Woman Shouting Obscenities Kicked Off U.S. Airways Flight

While we’ve never had occasion to experience it, getting kicked off a plane cannot be a fun time. But it isn’t just a terrible experience for the person in the midst of being taken away, but often it’s a very uncomfortable, cringeworthy event for all those around. To wit: A woman screaming obscenities at her captors on a US Airways flight as they take her into custody and force her off the plane.
And because we live in a world with a million electronic eyes ready to record our actions for posterity (as if posterity will even want to see some of this stuff), a music video director happened to be on the same flight bound from Philadelphia International Airport — where the incident took place — and Portugal, reports the New York Daily News, and caught part of the scuffle on tape.
The video he captured only shows officials and some others he says could be air marshals or perhaps just normal citizens, telling the NYDN people were still boarding the plane when she first started shouting.
“The woman walked on the plane and she was yelling a bunch,” he said. “I don’t know if she was excited or happy or scared. She was swearing a lot.”
He adds on Reddit that she started by yelling that they were going to Portugal, not Brazil, and being “loud and obnoxious.” He notes that it’s likely that some of the parents with kids complained, at which point, police arrived.
“You need to get up now or I will pick you up. Do you want me to pick you up?” one man tells her, prompting her to yell, “You can’t pick me up, it’s against the law… I’m going to sue the s**t out of you,” she adds as the scuffle begins.
By the end, as you can see in the very NSFW video below — seriously, she is yelling at the top of her lungs, making me want to do what one little girl in the video does and cover my ears — the obscenities are rolling off her lips as others struggle to subdue her.
“I think the flight attendants and security handled it well,” he said. “I don’t think it got too many people afraid. It’s uneasy seeing a situation like that unfold.”
Again, video is NSFW due to very, very strong language:
SEE IT: Woman shouts obscenities during meltdown on plane at Philadelphia airport [New York Daily News]
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