Pizza Hut Australia Now Offers Doritos-Coated Crust Image courtesy of This is not a drill. This is a real pizza.
Pizza Hut may have introduced an amazing array of pizza variations recently, but their newest variation is one that you won’t be able to find in this country. While a Doritos-coated, cheese-stuffed pizza crust might seem like a quintessentially American treat, you can only get this pizza in Australia.
Sometimes the delicacies and monstrosities that fast-food chains offer abroad eventually make their way to the United States. Considering the success of Doritos Locos Tacos, this product seems like a good candidate for Pizza Hut to export back to its home country.
“We know from research how big an impact the crunch sound has on one’s appetite,” the company quotes Fatima Syed, for The Hut Down Under. “This is an all taste, no waste pizza.” We hope that Pizza Hut has more advanced snack chip pizza technology than competitor Papa John’s, which produced a Fritos pizza that our readers mostly found to be crunch-free and kind of gross.
The crust is available only for a limited time, but you can match it up with any regular Pizza Hut toppings. If you’re in Australia. And you dare to try a Doritos-encrusted pizza.

This is not a drill. This is a real pizza.
Pizza Hut and Doritos create the ultimate cruuunchy stuffed crust [Press Release] (via 7Deadly)
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