Find Out How Much Your Insurer Sucks

So you suspect your health/auto/home insurer is run by the devil, but you’re not sure whether the alternative you’re considering is any better. Kiplinger Finance has posted a helpful article on how to find the complaint ratio of an insurer via the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ website. Update: here’s how to file your own complaint.

When you’re shopping for an insurance company, check the insurer’s complaint record — especially if it’s a small insurer that’s offering a good rate, but you haven’t heard much about its reputation. Saving a few dollars per year in premiums can backfire if the insurer hassles you at claim time.

To access this information, go to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Consumer Information Source. Type in the name of the company, the state where you live and the type of insurance. (Under “statement type” and “business type,” click on “property/casualty” for home and auto insurance or “life, accident and health.”) The site then provides the insurer’s national complaint statistics.

We tested it with a sample health insurer:

Ohh, you got busted United HealthCare! Hmm… somehow that doesn’t actually make me feel triumphant.

“How to Check an Insurer’s Complaint Record” [Kiplinger]
NAIC Consumer Information Source
(Photo of cat: Pink Sherbet Photography)