California Healthcare Phone Number Sends Callers To Hotline Touting “Hot Ladies”

“What kind of ladies, exactly?” (frankieleon)
While at some point in your life it might be beneficial to talk to hot ladies or exciting guys on the phone, it’s not particularly helpful to be directed to a singles hotline when you’re looking for information on healthcare. That’s what happened when some California residents called a number posted on the Covered California homepage recently.
As the deadline to sign up for health coverage approached yesterday, one resident said he was searching for some answers on the Covered California site, but couldn’t get through on the 1-800 number that popped up as he was filling out the required forms to help calculate costs, reports CBS Sacramento.
Stymied by a busy signal, he decided to try the TTY number listed on the site for the hearing impaired and was welcomed to a singles chat line.
“Welcome to America’s hottest talk line. Ladies, to talk to interesting and exciting guys free, press one now. Guys, hot ladies are waiting to talk to you. Press two to connect free now,” the recording says.
At first a spokesperson insisted the incorrect number was never listed on the site, but when the news station offered up a screenshot as evidence, that story changed.
“…After investigating it further, we are reviewing the shop and compare tool as an incorrect number. We’re currently working to correct the problem.”
The correct number is now listed on the site, only one digit off from the hotline, which could explain the confusion.
“I guess it’s an honest mistake,” the man said. “but websites aren’t that hard to keep up right.”
Covered California Sends Deaf Callers To Hotline Offering ‘Hot Ladies’ [CBS Sacramento]
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