuit alleging Samsung copied the “look and feel” of its iPad and iPhone. It seems Samsung’s Android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S 4G, Epic 4G and Nexus S drew too much inspiration from istuff for Apple’s liking. [More]

White House Pushes Secure Online Identity System

White House Pushes Secure Online Identity System

In an effort to develop something of a uniform standard for identifying online users, the White House announced plans for the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC). Companies that opt in to guiding the program will aim to allow people to use a single secure verification mechanism to access a number of different services. For example, your ID could potentially allow you access to email, online shopping and social networking sites. [More]

Government Goes All-In Against Online Poker

Government Goes All-In Against Online Poker

If you were planning on making your fortune on your sofa, taking fools’ money in online poker, it’s probably time to think of a plan B. Feds are making like Eliot Ness in an effort to shut down offshore companies that let Americans subvert in the nation’s online gambling laws. G-men have filed an indictment against several individuals accused of operating illegal internet poker speakeasies. [More]

FAA Makes Changes To Keep Air Traffic Controllers From Falling Asleep On The Job

FAA Makes Changes To Keep Air Traffic Controllers From Falling Asleep On The Job

Following a rash of incidents — like this one and this one — where air traffic controllers were caught snoozing on the job, the Federal Aviation Administration has issued some new rules that will hopefully give the controllers more rest and more supervision. [More]

Why Form 1040X Can Be Your Best Friend

Why Form 1040X Can Be Your Best Friend

If you’ve waited until the last possible moment to do your taxes, there’s probably a better chance that you’ll rush through the process and make an error. An error you’ll only realize you’ve made just after you’ve clicked on the e-file button or after the mailman has spirited your return off to Mount Doom. [More]

Complaining About Airport Security Could Tag You As A Possible Threat

Complaining About Airport Security Could Tag You As A Possible Threat

Almost anyone who has been stuck in the airport security screening line has at least mumbled to themselves about the process, but a new report from CNN says that such behavior could lead to travelers being singled out for further screening. [More]

Study: Suicide Rates Climb In Tough Economic Times

Study: Suicide Rates Climb In Tough Economic Times

According to researchers, suicide rates rise when investments tank and the job market becomes less forgiving, especially among those in the post-college, pre-retirement age range. [More]

Johnson & Johnson's Prescription Drugs Stink Too: 57,000 Bottles Of Topamax Recalled

Johnson & Johnson's Prescription Drugs Stink Too: 57,000 Bottles Of Topamax Recalled

If you thought Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil Labs division — the folks behind all of these recalled over-the-counter drugs — was the only branch of the company capable of creating stinky meds, you were wrong, as J&J has announced a recall of two lots of its prescription anitconvulsant Topamax for that now-classic “uncharacteristic odor.” [More]