Here’s What Servers Look Like When You Tip Them $200

Do you know what would be really nice? If this duo of merry pranksters handing out $200 tips to servers and recording their reactions would swing by St. Louis and visit the waitress who was duped into thinking she’d gotten a $200,000 gratuity.
The guys and gals in the below video from prank group LAHWF (via Guyism) picked three lucky servers to get a handsome tip, but not before priming them with questions beforehand and getting them used to their cameras. So it’s not like it was a complete surprise that something was up.
“What’s the biggest tip you’ve ever gotten?” ask the guys.
“Really? A hundred dollars,” replies one woman.
“A fifty dollar tip,” says another guy.
And to another young lady: “What kind of tip do you want us to leave you?”
“One miiiiillion dollars,” she says with a bit of sass, probably wondering where this question is going, because when there’s a camera involved, it’s got to be going somewhere. “Just kidding,” she relents. “As much as you feel like you want to.”
Everyone gets $200, and of course the guys stick around to film the reactions. Dare we call them money shots?
In any case, it’s one part sweet, one part made-for-YouTube-sharing-in-the-hopes-that-it-goes-viral combined to provide a happy ending for those involved.
“Can you tell people we make $2.13 an hour?” one waiter suggests. Duly noted. Tip your servers, everyone, even if it’s not $200.
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