Sun Chips Bags Shrink From 10 Ounces To 7 Ounces, Price Stays The Same

7 ounces of Sunchips. (Photo: Coyoty)
It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were bemoaning the shrink-rayage of Frito-Lay’s Sun Chips from 11.5 ounces to 10.5 ounces. Turns out it was six years ago. This time, the change is dramatic, and the brand has a Facebook page where customers can rant about the change.
It’s not like Americans need large quantities of corn chips laden with salt and flavoring powder. We’d probably be better off not eating them at all. While such a dramatic decrease is probably better for our health, but any Shrink Rayage makes us sad.
We contacted Frito-Lay to confirm this shrinkage, but they didn’t get back to us. They have been asking customers who complain about the difference to call their customer service line, where they will presumably receive coupons that don’t make up for losing a quarter of the chips in each bag.
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