Data & Privacy


Your ZIP Code And Your Name, That’s All Retailers Need To Track Your Behavior

How many times have you been asked “May I have your ZIP code?” when paying with a credit card? Many people just assume it’s for security purposes, but in reality it’s more likely that you may have just given marketers access to a wealth of knowledge about you and your shopping habits. [More]

Facebook Home Earning Oodles Of Negative Feedback From Google Play Reviewers

Facebook Home Earning Oodles Of Negative Feedback From Google Play Reviewers

Earlier this month, Facebook announced Facebook Home, the massive upgrade of its Android smartphone app that basically puts the social networking site front-and-center on your device. The app began rolling out to customers late last week, and some of the responses may have you waiting to press “update.” [More]

Bad business move, bro.

Insulting A Customer On Facebook Won’t Reopen Those Restaurants You Had To Close

When you’re a chain restaurant that recently shuttered all but one location in a town, one might think you’d be a bit grumpy. Crankiness aside, firing a parting shot at a customer on Facebook, like one Houston Tex-Mex chain did, isn’t going to bring back those closed locations. Nope. All it’s going to do is anger and alienate your remaining customers. [More]

Facebook “Home” Makes Facebook The Center Of Your Android Phone’s Universe

Facebook “Home” Makes Facebook The Center Of Your Android Phone’s Universe

As promised, Facebook has announced a big new update to its Android mobile platform that integrates the social network deeply into the phone’s operating system, making it the foundation of the smartphone interface. [More]


California Bill Seeks To Give Consumers Access To All That Personal Data Companies Are Mining

We all know (or should know) by now that there’s a whole lot of information about us floating out there on the Internet. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and others are busy collecting that info from data brokers and using it in ways seen and unseen. But it’s hard to put a finger on just what about you these companies have, something a new bill called the Right to Know Act is seeking to change in California. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 2: EA Vs. Facebook

Worst Company In America Round 2: EA Vs. Facebook

Having each thoroughly thrashed their competitors in the opening round, it’s time for the reigning Golden Poo holder and the current king of social media to pick on someone their own size. [More]

Dispatches from the employed, but unhappy.

FireMe Helps The World Discover How You Really Feel About Your Job

Do you hate your job? Do you love social media? Do you make the mistake of combining the two? If so, you may find yourself featured on FireMe, a research project that highlights public tweets from people talking $@#% about their boss and/or employment situation. [More]

The mysterious press invite sent out Thursday night.

Is The ‘Facebook Phone’ Really Just A Better Facebook App For Android?

There have been rumors for a while that Facebook, like Google, would be getting into the hardware business and last night’s press invite from Facebook for some big Android-related announcement spurred all sorts of talk about an actual “Facebook Phone,” but some says it’s likely just Facebook finally getting around to releasing an Android app that functions properly. [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America Not-So-Sweet 16!

Meet Your Worst Company In America Not-So-Sweet 16!

Last week, 32 terrible titans of industry stepped on to the blood-stained mat of WCIA Death-and-Dismemberment Arena, but only 16 remain in this bestial battle royale to take home the treasured Golden Poo. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Google Vs. Facebook

Worst Company In America Round 1: Google Vs. Facebook

Two of the Internet’s coolest kids take a break from collecting every possible bit of data about consumers in order to beat each other into submission in a much-anticipated WCIA cage match. [More]


Hacker Gets 41 Months In Prison For iPad Data Breach

Remember back in 2010, when some hackers discovered an exploit with AT&T’s system that allowed them to access and publish account information for around 114,000 iPad users? One of the fellas behind that breach was sentenced earlier today to 41 months behind bars. [More]

The update alert being pushed out to some Android users (via

Facebook Android App Wants To Bypass Google Play Store For Updates

As most Android users know, one of the nice things about the operating system is that you don’t always have to get your apps through the official Google Play app store. But usually, any future updates to an app come through whichever store you downloaded the app from. Except now Facebook is asking some Android users to accept an update in the app itself that would allow future updates to be pushed through without notice. [More]


Facebook Might Introduce Hashtags & Twitter Is Like, “Welcome To Five Years Ago”

If the rumors are true and Facebook starts using hashtags, Twitter might get a bit peeved. On one hand, it’s just another symbol sitting there on the keyboard, but on the other, it’s been pretty widely known as strictly Twitter territory. A new report says Facebook wants to get in on the hashtag action, which could elevate the already frosty relationship between the two social networks to ice cold. [More]

The opposite of this could be coming to a Facebook page near you soon. (afagen)

FTC Says Social Media Ads Have To Be Held To Same Rules As Traditional Ads

One of the important duties held by the Federal Trade Commission is making sure ads don’t mislead consumers. Yesterday the FTC set out clear rules for short-form ads on social media like Twitter and Facebook as well. Namely, they have to be held to the same basic requirement as other advertising — be upfront about what’s going on. [More]


Netflix Users Can Now Hook Up Accounts To Facebook, Gab About Finally Watching ‘Dr. Who’

I can post all day long on Facebook that I’m seriously addicted to The Walking Dead but wouldn’t it just be great if my Netflix account was connected to Facebook? That way when I finally join the cult of Doctor Who* like everyone is telling me to do, my pals will just know. Netflix will be able to do just that after a long battle with U.S. regulators. [More]

"Goodbye Clutter," says Facebook. Hello, likely user complaints.

Facebook’s Newsfeed Redesign Seeks To De-Clutter, Makes Everything Bigger

Listen. You’re probably going to freak out about Facebook redesigning its newsfeed yet again, so let’s get that out of the way [cue freakout]. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to what Mark Zuckerberg and company announced today at the unveiling. Basically everything is getting a lot bigger and less cluttered. [More]

Jerry could've been in social media.

Help Us Help You: One Company’s Social Media Rep Explains How To Get Complaints Resolved

A common refrain here at Consumerist that we try to promote is “kill’em with kindness.” Shouting, writing angry emails in all caps and generally freaking out at customer service representatives are all tactics guaranteed to make your quest for a positive resolution a lot harder. And as one company’s social media rep writes in to explain to Consumerist, often complaining customers aren’t doing anything to help her help them. [More]