If you can’t tell your friend about that one time you were so sh*tcanned you f***d up your f*****g phone when you dropped it in dog sh*t while having a few drinks at the bar, is it really an authentic bar experience? Some pub patrons in England — where bar owners are trying to appeal to families — don’t think so. In fact, they’re pretty f*****g pissed off about new bans on swearing in bars. [More]

Man Arrested At Airport After Swearing At Flight Crew
Note to flyers: If you’ve got a beef with flight attendants, try not to cuss them out, because losing your temper could lead to your detention and arrest. [More]

Carl's Jr. Guy Tells Me He Doesn't Give A F*ck
Frequent commenter Jook checks in with his tale of confronting an alarmingly indifferent and potty-mouthed Carl’s Jr. drive-thru dude who took his time getting some fries through the window, then explained he didn’t “give a f*ck” how long he took. [More]

The Pizza Delivery Guy Cussed Me Out
James says a Papa John’s delivery dude called him a “f*gg*t m*th*rf*ck*r” as part of a blowup in a dispute about whether or not the driver rang the doorbell during an unsuccessful delivery attempt. [More]

Texting While Driving So Distracting That Meredith Vieira Yells "Oh Shit" On TV
Texting while driving is pretty damn distracting. How distracting? Well, it can make a seasoned professional TV anchor yell “Oh shit!” on the air. [More]

Mother Thinks Hannah Montana Doll Is Swearing
We’re going to go ahead and suggest that if you are the type to hear swear words when confronted with awful audio recordings, you not buy dolls that sing. One Florida mom is such a person, and is convinced that her daughter’s Hannah Montana doll has taught her kid to say the “F” word. [More]

Shopper Arrested For Saying "The F Word" At Walmart
Well, here’s a truly weird story, disorderly conduct charges have been dropped against a Texas woman who dropped an f-bomb at her local Walmart.

Parents Think Bratz Baby Doll Says “Fuck You”
Is there no end to the foul things parents hear their children’s toys say? Already this season Ariel the Mermaid has been accused of calling people “sluts.” Now the Bratz baby is saying fuck you to people. Could it be that the doll is singing “So Cute?” That’s what the lyrics posted on the Bratz website say, but that didn’t stop parents from alerting the media. In the news reports they actually beeped out “So Cute” when they played the song, as if that was going to help parents make an informed decision about whether or not “so cute” sounds too much like “fuck you” for their tastes.